Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 14 Future Famous Generals

Chapter 14 Future Famous Generals
Seeing Feng Yao's refusal, Li Xi bowed again: "Master, Xi's life from now on will belong to the master! Changing the surname is only to express Xi's determination, please agree with the master!"

Before Feng Yao could speak, the Twelve Righteousness behind Li Xi also said in unison: "Master, we are also willing to follow Li Xi's example! From the master's surname!"

At this time, Dai Ling who had been by the side said: "Master, I think Li Xi's loyalty is commendable. Master may as well agree, so as not to disappoint all the brothers!"

Chen Dao continued: "Brother, this move is completely feasible. My Chen family has many servants whose surname is not Chen, but now they are changed to Chen! This has nothing to do with age! Brother, please agree to the request of Taolin Shisanyi!"

Zhou Cang also nodded, and said, "Brother, the third brother is right this time!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Feng Yao nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, since that's the case, Li Xi will be named Feng Xi from now on, and Feng Xi will be the leader of the other thirteen justices, and report the names one by one!"

Feng Yao was only smiling on the surface, but in fact, his heart was already full of joy at this moment, and he said to himself: "This feeling seems to be good, hehe, after the Thirteenth Yi changed his surname, he can be regarded as my personal follower! Hehe! I really don’t know Will each of them be as good as Feng Xi in the future! Hehe! Huh? Wait! The name Feng Xi seems familiar!"

At this moment, Feng Xi was talking excitedly with the other Shisan Yi, Zhou Cang was smirking with a dark face, Chen Dao seemed to have not recovered from the death of his first love, Miss Caidie, and was still stern-faced. Spending the day in contemplation, Dai Ling began to transform his special weapon - the big tree trunk with a smile on his face, while Huang Yizhi's wife was busy cooking for everyone with a happy face.

Feng Yao stared at Feng Xi for a long time, and asked suspiciously, "Feng Xi, do you have a sign?"

Feng Xi said: "Master! When my father was still alive, my father provided me with a private school for several years, so I also took the character "Xiu Yuan".

"Xiu Yuan! Good! Very good!" Feng Yao nodded with a smile, "Since you have Biaozi, I will call you Biaozi in the future!"

He said in his heart: "The name of Xiuyuan is really good, and it must not be changed. I remember that there were fourteen generals of the Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms of later generations, and one of them was named Feng Xi, and the name of the name was also Xiuyuan. I just don’t know if this Xiuyuan is that Xiuyuan, if so, then I, Feng Yao, have found a treasure again!! Now I have the black-faced general Zhou Cang of the Shu Han, the white-faced general Chen Dao, and ten Feng Xi, one of the four generals, I see how Liu Bei will cry in the future, hahaha!!"

Feng Yao was in a good mood, with a smile on his face. At this time, the Thirteen Justices seemed to have been discussed, and Feng Xi knelt down on one knee again, and said: "Master, I will wait for the Thirteen Justices to agree with life and death, except for me. , the others are divided into Feng Er, Feng San, Feng Si, Feng Wu, and so on according to age! Until Feng Shisan, to show my thirteen righteousness of one heart and one mind! Please approve the master!"

Feng Yaodao: "That's very good! In the future, you will lead the Thirteen Righteousnesses. Now that the world is chaotic, you must use martial arts to survive! So from today on, you must practice martial arts diligently, so that you can be a blessing to the common people in the world in the future!"

"Dai Ling! You will teach the Thirteen Righteous martial arts first!" Feng Yao said.

"Dai Ling obeys!" Dai Ling stood up, carried the tree trunk on his shoulders, and obeyed loudly.

In this way, Feng Yao led Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Huang Yi and his wife, Feng Xi and other thirteen justices to live in seclusion in a peach forest five miles north of Pingyu City, practicing martial arts every day and studying military books hard.

