Chapter 97
"Zhang Zhai, you are serious about what you say!" At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the lobby.

Who is so bold?How dare the lobby directly address the name of the county magistrate Zhang Di!
Zhang Dirao has a good temper, at this moment he couldn't help being so angry that he yelled, "Come on!"

The officers on both sides heard the sound and walked out of the two of them, kneeling in front of the case.

The county magistrate Zhang Zhai pointed out the door, and was about to order the guards to arrest the person who despised the county lord outside the door, but before he could say anything, he swallowed it back abruptly.

Because a shiny silver official seal appeared in front of Zhang Di's eyes. The silver seal was tied with a blue ribbon, and the person holding the ribbon was a young man with a dignified face and sharp eyes.

As the county magistrate, Zhang Zhai didn't know what the silver seal represented!As the county magistrate of Chengfu, he still wears a bronze official seal, and those who can wear a silver seal are at least the first level of the prefect!

"Could it be him!" Zhang Di recalled the appearance of Feng Yao, the prefect of Runan who had been mentioned by Xizuo.

A 16-year-old boy, eight feet tall, handsome, majestic, and extraordinary, these descriptions seem to match the boy holding a silver seal in front of him!

Zhang Di was startled, and quickly stood up from his seat, if this young man is really Runan Governor Feng Yao, then he must not make a wrong step or say a wrong word! !Otherwise, the ending of Liu Zhi, magistrate of Shenxian County, may happen to him immediately!If this young man is the prefect of Runan, then he must have made comprehensive arrangements for his sudden appearance in the county government at this time!

"Don't be impulsive! Don't do anything wrong!" Zhang Zhai reminded himself nervously.

"Who is your Excellency?" Zhang Zhai acted steadily, although he was almost sure that this young man was the prefect of Runan, but for the sake of safety, he still asked politely.

The young man was Feng Yao. Feng Yao didn't answer Zhang Zhai's words immediately, but walked directly to the center of the lobby. Behind Feng Yao, Dai Ling, who was nine feet tall, was eight feet five inches tall but had a waist as thick as ten circumferences. Xu Chu, and more than a dozen Feng Yao's personal followers.

There were a total of more than ten mighty men with a cold killing intent mixed with majestic faces, and they didn't pay attention to the guards with knives around the court at all.

"Hiss!" The people around suddenly gasped. Although it was July, the atmosphere in the courtroom suddenly became tense and cold, and some of them who were weak couldn't help shivering!
Who is this person?

All eyes were focused on Feng Yao.

Feng Yao didn't know how others felt about him, Feng Yao thought he was very friendly this time.

"I'm Runan Governor Feng Yao! County Magistrate Zhang, do you still want to see the official seal?" Feng Yao said in a leisurely manner.

Plop!Zhang Di unexpectedly knelt down directly.

"The next official has lost his way, please ask the lord to inquire about the crime!"

This is not over yet, Zhang Zhai took out his county magistrate's seal and the soldier's talisman from his arms with trembling hands, and held these things representing the county magistrate's rights high above his head.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to hand over this seal and the authority to command the troops in this county. I just ask you to spare Zhang Zhai's family! And the county officials in Chengfu County!" Zhang Zhai begged.

Feng Yao was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the county magistrate of Chengfu, who was kneeling on the ground with his hands holding up the seal and military talisman in disbelief!

The city father was recovered so smoothly?

There are still countless countermeasures to deal with Zhang Zhai's reactions, and all parties have made arrangements, so once the identity is identified, it's over? ?

"Okay!" Feng Yao straightened his face and accepted the county magistrate's seal and the military talisman to control the county soldiers in Chengfu county.

The guards who were still holding knives in the surroundings immediately put down the knives in their hands and knelt down after seeing Feng Yao took away the seal and soldier talisman.

The people of the city who had gathered outside to watch the excitement couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation after seeing this dramatic scene, but out of fear, they didn't dare to make any noise.

Everyone, not only Feng Yao's entourage and the 72 Heroes who were ambushing in the crowd, but also the common people, the guards and county officials in the lobby, everyone's eyes were on Feng Yao at this moment. Enough to tug on everyone's nerves.

Feng Yao looked around, and then looked at Zhang Zhai who was still kneeling on the ground and several county officials and clerks who were kneeling with Zhang Di, his eyes gradually changed from cold to eager!He said in his heart, "Hold the grass! This Zhang Zhai has a plan! What kind of strategy is this? Oh yes, this is to put them to death and reborn! It seems that the county magistrate of Chengfu does have some real talents!"

Feng Yao didn't expect that Zhang Zhai would directly hand over the lives of his whole family to him, as if he would kill and cut!But now Feng Yao doesn't intend to punish Zhang Zhai for any more crimes. Instead, he intends to continue to appoint him as the county magistrate, but not now. Now that the father of the city has just recovered, who knows if there will be some unexpected events in the future?And the most important thing now is how to relocate more than 1 people in Xujiacheng to their own territory!
Although Xujiazhuang is just outside the border of Runan, it is a citizen of Pei State after all, and will be controlled by Pei State. For everything such as conscription, tax collection, etc., it is better to move out as soon as possible, as long as people come to their own territory In fact, Feng Yao has a legitimate reason to manage.

Feng Yao helped Zhang Zhai up, and said: "Magistrate Zhang, you don't have to panic, since you are so painstakingly putting yourself to death in order to survive, how can I not help you, as long as you can obey my orders well?" Order, after I return to the county, the magistrate of Chengfu is still yours!"

Zhang Zhai was shocked when he heard this, he was surprised that his scheme was seen through, but he was overjoyed immediately, knowing that Feng Yao really has extraordinary abilities, his bet was right!And the position of county magistrate was also preserved!

"I am ashamed to be an official! In this troubled world, I just want to keep my family safe!" Zhang Di replied respectfully.

But although Feng Yao was polite to Zhang Di, the two strong men behind Feng Yao snorted, making Zhang Di take a step back in fright.

Feng Yao chuckled lightly and said: "Magistrate Zhang, don't be afraid, these two are my subordinates, this iron tower is Dai Ling! This tiger and bear is Xu Chu! They are only cruel to the enemy, and they are still cruel to their own people. Very friendly!"

Unexpectedly, Feng Yao didn't explain it, but Zhang Zhai became even more scared when he explained it. He couldn't help but took a step back, and looked at it in shock. He originally wanted to point at Dai Ling, but how dare he point at Dai Ling and Xu Chu Er at this moment? man!
"Could it be that the strong man is Xu Zhongkang from Qiao County!" Zhang Zhai asked in surprise.

"Hehe, little old man, I didn't expect you to know me, Xu! You are a nice person. As long as you listen to my lord, I, Xu Chu, will not hurt you!" Xu Chu laughed, but this smile was due to Zhang Zhai's In the eyes, it is like a fierce god.

After Xu Chuyan said that, he raised his hand high and said loudly: "You guys from Xujiazhuang, you are free now, come in!"

"Roar!" There were bursts of roars outside the hall. The hidden 72 knights first showed their weapons and entered the hall. There were hundreds of strong men behind them who also showed their identities. However, because the county hall is not big, they can only Stand outside and die!
"Mother!" The local people who were watching the excitement outside suddenly saw countless strong men with weapons appearing around them. They were shocked, exclaimed, and ran away. How could they have the courage to stay here.

The county magistrate Zhang Zhai was so frightened that his legs gave way, and he almost knelt down, but Xu Chu stretched out a hand and supported him, and said in a daze, "I just want to call them to replace the county government. Guard! Are you all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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