Chapter 99
Feng Yao didn't say much, anyway, it's not bad to say good things about himself, no matter whether he was sincere, he took a few words from the shopkeeper and led everyone into the inn.

Before noon the next day, Zhang Zhai sent the first batch of 3000 people to Chengchengfu County. At this rate, the relocation plan could be completed in just two days. Feng Yao was quite satisfied with this, and Zhang Zhai recognized him A little higher.

For recruiting troops, Feng Yaozhi ordered Dai Ling, who is more experienced, to take charge. If enough troops can be recruited, Dai Ling's original 1000-strong team can be expanded to the size of a school. The meritorious deeds of the city are enough to promote him to the rank of captain.

As for recruiting talents, Feng Yao listened to Zhiyue's suggestion and proceeded directly outside the lobby of the county government.

However, most of the time, Feng Yao didn't have to do it himself. Instead, he divided the so-called talents who came to apply for the recruitment into two categories: civil and military. Examination, so most of the time, Feng Yao just sat behind the desk and slowly drank tea, watching Zhi Yue and Xu Chu busy.

Feng Yao doesn't quite understand these things in the text, as long as he passed Zhiyue's assessment, Feng Yao mainly looks at his character, as long as he looks pleasing to the eye, it doesn't mean that he looks like a thief when he looks at it, and then ask a few questions such as you How many people are there in the family? Are they tall or short, fat or thin?Did you encounter any misfortune?Anyway, it was just some random questions that made people scratch their heads. As long as the answer satisfies Feng Yao, it will be passed.

There are also those who apply for jobs with martial arts, Feng Yao doesn't understand why, many of them are obviously just a soldier, but they don't go to the school to apply, but they only want to be Feng Yao's guards!What Feng Yao wanted were talents with special abilities, not ordinary warriors, and as followers, after failing to pass Feng Yao's various tests, Feng Yao would not accept them no matter how good their martial arts were, and they were all suggested to go. The generals recruited in the school field lead the troops to fight.

Many so-called "talents" who passed Zhiyue and Xu Chu's test were all rejected by Feng Yao with inexplicable reasons.

A middle-aged literati who thought he was familiar with poetry and books came to Feng Yao confidently. Feng Yao asked, "Can you cook?"

The middle-aged literati was taken aback for a moment, but then he said: "The humble thing of cooking is done by the servants, and I and other scholars just need to concentrate on reading good books!"

Feng Yao shook his head, thinking: "Can't even cook, if such a person becomes an official, how can he know the sufferings of the people! Let alone whether he is an upright official who doesn't know the sufferings of the people, first of all, he doesn't know how to improve The life of the common people, no matter how many books they read, they are just mediocre officials!"


The middle-aged literati still wanted to explain, but was immediately asked to leave by Feng Yao's relatives.

When Feng Yao asked this question, someone learned from the past and said with a smile: "Can cook!"

Feng Yao asked, "How much is a catty of radishes?"

Those who were questioned were dumbfounded immediately, and there were also some smart people who said a price indiscriminately and wanted to evade it, but Feng Yao saw through all of them, and finally they all left with red faces and shame.

Feng Yao will also not include dishonest talents.

So until almost noon, three barely qualified scribes and one or two carpenters were recruited. Compared with the two scribes, Feng Yao valued the two carpenters more. The stool of the times is too unsatisfactory.

On many occasions, Feng Yao had to sit on the ground, and his legs were almost "kneeling" unbearably. , other times, there is only a small futon
After all of Runan was recovered, the first thing Feng Yao had to do was to vigorously develop various constructions, one of which was to promote the chairs in Feng Yao's memory, and to make chairs, a carpenter was necessary.

After the job of recruiting talent in the morning was over, Zhiyue asked puzzledly: "Fu Jun, why do you attach so much importance to these skilled craftsmen? These humanities cannot stabilize the country, military cannot rule the country, and they will not have much effect on Fu Jun's great cause." ?”

Feng Yao smiled and said, "Brother Ziqing, in what aspects do you think the prefect should develop as the lord of a county?"

Zhi Yue said: "I think there are three main directions, soldiers, money, and counselors!"

"Yes, what you said is quite right, but think about it, this soldier needs someone to be a soldier? Does this money and food need someone to farm and work? This counselor can only be made by learning step by step? So you These three points mentioned above are just one character in the final analysis! Talent is the most important thing! Especially in today's troubled times, people are even more important!" Feng Yao said.

Zhiyue's eyes lit up when she heard Feng Yaoyi's words, and said, "Fujun, I understand!"

Xu Chu couldn't stop nodding while listening to Feng Yao's point of view. After seeing two carpenters whom Feng Yao regarded as talents, he suddenly remembered a person, so he said loudly: "My lord, speaking of skilled craftsmen, Xu Chu and I I do know one person, and I think this person will definitely meet the Lord's requirements!"

Feng Yao also took Xu Chu's words seriously, and responded casually: "Really! Tell me, what kind of person you are and what abilities you have."

Xu Chudao: "When I was young, I had a disease. I was very weak. I didn't get cured for a long time. Later, a wandering doctor came to our village. I don't know what kind of medicine I took. After two days, countless worms were pulled out, and since then I have a big appetite, and my body has grown stronger and stronger."

Feng Yao's eyes brightened, and he asked, "Do you know the name of Dr. You Fang?"

"This person is also from our Qiao County. He is very famous in our area. His surname is Hua and his name is Tuo..."

What?Hua Tuo! ! !

Feng Yao was stunned for a moment!So much so that Feng Yao didn't listen to a word Xu Chu said later, and fell into ecstasy in his heart, "It turned out to be Hua Tuo, the miracle doctor who has saved countless people in the Three Kingdoms and is admired by thousands of people in future generations!"

Feng Yao originally thought about taking the time to send people around to slowly inquire about Hua Tuo's news, and then subdue him, but he didn't expect to get it without any effort!Xu Chu actually knew Hua Tuo! !Now that's all right, as long as Hua Tuo can be persuaded, how many fewer people will die in the army!

After each battle, what impressed Feng Yao the most was the groans of the wounded soldiers. Many soldiers could have been saved from death if they could have received better treatment, but they had to watch them die!

It's just a pity that in this era, doctors who practice medicine are simply a very lowly profession, and qualified and educated scholars are often not ashamed to learn medical skills, and ordinary civilians are also limited by illiteracy or their own qualifications, even if they can get a few hands. The prescriptions for curing diseases are also poorly learned, which makes it too difficult to find a good doctor.

Feng Yao grabbed Xu Chu's hand and asked anxiously, "Do you know the address of Hua Tuo?"

Xu Chu said: "I know the general idea, but as long as you ask more, it is not difficult to find it! It's just that Hua Tuo is seldom at home, and often travels around. If you find a home, you may not be able to meet him!"

Feng Yao didn't care about these, as long as he could find Hua Tuo, he said, "Xu Chu, this person is very important to me! Why don't you bring a few people to invite the city father to see him after lunch later?" Bar!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Xu Chu took the order.

(End of this chapter)

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