Chapter 98
Zhang Zhai wiped his sweat and said awkwardly, "Thank you."

Feng Yao ordered Cheng Gu and some knights to lead [-] strong men to guard the county government to prevent a military coup.

Cheng Gu was overjoyed that the lord was able to entrust him with such an important task, which showed that the lord had begun to trust him and regarded him as his confidant. He knelt down immediately to accept the order, and vowed: "Please don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely Strictly guard the county mansion, even if a mouse wants to come in and out of this place, it can't escape the eyes of your subordinates!"

Cheng Gu's words caused everyone to chuckle, but Cheng Gu didn't care, as long as the lord recognized him.

Although Feng Yao also wanted to laugh, but as the prefect of a county, he had just accepted the defense of the city father at this time, and he must not let his first impression be ruined here, so he said with a straight face: "General Cheng, I hope you will do what you say! Don't let me down!"

"Yes, my subordinates will remember!" Cheng Gu took the order and left.

The faces of the strong men outside the county mansion were full of excitement. One day ago, they were just ordinary civilians in Xujiazhuang, guarding the wall as big as a palm. One day later, they became the personal soldiers of the prefect of a county!Assist the prefect to complete a major event!

Although they didn't wear battle armor and were still wearing civilian clothes, they could see envious eyes from the well-armored county soldiers.

Adviser Zhiyue is not like the majority at this time, although he is also happy for Feng Yao, but Zhiyue thinks more about the dangers that may be hidden in the dark.

Although the county magistrate Zhang Zhai took the initiative to hand over power, after all, he has been in Chengfu for a long time, and he must have a group of his confidantes. Will these confidants come to remonstrate at any time?

"Fu Jun! I have something to say!" Zhi Yue lightly touched Feng Yao.

Feng Yao understood, and leaned his ear over, Zhiyue whispered: "Your Majesty, I think Cao Cao will know the news of the killing of Cao Zuo envoy in a few days, the villagers of Xujiazhuang should move to Runan County as soon as possible. , if there is still this matter, it is better to leave it to Zhang Zhai, not only can he be separated from Chengfu City, so as not to cause troubles here, but also can use this matter to test whether he is sincerely obeying the orders of the governor!"

"Okay, I understand!" Feng Yao nodded.

After a while, Cheng Gu selected 300 people to leave from the hundreds of strong men from Xujiazhuang standing outside the lobby, and more than 200 people were still waiting for Feng Yao's order.

Feng Yao ordered Xu Chu to call his brothers Xu Ding and Zhang Zhai over, and said, "Magistrate Zhang, you and Brother Xu will immediately lead 200 people to collect all the horses, donkeys, carts, rickshaws in the city, and rush to Xujiazhuang overnight, and take the people in the village away. All moved to City Father, this matter must be completed within three days!"

Zhang Zhai Xu Ding took the order and left.

The people in the county mansion were suddenly empty, and the original servants also went to the city with the county magistrate to collect transportation.

Feng Yao ordered the remaining dozens of strong men and more than ten chivalrous men to enter the hall to stand by.

Because Feng Yao had to wait for the echoes from the sent knights before making a decision on the next move.

After Feng Yao obtained the soldier talisman, he sent four skilled knights to take a soldier talisman each to appease the guards at the gates of each city.

After waiting for about two quarters, the four came to report separately, and all of them were safe and sound!All the officers and men expressed their willingness to obey the command of the county guard, and dared not violate military discipline!The gates of the city will be guarded more strictly to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to rebel. Feng Yao was completely relieved at this time. It seems that the fact that he continued to serve as the original county magistrate has indeed stabilized the morale of many soldiers.

Feng Yao summoned a entourage and ordered him to inform Zhou Cang of the news of recovering the father of the city, so that Zhou Cang's army would not make an extra trip.

Then, under Zhiyue's suggestion, the Anmin notice was posted immediately, and the notice clearly informed that the prefect of Runan was only coming to Chengfu County to inspect the defense, and temporarily resettled a group of people who had moved, hoping that those who had extra vacant houses in the city would lend them to the government on their own initiative. , the government will give compensation according to the price afterwards.

Of course, the recruitment list and recruitment order are also indispensable. Apart from the gate of the county government, these three notices are posted at the gates of the four cities and at all important intersections.

After finishing all this work, it was already dusk, Cheng Gu and others stayed behind in the county government without asking questions, while Feng Yao led a group of nearly a hundred people to the gate of Chengfu Inn.

The shopkeeper and the waiters of the inn hurried out to greet him on their knees.

Feng Yao came to the inn because he didn't want to be burdened by those vain rituals, so he ordered his subordinates to help them up one by one.

Yesterday, when the waiter who roasted the whole lamb for Feng Yao found out that the legendary prefect in the city turned out to be Feng Yao, he was overjoyed and wanted to come over to talk to him, but Xu Chu hurriedly stopped him, fearing that he would be harmful to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao smiled and said: "Zhongkang, don't stop him, he didn't sleep last night because he roasted that whole lamb for us!"

"Your subordinate obeys orders!" Xu Chu said, and then boasted to Xiao Er: "Your barbecue skills are good!"

Xiaoer was flattered and laughed along with him. After seeing Feng Yao, he quickly knelt down and said, "Master, I didn't know Mount Tai yesterday, so I don't know if it's the Lord!" He took out a lot of silver and said, "The young one is lucky enough to serve the lord, how dare he accept the reward from the lord, the lord should take back the rewards, the young one dare not accept it. "

Feng Yao said with a smile: "Since I have already offered a reward, how can I take it back? Don't you want others to say that my words don't count?"

Xiao Er's face changed abruptly when he heard it, and he glanced at both sides, as if afraid that others would see it, he quickly put the money into his bosom, and said in a surprised voice: "I don't dare, please don't blame me, my lord!"

After a while, seeing that nothing seemed to happen, he dared to raise his head, took a look, and saw that Feng Yao didn't seem to be angry, he let out a sigh of relief, and said flatteringly: "My lord, if you like it, the little one will roast it again." A whole sheep as accomplice!"

Seeing Xiao Er's frightened and wanting to please himself expression, Feng Yao was also deeply moved. He used to be a small person living like this at the bottom. Of course, he could understand the hardships of this low-level person in troubled times. If Feng Yao didn't reveal his identity In the past, he would definitely not accept Xiao Er's kneeling ceremony, and he would personally help Xiao Er up, but now so many people have to lead by themselves, not everything can be done casually.

Feng Yao ordered Xu Chu, who was standing on the left and right, to help Xiaoer up, and said, "Xiaoer, this is not a court, you don't have to be so polite, it's better to be as casual as you were yesterday, and I won't pay a penny less for what is due. !"

Xiao Er nodded, stood aside and looked at Feng Yao gratefully.

Feng Yao called the shopkeeper again, "I didn't expect us to scare away all the guests in your inn, how about this, we happen to have a lot of people, and we need a place to stay, I think your place is not bad, from now on From now until I leave, I will take care of this inn, and you don't need to bring in other guests, just concentrate on serving me and my subordinates."

The shopkeeper said with great joy: "Your Majesty! You are a good official! The people of Chengfu and the people of Quanrunan will be blessed in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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