Chapter 15
A few months passed in a blink of an eye. According to the calendar year, it was already the spring of 194 AD. Feng Yao did a careful calculation, and he had traveled here for a whole year, and his body had become stronger because of his hard training. Under the teachings of several people in turn, Sanyi has also made rapid progress, coupled with a stable life, he is also much taller than when he first met.

This day is the [-]th day of the first lunar month, when every family makes a big festival for the Lantern Festival, Huang Yilai reported it.

"Master! There is a cavalry from other places in the city. I heard it is the parachutist Lu Bu! They say they want to recruit a large number of soldiers from the local area! I saw many people rushing to the city along the way!"

"Okay! Go back first and find out more details! I think our chance has come!" Feng Yao said happily.

He thought to himself: "Unexpectedly, the parachutist came to Pingyu. It seems that God helped me. If it is as expected, Lu Bu's recruitment this time must be for the purpose of attacking Cao Cao and taking Yanzhou. Hehe, if I can vote for Lu Bu, I will Knowing the development of history in advance, and assisting Lu Bu, will Lu Bu suffer the defeat of Xiapi? When the time comes to unify the whole country, that is just around the corner!! Maybe in the future, I will be able to become a king and a marquis, dominate one side, and the whole The great Han nation will also be able to unify the world early, so that it will not be damaged too much, and the country will be wiped out by the Yuan and the Qing in the future, how much less suffering will the Han nation suffer?"

Feng Yao made up his mind, and immediately said: "Brothers, follow me into the city, our chance has come! I want to vote for Lu Bu!"

When Zhou Cang heard this, he yelled loudly: "Good! Good! I, Zhou Cang, can finally go to the battlefield to kill people!"

Chen Dao's eyes were bright, he shook the pistol tightly, and nodded vigorously.

Dai Ling said: "Dai Ling swears to follow Master to the death! Wherever Master goes, Dai Ling will follow!"

Feng Yao told Feng Xi a few words, and ordered Qi Haosheng to take the guard Taolinju, and then led Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling to the city.

As Huang Yi reported, hearing that the world-renowned parachutist Lu Wenhou came to Pingyu City in person, the city was already boiling, and the people in the city were all proud to see the parachutist. And the waiter in the shop all yelled desperately.

"Come, come! The shop is new to Yiyang Maojian Tea, guest officer please!"

"This store has the best mutton, freshly stewed out of the pot, only ten yuan a tael, come and taste it!"

"These four guest officers, come in and have a taste!"

Feng Yao took a look and saw that the yelling mistress just now made a gesture of invitation to the four of them with a smile on his face.

"Brother, it's almost noon now, and when I smell this meat, I'm hungry again, how about..." Zhou Cang said with a dark face.

"You're a foodie! You've been thinking about eating meat all day long!" Feng Yao scolded with a smile, patted Next Zhou Cang's shoulder, and said, "Okay, let's eat first!"

The smile on the waiter's face was even wider, and he welcomed the four of them into the shop, shouting: "Four distinguished guests are here, the servants inside are here!"

Another waiter in the store hurriedly came out with a smile, led Feng Yao to an empty table near the door, and was about to ask Feng Yao what to order, when a fat man in the store suddenly stood up and slammed towards the table. With one shot, there was a loud "bang", which almost shattered the wooden table, and the diners in the store were shocked for a while.

The fat and strong man stretched out a finger, pointed at the waiter and cursed angrily: "Blind your mother's dog eyes, have you been waiting for a long time because you can't see grandpa? If you don't serve any more food, your restaurant will be ruined!"

The waiter in the shop showed embarrassment. With years of experience, the waiter in the shop could easily see that Feng Yao and the other four were not easy to mess with, especially the nine-foot-tall man among them, who was not angry and pretentious. Accompanied by Zui, he said: "Four guests, don't be angry, come here, first look at the menu, what do you want to order, I will come over in a while, and promise to serve the guests first!"

Xiao Er, after finishing speaking, he bowed his waist and trotted towards the fat and huge man.

"My lord, please be safe and don't get bored! I'm going to serve the food right now!" Xiao Er accompanied her with a smiling face.

The big fat man snorted, and then sat down, but after he sat down, he glanced at Feng Yao and the others out of the corner of his eyes, his eyes were full of disdain and provocation.

Feng Yao saw these small movements very clearly, and couldn't help frowning, feeling a little unhappiness in his heart, but thinking that he still had important things to do today, he couldn't get angry, lest there would be side effects.

"Hmph!" Dai Ling, who was sitting on Feng Yao's right hand, snorted coldly, and was about to explode, Feng Yao quickly pressed him down to signal him to calm down.

Not long after, the waiter in the shop served various wines and dishes to the fat and big man. As soon as the fat and big man took a drink, there was a burst of laughter, and then he started shouting and punching with his companions at the same table.

The shop waiter came over and apologized, Feng Yao didn't take it too seriously, and ordered the waiter to cut two catties of cooked mutton first, then serve four roasted lamb legs, in addition to some seasonal fresh side dishes, and a jar of high-quality liquor.Xiao Er said hello and went back to order the food.

While waiting, Feng Yao drank the free tea and slowly observed the customers in the store. Except for the fat and big man just now, there was nothing special, but just when Feng Yao was about to look away, suddenly a cold When the cold gaze came, Feng Yao felt as if his body had been emptied, and he couldn't help but tremble all over his body. He was shocked, and when he looked back, he found that there were three people sitting in an inconspicuous corner of the inn. A general in armor with a sword hanging from his waist.

The three generals ate their meals quietly, as if they had never paid attention to Feng Yao, but Feng Yao was sure with his intuition that the gaze that made him feel chilled and heartbroken just now must have come from one of the three generals. Someone in!
Feng Yao thinks that he is definitely not the kind of cowardly person, and he is not someone who has experienced life-and-death battles. Feng Yao has also killed bandit soldiers with his own hands. In the entire Pingyu City, Feng Yao, a dignitary and nobleman, has seen many of them. Even Liu Xin, the former prefect of Runan County, and Feng Yao had met once, but no one had ever made Feng Yao feel this kind of fear of falling into an ice cellar, with endless bloodlust and passion in his eyes. Death, as if those eyes were not looking at a person, but a cold corpse! !

"Brother, why do you look so bad!" Zhou Cang asked in a low voice.

Feng Yao collected himself, heaved a sigh of relief, and signaled them to look at the three generals sitting in the corner with the corner of his eyes.

Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling hurriedly turned their heads to look. The three of them didn't seem to notice that anyone was watching them, and they were still picking up the food in the bowl calmly.

But with just a slight glance, Feng Yao saw Zhou Cang and the others' faces showing shock, and he didn't dare to look at the three of them any more.

"Brother! These people are definitely not the generals of this city! They are not the soldiers of the Chen family either! Probably..." Chen Daofur whispered to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao was shocked in his heart, and thought: "Could it be that these people are the subordinates of the rumored parachutist Lu Bu? The one who can have such a frightening gaze must be a veteran general who kills like hemp! I just don't know who the leading general is. Zhang Liao or Gao Shun? It's just a little strange, why do they come to this kind of inn for dinner!"

(End of this chapter)

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