Chapter 17
"Don't you want to die? It's ridiculous!! You don't go to defend your home and country, but you are here to fight ruthlessly, what kind of a hero!!!" The hooked nose shouted.

Feng Yao didn't want to make matters worse, so he waved his hand and took a few steps back.

The fat and strong man seemed a little scared, seeing Feng Yao retreating, he also retreated, turning around to leave.

But seeing the hooked nose snorted coldly, he waved his hand, and his subordinates rushed up suddenly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the belt of the big fat man, gave a light drink, and threw it casually, smashing the man twice his size Yu's burly man threw it back into the shop and said, "Aren't you paid for food?"

The fat and strong man stumbled up from the ground, not daring to disobey his orders, obediently took a tael of silver from his arms, threw it on the table, and ran away without looking back.

"Good! Good!"

"As expected of a parachutist's subordinate!"

There was a burst of applause from the crowd.

General Hooked Nose clasped his fists at the onlookers, then glanced at Feng Yao, nodded, then turned and left.

Seeing that nothing had happened to the crowd, some of the original diners sat down again, talking about what happened just now, and making fun of the fat and big man who fled!

Feng Yao smiled slightly. He was very satisfied with the performance of the three generals just now. To have such a subordinate shows that Lu Bu will never be far behind. Can't go wrong!If he is lucky enough to win the world in the future, I believe that Lu Bu will not be a tyrant, and he will definitely not do that kind of behavior.

Looking at the backs of those generals, Feng Yao couldn't help but began to picture in his mind that one day he would become famous and become a king and a marquis. Pay attention to Feng Yao, otherwise, you will definitely think that Feng Yao has something wrong with his brain!
Recruitment is different from conscription. Conscription is in the name of the imperial court. Males are drawn from households eligible for military service as soldiers. Three males will be selected for two, five males will be selected for three, and this is mandatory. Of course, the imperial court is willing for some Families who have been soldiers for generations have preferential policies, and special household registrations have been established for this type of households, which are called military households. Military households do not have to pay taxes and do corvee.

But since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there have been many years of wars, and there are not many soldiers to recruit. In the name of the court, there are no soldiers to recruit. Just imagine, who would leave their families for nothing and die in the battlefield as a soldier?

Recruiting is to use money to recruit soldiers. After each recruited soldier agrees to serve as a soldier, he will get a large sum of money. Usually, the money will be handed over to the family, so that the family can live on the money. If unfortunately died on the battlefield, you will also receive a large pension.

Feng Yao wanted to apply for the army, of course he didn't come for the money!What Feng Yao wants is military exploits!Only with military exploits can one get the corresponding title. As long as the military exploits are sufficient, everyone can be named a marquis, no matter whether he was a commoner, a scholar, a military household, or a prisoner!
The venue for Lu Bu's recruitment is the school ground in the city. It is divided into three venues. From easy to difficult, it is divided into strength, archery, and riding. The first test for everyone who wants to join the army is strength. , all will not be asked, but the age is very relaxed, as long as the able-bodied men who have reached the age of fifteen or under the age of 50 can apply for the army.

Feng Yao and the other four are waiting in line for the first test, which is strength. There is a stone-heavy iron lock in the middle of the school grounds. Anyone who can lift it up to the top of their head is considered qualified. On the other side, after writing down the name, you can go to the next test with a wooden sign representing qualified strength.

The recruiting process lasted ten days in total. The first five days were all first-level tests. After the end, there would be a three-day second-level test. The second-level test had higher requirements, and a height test was added. In order to become an official soldier, those who fail to meet the needs will become various types of miscellaneous soldiers. In the last two days, low-level leading officers are selected, but it is only limited to the rank of corporal commander. Higher ranks must be on the battlefield. You have to have enough meritorious deeds to be promoted.

I won't go into details in the past few days, Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling all passed easily, and temporarily returned to Taolin Residence to wait for tomorrow's corps leader selection.

At dinner, everyone stopped chatting and laughing as usual, they all kept silent and ate with their heads down. Thirteen Yi and his group of chattering boys also looked very good, no one was running around laughing, No one spoke, because this was the last day to be able to go home and live freely. After tomorrow, Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling will stay in Lu Bu's camp and officially become a member of Lu Bu's army. To come back, you must get permission from the army, otherwise you will be a deserter. For deserters, the result of catching them is beheading for public display.

Seeing that the atmosphere was dull, Feng Yao clapped his hands after everyone was almost full, and said with a smile, "Feng Xi, call Feng Er and Feng San to come over and see what good things I brought you today!" , and ordered Zhou Cang to carry out the big box!Placed on the open space, this box contained the things that Feng Yao had secretly ordered Fu Huang Yi to buy in the past few days. Feng Yao was going to give everyone a surprise on this last night.

After several months of training, Feng Xi and the Thirteen Justices were no longer what they were before. After Feng Xi took the order, he said "Assemble!" The Thirteen Justices quickly returned to their positions and stood neatly in front of Feng Yao. in front of.

"Master! There are 13 members of Thirteen Righteousnesses, all assembled! Please review, Master!" Feng Xi stood in front of Thirteenth Righteousness, knelt on one knee and cupped his fists.

As soon as Feng Xi finished speaking, the other Thirteen Justices all knelt down on one knee neatly with a whoosh, and shouted in unison: "The Thirteen Justices accept the master's review!"

"Okay!" Feng Yao said good-bye, and said again: "There is no need to be too polite, let's all get up and stand in line!"

Feng Yao ordered Dai Ling to open the wooden box face to face, which contained all weapons and clothes, but the difference was that these were all exactly the same, and they were all black. Feng Yao ordered Feng Xi to distribute all these clothes to Each person has a set of black cloth armor, a black masked headgear, a dagger made of refined steel, a shield that can be controlled with one hand, and an iron tire bow. There is a pot of iron arrows.

After Shi Sanyi was equipped with a complete set of equipment, although most of them were not tall and young, they were majestic.

"How are you? Be handsome! Be happy!" Feng Yao said with a smile, Feng Yao smiled on the surface, but felt a little heartache in his heart, "Grandma's! This time, I have spent a lot of money for these thirteen little boys! It took a full 20 taels of silver to get the sword, I hope these silvers are not wasted!"

Over the past year, Baozipu has earned nearly 60 copper coins for Feng Yao in total. After deducting the spent money, there is still 50 copper coins left. One thousand coins is exchanged for one tael of silver, which is 500 taels of silver in total. The 500 taels of silver, Feng Yao used all of them to buy and build equipment! !Why do you do this, because Feng Yao thinks that in this troubled world, nothing is valuable, only life is the most valuable, and to save life, a good set of weapons is more practical than anything else!

"There is also that sword, which is made by Baisteel. It is extremely sharp. Feng Shiyi, you are the weakest. Come and try it, chop this knife!" Feng Yao said and found an ordinary simple knife, Throw it on.

"Obey! Master!" Feng Shiyi came out in response, raised the short sword he had just obtained, and slashed at the simple sword.

"Hey!" There was a slight noise, and the simple knife broke in two.

(End of this chapter)

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