Chapter 12

Feng Yao saw that the young man was not afraid of the prestige, and he had a heart of love for talents, so he took out half a string of copper coins from his bosom, the amount of which was five hundred coins, and said to the young man: "Your surname is Li and your name is Xi, I think you are Misunderstood, we are not here to grab your booty, but just want to ask you a few questions, if you can answer my questions, the five hundred copper coins will be your reward."

Feng Yao wanted to inquire about Madam Feng's whereabouts and the news of the refugee rebellion last night from these young people.

Li Xi saw Feng Yao take out the copper coin and explained his purpose, the hostility in his eyes lessened a little, but he still hesitated, and the teenagers behind him also began to whisper to guess Feng Yao's identity.

"Don't worry, I will never lie to you. If you don't trust me, I can give you the money first!" Feng Yao shook the copper coins in his hand, and the copper coins made a pleasant collision sound.

Money can make money!The five hundred yuan is almost equivalent to the total income of an ordinary servant for two months. If you buy grain, you can buy two stones of grain. One stone of grain is 120 catties, which can feed a family of three for a month. Feng Yao couldn't believe that these skinny teenagers weren't moved by it.

"Hahahaha!" Li Xi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. After laughing, he pointed to Feng Yao and said, "Do you think the five hundred dollars is useful to us? In places where there is no war, the five hundred dollars can buy food, but the five hundred dollars In my opinion, money is nothing more than a bunch of broken copper! What I want is food! Food! Do you understand? We want something to eat! If you can give us food, let alone answer your questions! What's the point of selling my life to you!!"

"Yes! We want to eat! No money!" Several teenagers echoed Li Xi's words.

Several teenagers even took out a large handful of copper coins from their pockets, threw them on the ground, and said, "Money? What is it? Can it be eaten?"

Feng Yao was taken aback, unexpectedly, the result of the development of the matter was completely opposite to what he thought.

Looking at the sallow, emaciated and malnourished appearances of those teenagers, Feng Yao suddenly laughed!


Now the last thing he needs is food!

As the shopkeeper of a steamed stuffed bun shop, what Feng Yao likes most is to hear someone say: "What's the money! I want delicious steamed stuffed buns!" Although the current situation is a bit different, they still have to be eaten Bar!As long as he wants to eat, Feng Yao is not afraid that they will be disobedient!

"Go! Come with me! Not only will I make you full, but I will also let you eat delicious food that you have never eaten before!!" Feng Yao said with a chuckle.


"He said he had that delicious thing!"

"I want to eat! I'm starving to death!" "..."

As soon as Feng Yao's words fell, the group of teenagers exploded. Some of them couldn't bear it anymore and began to swallow their saliva non-stop. But hunger and thirst were hunger and thirst, and none of the dozen or so teenagers dared to be the first to stand. Come out and follow Feng Yao.

"You are not lying, are you? You want to deceive me and kill us to eat human flesh? Huh, I will not be fooled!" Li Xi said loudly.

"Yes, yes! I have also heard that some people kill children to eat human flesh, saying that the meat of children is tender and delicious than that of adults! We must not be fooled!" A teenager said to other teenagers with a terrified expression.

Feng Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't expect this group of teenagers to be really hard to subdue, so he pretended to be angry and said, "I didn't expect that they are all a group of ants who are greedy for life and afraid of death! They treat my kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs!" , If I didn’t have something to ask you, do you think I would give you something to eat? Forget it, let’s ask someone else, maybe someone knows more information, and it’s enough to give a few hundred dollars, and I won’t ask for it. tasty food!"

Feng Yao said while pulling Dai Ling to pretend to leave. Sure enough, Li Xi caught up with him a few steps after he sighed, and said loudly: "I, Li Xi, am by no means a person who is afraid of death. I will follow you." Let's go! I don't think you look like you have eaten human flesh!!" After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards Feng Yao. Seeing someone taking the lead, the rest of the teenagers swallowed a few times when they thought of delicious food, and followed suit .

Everyone returned to Taolin Residence all the way, Feng Yao didn't break his word, ordered Zhou Cang and others to distribute the steamed buns one by one to Li Xi and other thirteen teenagers, let these teenagers first experience what is delicious, and then subdue them. Late.

Huang Yi's injury is the key today, if it gets better, there will be no serious problems. What Feng Yao is most worried about right now is that Huang Yi has a high fever. If Huang Yi has a high fever, it means that the wound is infected. Feng Yao entered the cave and came to Huang Yi's bed. He stretched out his hand to touch his neck, and it felt a little hot, but fortunately it was not serious, so rest assured, knowing that Huang is also fine.

"Huang Yi, rest at ease and recuperate, he will recover soon!" Feng Yao said.

Huang Yi nodded gratefully and said, "Master!"

Feng Yao nodded, indicating to Huang Yi to take a good rest, and went out of the cave again, wanting to see the situation of the dozen or so young orphans.

"Oh... delicious! This food is so delicious!" Li Xi and other thirteen teenagers gathered around each steamed bun, wishing to have another mouth and eat faster. They don't remember how long it was They haven’t had a good meal like this before, not to mention steamed buns, even hard-faced biscuits with nothing in them. They haven’t eaten them for a long time. Li Xi can still recall half a month ago, The smell of the last piece of cooking cake brought from home.

With his eyes wide open, Li Xi didn't dare to blink. He was afraid that all this was just a dream. Once he closed his eyes, all of this would disappear in an instant. He held a big bag tightly in both hands, and ate desperately.

"Too... good, eat it!..." The teenagers murmured indistinctly in their throats.

A black and thin boy who looked only nine years old suddenly rolled his eyes and straightened his neck.

"Not good! I'm afraid I'm choking!" Feng Yao hurriedly supported the young man and patted him on the back, lest the young man be breathless and be killed by a turtle.

"Eat slowly! Don't rush, there are still a lot of buns, everyone can eat enough!" Feng Yao said.

Zhou Cang and several others also brought water to the youngsters one after another, and handed them to those in need.

"Come on, listen to my sister! Eat one by one, be careful not to choke!" Tian Yuerong also came out at this time, and when she saw this, she pulled the youngest boys to her side and patted them with a loving smile. Teenager's back.

Li Xi is still stubborn to have a big bag in one hand, and he takes a bite of the big bag in his left hand, and then takes a bite of the big bag in his right hand before he starts chewing, while his eyes are still staring at the piles in front of him without blinking. Baozi!He ate desperately, but what no one noticed was that as Li Xi ate, tears slowly poured out, and the dust on his face washed away from the two winding streams along his cheeks and fell into his hands on the steamed stuffed bun.

Feng Yao looked at Li Xi after the choked boy got angry, and then he noticed Li Xi's strangeness, and asked, "Li Xi, what's wrong with you?"

"I! I..., wow...!" Li Xi choked up a few times, and suddenly burst into tears. It took a long time to stop the tears.

"I think of my parents! If they know that their son can eat such delicious buns, they will be very happy! It's a pity-they will never know again!! They all died on the run On the way, if my parents had listened to other people's advice and believed in Buddhism, they wouldn't have ended up like this!" Li Xi said sadly.

Feng Yao was stunned, and thought: "A while ago, I heard people talk about the great prosperity of Buddhism in Xuzhou. It was also rumored that Buddhist monks often donated porridge and food on the side of the road to persuade people to do good deeds, and Buddhism in later generations is one of the three major religions. One, why do some people refuse to believe in Buddhism? There must be something wrong with this matter!"

"Li Xi, please speak slowly and tell me about what happened in Xuzhou and about Buddhism!" Feng Yao pulled Li Xi aside and sat down, and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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