Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 100 Wu Hao Recommended General

Chapter 100 Wu Hao Recommended General
For the whole afternoon, Feng Yao had no intention of recruiting talents, so he simply handed over the whole recruiting matter to Zhi Yue and a few knights, while he went back to the inn, thinking carefully about what method he would use after meeting Hua Tuo. Go and persuade Hua Tuo to join his camp.

When it was dark, Xu Chu returned, but what he brought was news that disappointed Feng Yao. Hua Tuo's home was found, but his family said that because of the recent epidemic in Luoyang, Hua Tuo had already gone out to practice medicine in Luoyang. Now, there is no exact time for where and when I will go home.

After sighing a few times, Feng Yao returned to his normal state of mind, thinking that now that he knew where Hua Tuo's home was, things would be easy in the future, and he would send someone to check on him from time to time, and he would meet Hua Tuo one day.

On the third day, Xu Ding and Zhang Zhai moved all the villagers of Xujiazhuang to Chengfu County in advance. A small number of villagers did not want to go far, so they chose to settle down in Chengfu County, and Feng Yao gave them land and houses one by one.

Good news also came from the recruiting office. Due to the large number of strong men from Xujiazhuang, more than 6000 soldiers were recruited in just three days, and more than 4000 of them came from these strong men. Feng Yao selected a soldier who could read and write from among the 72 knights. For those with strong abilities, they served as generals at the ranks of Shichang, team leader, military marquis, and Buqudu. The corps leader still followed the principle of straightening out recruits.

Xu Chu was trusted and reused by Feng Yao, and he led a team of [-] knights and Xu's relatives, directly obeying Feng Yao's orders.

Xu Chu's elder brother, Xu Ding, was directly appointed as the governor of Buqu, and all of them were the strong men from the original Xujiazhuang.

Feng Yao selected five hundred of the original city father's 72 county soldiers, and dispatched the tribunal governor who was originally guarding the south gate to lead them as his own county soldiers, and assigned them to him, of course, in order to strengthen the city's defense. , and one thousand miscellaneous servants newly donated were used as county soldiers to guard the city, and one of the [-] heroes was arranged as the department supervisor.

This exchange not only strengthened Chengfu's defense, but also made Feng Yao's control over Chengfu more powerful.

Feng Yao thoroughly cleaned up the inventory equipment in Chengfu County, all of which were used to arm the newly recruited soldiers. A total of [-] iron armors, [-] leather armors, more than [-] swords, shields, bows and arrows each, and [-] horses were obtained. In addition to the eleven war horses sent to kill Cao Gongzuo, a total of twenty horses were obtained.

After three days of simple training of new recruits in Chengfu County, Feng Yao received a report from Zhou Cang, the two counties of Song Dynasty and Sishan were successfully recovered, and other nearby places all returned after hearing the news, and the northern part of Ruyin was brought under Feng Yao's control .

Feng Yao was overjoyed and ordered Zhou Cang to recruit soldiers in Songguo County, collect food and grass on the spot, and train them strictly, waiting for his next order.

On August 6000th in the autumn of the first year of Xingping, Feng Yao ordered a 6000-strong army to escort more than [-] people from Chengfu County, and began to march towards Ruyin City. Hurry back to Ruyin and order Ruyin to order Chen Dao to arrange all the settlement matters for the more than [-] relocated people in advance.

It is more than 200 miles from Chengfu to Ruyin. The old, young and pregnant women among the people are all transported by horse-drawn carts or donkey carts, so the overall speed is not slow. , all horses and people arrived in Ruyin City smoothly.

I won't go into details about the resettlement of the people and the [-]-strong army, but after seeing Feng Yao, Chen Dao said, "There is a young knight-errant in the city who asked for a vote. Yangren! Insist on meeting Feng Yao in person."

Feng Yao rushed to see him.

Not long after, Wu Hao came to see him. He was more than seven feet tall and about seventeen years old. He was dressed as a knight, with a three-foot long sword in his belt. He had a handsome appearance and bright eyes. After seeing Feng Yao, he bowed all the way salute.