Later, Feng Yao also inquired about Madam Feng's whereabouts many times, but there was no news, just like Madam Feng's sudden appearance at the beginning, she just disappeared again, as if Madam Feng had never existed in this world , only occasionally, Feng Yao would take out the set of clothes worn by a seven-year-old child that he had always cherished, and recall the previous scene.

"Yao'er! Mother bought you new clothes, come and see if they fit you!"...

Then came the shopkeepers who had their clothes stolen, "Master Feng! You have such a crazy woman, you must have committed too many crimes in your previous life! Hahaha!"


Hou Yuan, the accountant of Xinglong Baozi Shop, died!

The three members of Hou Yuan's family were all killed by the rebels that night! !
After a few days of looting in Pingyu City, the rebels fled with a large amount of belongings. To Feng Yao's surprise, the Chen family, the first family in Pingyu, did not suffer too much during the refugee rebellion. loss! !Instead, the county magistrate of Pingyu City and the prefect of Runan County were killed by the rebels. After the rebels retreated from the original 200 officers and soldiers, only less than [-] remained.

The head of the Chen family, Chen Ying, gathered a thousand soldiers from the Chen family and gathered the scattered [-] defeated officers and soldiers after the rebellious soldiers had almost left. After that, he regained Pingyu City and regarded himself as the prefect of Runan County.

When Feng Yao led Chen Dao to return to Pingyu City to reopen the Xinglong Baozi Shop, he found that the original owner of the Baozi Shop had been ruined and Chen Ying took possession of the Baozi Shop, and began to sell buns. Seeing Chen Dao who came to make a theory, Chen Ying instead pointed at Chen Dao and scolded: "Useless thing! Why do you deserve the surname Chen? I think you might as well change your surname to Feng! I heard that you have taken in a few orphans. What is it called Taolin Shisanyi? Return to Feng Da, Feng Er, etc., hahaha, you are so ridiculous! I said you might as well change your surname to Feng! Hehe, now you know you are going back to the city? Where were you when the refugees made trouble? I thought you were killed by the rebels, which made me feel sorry for a while, but I didn’t expect you to escape early! Now that I’m back, I still want to go back to Baozipu! Chen Dao, let me tell you, Baozipu is already an ownerless property, and it has been returned to the government. Yes! Pingyu City will not welcome you in the future! Also, remember, whether you change your surname or not, you have nothing to do with the Chen family! If I hear you spreading rumors outside, don’t blame me for ruling you in the name of the government crime!!"

When Chen Dao came back, he said, "Brother, why don't we take everyone and go to Liu Biao in Jingzhou!"

Feng Yao shook his head, and said: "Liu Biao is steadfast, he will not escape the fate of being destroyed in the future, vote for him now, if he quits halfway in the future, he will not be accused of being disloyal and unrighteous behind his back!"

When Chen Dao mentioned Yuan Shu again, Feng Yao knew Yuan Shu's future outcome in his heart, but he didn't have much to say, so he could only say: "Although Yuan Shu seems to be powerful now, he is narrow-minded and arrogant, so he can't make it!"

Zhou Cang said: "Third Brother, don't be discouraged, I think Big Brother will help you out in the future! Our Big Brother is not a mortal!"

Feng Yao comforted: "Third brother, I am not yet proficient in martial arts and I am still young. It is better to wait a little longer. After half a year, Cao Cao will be in bad luck. At that time, I am afraid that I will vote for the Ming Lord again. Can't you break out into a big business?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, Chen Dao clasped his fists and said, "Brother, I listen to you! I will definitely practice martial arts hard and live up to my brother's expectations!"

Xinglong Bun Shop was forcibly occupied by Chen Ying, so Feng Yao found another shop in the city and named it Thirteen Fragrance Bun Shop, ordered Huang Yitian Yuerong to manage the bun shop business, and recruited the original cook back.Although Chen Ying occupied Xinglong Baozi Shop by force, the buns made by Shisanxiang were not as delicious, which had little impact on Feng Yao's business.

(End of this chapter)

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