Chapter 16
Several people in Zhou Cang exchanged softly, at this time the waiter sang: "Come on, the best cooked mutton, guest officer, please use it slowly!"

It was the cooked mutton that Feng Yao had ordered just now. Xiao Er brought the mutton up and put a small jar of white wine on it, and asked with a smile, "Guest officer, the following dishes will be served in a while!" Then he lowered his voice , the mansion came down and smiled softly: "Four masters, in order to express my apology, the shop will give away some small dishes for free today, and only charge for mutton and wine. Guests can enjoy it slowly!" After finishing speaking, he was busy greeting other people. The guests go.

I have to say that the service of this inn is really satisfying, even somewhat exceeding Feng Yao's expectations.

"Not bad! Not bad! I didn't expect the mutton in this inn to be so good! Not only does it not have a trace of smell, but the meat quality melts in your mouth! Brother, we must come here often in the future!" Zhou Cang's eyes lit up, and he directly used Grab the mutton and eat it!It caused a few people to burst into laughter.

"Guest officer, the total is 850 coins! Please..., oops!..."

At this moment, the waiter's exclamation sounded, Feng Yao followed the sound, and saw the waiter covering his face, sitting on the ground, with an expression of aggrieved fear all over his face.

Xiao Er wiped the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, stood up from the ground in fear, faced the fat man who had caused trouble before, and asked in a trembling voice: "Guest officer, why did you hit someone?"

With a snort, the stout man pulled out a bench, stepped on the bench with one foot, put one hand on his hip, and grinned grinningly: "I'm being polite to you when I hit you! The last vegetable grinder was grumbling, and I left grandpa behind." I joined the army, and I haven't settled accounts with you yet, you don't have eyes, how dare you ask grandpa for money!"

"But! But! This..." Xiao Er took a few steps back in fright, but gritted her teeth fiercely, trying to reason.

"But what!!" The fat and strong man turned from laughter to anger, and said loudly: "With my grandpa and my abilities, there is no opponent in the world except parachutists. As long as you join the army, you can become a general immediately. This general can fight against you. It is your honor to have a meal! What is the money for this meal! Get out of the way! Grandpas are leaving!"

After the fat man finished speaking, he swung his hand violently, sweeping away the dishes on the table.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the bowl was flying towards Feng Yao's table!Feng Yao was startled, he twisted his body hastily, and narrowly avoided a dish flying towards his neck, only to hear a bang, the dish smashed the wine jar on the table, and the wine splashed out with a splash , submerge the dining table.

"Dare to hurt my master! Stop for me!!"

At this time, Dai Ling roared and stood up with a whoosh. Zhou Cang and Chen Dao also stood up, separated Feng Yao from left and right, and glared at the man.

The fat and strong man looked at Dai Ling with contempt in his eyes, and said: "However, a dog that can only bark, dares to behave wildly in front of grandpa! It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you still don't know how good I am against the king of Hades!", After all, he tucked the hem of his clothes into his belt, and he was about to attack Dai Ling.

Dai Ling took a step forward and was about to strike, when Zhou Cang chuckled and said, "Brother Dai, my hands are itchy recently, how can such an idiot withstand Brother Dai's punch, I'm afraid that Brother Dai used too much force , It’s not easy to explain if you beat someone to death in a while, why don’t you let me do it for you, brother!”

Dai Ling looked at Feng Yao, Feng Yao nodded, then cupped his fists and said, "Brother Zhou is so thankful!"

Zhou Cang chuckled, and stood in front of the fat and strong man with a stride. The fat and strong man seemed to be out of breath at this moment, and cursed: "Hugh is crazy! Wait for grandpa to finish you nigga!" With a big fist, he hit Zhou Cang's face!
"Shh!" The diners and passers-by who were watching the excitement couldn't help but exclaimed. This punch was about to hit their heads, and some timid diners who didn't dare to look quickly took a step back and raised their arms. block face.

However, at this moment, everyone only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and when they looked again, almost everyone dared not take their eyes off! !
Zhou Cang was not knocked to the ground by the big fat man, but stood in the field with a smile on his face, holding the fist of the big fat man tightly with one hand, and the big fat man was no longer as powerful as before at this time. He wanted to retract his fist, but no matter how hard he used, he couldn't shake Zhou Cang at all.

"Ah? How is this possible?!" The crowd burst into exclamation again.

"Haha, look quickly, that fat man looks like a dog whose mouth has been held!" An eight or nine-year-old child got his head out from under the crowd's legs, pointed at the fat man and said to another child with a smile.

Feng Yao couldn't help but chuckled and said, "This child's metaphor is too vivid!" The sharp mouth is what the dog relies on most, but the dog is like a wolf, the mouth is very long, just enough to hold it. If someone holds the dog's mouth with his hands, the dog can only bark and want to escape but can't escape, bite but can't bite, and struggle hard will hurt the dog's mouth.

Zhou Cang smiled, and as soon as he gave away his hand, the fat and strong man fell to the ground, his face full of embarrassment.

But a fierce man who is used to domineering like a big fat man will not stop there, not to mention that there are three fierce men with the same bad complexion standing behind this big fat man. It's not something that ordinary people can fight against. Seeing their companions being humiliated, the three of them shouted, clattered, and took out the sabers on their waists one after another.

The fat and strong man let out a bah, spit on the ground, turned around and took out a pair of sledgehammers out of nowhere, and shouted: "Dare to hurt your grandfather, I don't want to live! Brothers, hack them to death!"

Feng Yao's face turned cold, he drew out his long sword, and Chen Dao and Dai Ling stepped forward, staring at the vital parts of the big fat man, as long as he dared to swing the weapon in his direction, Feng Yao can guarantee The long sword will definitely pierce through that pig-like body in the next moment!
"Stop me all!"

A cold shout suddenly sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and everyone felt their breath tightened. A cold and murderous aura pressed down like Mount Tai, and the expressions of the crowd changed drastically. Walked ten steps.

Although Feng Yao's heart trembled, his eyes were still fixed on the fat man's eyes.

The fat and strong man also seemed to be startled by this cold drink, the flesh on his face trembled slightly, and his feet even took a step back involuntarily.

At this time, the onlookers retreated to both sides one after another. Feng Yao looked out of the corner of his eye and saw three people walking over from the passageway that the crowd moved away from. It penetrates people's hearts, making people dare not look directly at them. Feng Yao's heart trembled, and he thought, "So it's them!"

These three people are exactly the three generals sitting in the corner that Feng Yao saw earlier!
(End of this chapter)

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