Feng Yao invited Wu Hao to take a seat. After talking for a while, he felt that Wu Hao was indeed a rare talent. Not only was he familiar with military books, but he had also studied abroad for more than two years. What job are you looking for?"

Wu Hao said: "The Marquis is here!"

Feng Yao asked Yang Wu to compete with him, and the two had a duel, and they were evenly matched. Feng Yao was overjoyed and appointed Wu Hao as the supervisor of the trilogy, under Dai Ling's subordinates.

Wu Hao was overjoyed, and said: "My lord is indeed a meritocracy! I have a fellow countryman whose martial arts and strategies are superior to mine, but because of his humble background, he cannot be reused! Now he is only a corporal leader. If the lord is willing, I would like to say Come!"

"Who is it?" Feng Yao asked.

"This person is a year younger than me, his surname is Wei, his name is Yan, and his character is long." Wu Hao said.

"Yiyang Wei Yan!" Feng Yao exclaimed, and said in his heart: "This is a famous general comparable to the five generals of Shu! I don't believe that there are rebellious bones in the back of the head! Take it first and then talk about it!"

Wu Hao asked in surprise: "Could it be that my lord has heard of Wei Yan's name?"

"No, I'm just curious, what kind of hero would be able to get such praise from you! Shaojie, you go back to your hometown immediately, invite him here, explain to him the ambition in my heart, and ask him to help me!" Feng Yao said happily.

"It's just what I want! The subordinates can leave for their hometown immediately!" Wu Hao said happily.

Feng Yao immediately ordered someone to fetch 200 taels of gold, together with the seal letter of Sima Biebu and Feng Yao's personal letter, and handed it to Wu Hao, saying: "These 200 taels of gold will be used as the settlement fee for you and Wenchang Wei. With Wei Wenchang, rest assured, I have written everything else in the letter, and he will understand after reading it! I hope you can come to help me recover the whole territory of Runan as soon as possible!"

Wu Hao thanked him and took the order to leave.

The guard Xu Chu asked: "My lord, this lord Wei Yan has never seen it in person, and his ability depends entirely on Wu Hao's words. Why did he entrust him with such a heavy responsibility all of a sudden?"

Feng Yaodao: "Zhongkang, there are some things that I can't explain. You can just do it like this. I once met a fairy and received advice from a fairy! You will naturally understand my current arrangement in the future!"

Xu Chu's eyes showed a strange look, and said: "Could it be that my lord is also rushing to conquer Hua Tuo..."

Feng Yao smiled and said: "Zhongkang, it's good that you understand, but this matter must not be spread to the outside world!"

Xu Chu nodded, "This subordinate understands!"

"Also, Zhongkang, find a horse that can carry you from the stable as soon as possible! Horse battles will be indispensable in the future, and I will soon form a cavalry, and I want you to lead it !” said Feng Yao.

Xu Chu was overjoyed, knelt down to thank him, and then said: "My lord! It's not difficult to ride a horse, but I'm fat and heavy, and I can't turn flexibly on the horse. If this problem can be solved, this war horse will be easy to find. At worst, I will match two horses at the same time. Horse, if one is tired from riding, just change to another one!"

At this time, Yang Wu also stepped forward and said: "My lord, I also feel that it is not easy to use force right away. It's okay not to wear heavy armor. Once wearing heavy armor, I can't bear the pressure on my bare buttocks! These days, how many times have I Next time I thought, it would be great if my feet could better borrow horsepower.”

Feng Yao's eyes lit up, and he remembered the scene when he rode a horse for the first time.

The first time I rode a horse was not in this era, but in later generations. Once Feng Yao clearly remembered that when later generations rode horses, there seemed to be two things called stirrups, which just fit their feet into them. You can stand firmly with your feet, and you can also hang your buttocks in the air or sit lightly on the saddle. Now, when riding a horse, there is only a cloth belt on both sides of the horse, and the feet are covered in the middle. If the stirrups can be replaced with steel, the cavalry will be able to use their hands more freely!

(End of this chapter)

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