Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 18 The Fake God Soldier

Chapter 18 The Fake God Soldier
"Good sword!" Zhou Cang cheered.

Although it took a lot of money, Feng Yao was very happy to achieve such an effect, and secretly praised Huang Yi in his heart for being able to get this good equipment in such a short period of time.

"Second brother, you also have a share, come and see what this is!"

Feng Yao took out another long-handled broadsword from the box, which was also made of hundreds of refined steels. The dark lines on the broadsword flickered from time to time, like a black dragon swimming in it. The handle is also designed to be made of fine steel. This knife weighs 48 catties in total. There are nine skull-shaped holes on the back of the knife.

Zhou Cang waved the saber, the weight was just right, he was overjoyed, and said: "Brother, is this saber famous?"

The mighty figure of Second Brother Guan flashed in Feng Yao's mind, and he said, "Why don't you call it the Black Dragon Devouring Sun Knife!" But he said in his heart, "Second brother, you will definitely understand my hard work in the future! Haha!"

Chen Dao enviously said: "Brother, do you have my weapon?"

Feng Yao smiled and said: "Of course I have, let's see, how about this long spear!"

Chen Dao took the long spear, and the spear fluttered, like a python coming out of its hole, "Brother, this gun is just right for weight, but why is it a little longer than my original gun, and the tip of the gun is also very strange, like a strip A crooked snake! There are also patterns that look like snake scales, it's scary!"

"Third brother, there is a saying that one inch is one inch long and one inch is strong. You are a little short in height. This spear is one foot and twenty long. The tip of the spear is made of high-quality refined steel, and the barrel is also made of fine steel. It is hard to hurt with ordinary swords. It weighs 36 catties in total, and the tip of the gun is not like a snake, but like a python, and the snake is not that thick! I named this gun the Zhangshi Python Gun, what do you think?"

In fact, what Feng Yao was thinking was: one day, Zhang Sange took the Zhangba Snake Spear measuring [-] inches to the Zhang[-] Python Spear, and suddenly found that someone else's spear had stabbed him, but his own spear almost missed it. If you stab someone else, where can you justify it?I can only blame my gun for being short!
Chen Daodao: "Brother, this name is very good! Zhangshi python sharp gun!"

Dai Ling also stretched his neck, looking forward to having his own weapon, but knowing that he was humble and inferior to Zhou Cang Chen Dao, he was embarrassed to speak.

Feng Yao has seen these things for a long time. In fact, Feng Yao has been looking for suitable weapons for Dai Ling for a long time. He can't let one of his future members slam a tree trunk to kill the enemy!But Dai Ling's weapon is indeed too heavy, weighing 120 five catties! !

"Dai Ling, come here, this is your weapon, take it out yourself!" Feng Yao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Dai Ling was very excited, and hastily took out the weapon Feng Yao mentioned. Dai Ling was holding a seven-foot gray wolf-shaped weapon. The front of the weapon was thick and the back was thin. Expressing endless ferocity, the iron thorns on the wolf's neck stood upright.

"This weapon is called the Potian Mace!" Feng Yao said.

Dai Ling is tall and strong, and this stick can be danced freely with only one hand. Although it is a little shorter than a long weapon, it is much longer than a short weapon. Dai Ling can play a greater role when using it. Taking into account the advantages of both long and short weapons, Feng Yao only built one because considering that Dai Ling is tall and easy to become the enemy's target, the defense is slightly insufficient.

"Dai Ling, follow this!" Feng Yao took out a large round shield made of all steel from the box and handed it to Dai Ling. Since this large shield is made of all steel, it weighs 69 catties, and only Dai Ling can lift it lightly. There is no doubt that its defensive effect is definitely not comparable to ordinary wooden shields inlaid with leather and iron!
Finally, Feng Yao took out his best weapon - the long sword!Combining a medium-sized round card with steel and wood, "Oh, it can't be compared. Our parents gave us a pair of long arms, which are the best partners for sword use!" A large all-steel shield, but you must be flexible with the sword. Too heavy equipment will affect the power of the sword, so I have to give up.

However, Feng Yao designed another unique weapon.

At the bottom of the box lay the last five weapons quietly!
These are five small copper crossbows!
These five crossbows are different from any crossbows on the market!Feng Yao's inspiration came from the bed crossbow used to defend the city. The bed crossbow can fire continuously and is powerful, but it is very cumbersome. If it is changed to one that can be used by a single person, the power of the burst will be greatly reduced, and it will not even be able to penetrate ordinary Therefore, Feng Yao designed a small crossbow arrow with a length of only eight inches, and then modified the ordinary one-handed crossbow, and it became what it is now.

These five small copper crossbows can fire ten bursts. Although the range of the crossbow arrows is not far, they can completely break through ordinary iron armor at close range!That's enough!Feng Yao wanted them for melee combat!This kind of small crossbow is very convenient to carry. It can be tied to the leg, and the string has been wound in advance. When approaching the enemy, one pulls the switch, and the crossbow can be launched from the leg. Unexpectedly, the enemy can be injured invisible!
Due to the limited amount of money, Feng Yao could only make five. In addition to one for himself, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Feng Xi each had one.

There was nothing in the box, and all the equipment had been distributed. Zhou Cang and Dai Ling were attacking each other, trying to familiarize themselves with the new equipment.Chen Dao found a piece of rag, and carefully wiped his zhangshi python sharp spear, as if the long spear was his whole life.

Although Thirteen Yi's face was full of excitement that could not be concealed, but there was still lingering reluctance and sentimentality. Everyone stood up straight and watched Feng Yao. To meet a master like Feng Yao , They were very happy from the bottom of their hearts, and they were used to being cared for by Feng Yao and others. Although they called Feng Yao respectfully, they had long regarded Feng Yao as their relatives, their big brother, and even To be their reborn parents!

They have already developed a very special feeling for their master Feng Yao, but after tonight, their master will be separated from them, they are reluctant to part with them, but they are still underage and cannot follow their master figure!
Feng Yao didn't know what Shisanyi was thinking at this time. In Feng Yao's view, except for Feng Xi who was a little more sensible, Feng Er and Feng San were just a group of little kids. These thirteen kids They are all growing up, Feng Yao doesn't want them to be starved after he leaves, although there are Huang Yi and his wife taking care of the bunk shop in the city, but Feng Yao is not sure that after he left, Huang Yi and his wife Can you take good care of these children?

"Feng Xi, this is the two taels of silver you got when you enlisted in the army. You take it and save it for later use. After tomorrow, I will rely on you to take care of Thirteen Righteousness. If you are short of food and money, go to Huang Yi. I've already made arrangements!" Feng Yao took out two taels of silver from his pocket and put it in Feng Xi's hand.This is the resettlement allowance just issued by the army. This two taels of silver can buy eight stones of grain, one stone of grain is 120 catties, and eight stones is nearly a thousand catties of grain. Even if 13 people can eat it, they can eat it for more than two months .

Feng Xi looked at the two white pieces of silver in his hand, tears fell out of his eyes, and he cried: "Master! I can't accept this silver. Master is going to fight the enemy on the battlefield, so I must buy more meat to eat! If you don't have money, what will you do?" Ah! Xi will figure out a way, besides, there is Uncle Huang who will take care of us, Master, don’t worry, Xi will definitely lead Shi Sanyi well!”

Feng Yao's heart warmed up, but Feng Yao had Feng Yao's own arrangements, although the army may be short of money, but there is no need to worry about food.

Feng Yao straightened his face and said: "This is an order, don't you want to obey my orders now! Also, always remember one thing, a good man bleeds, sweats and doesn't shed tears!"

"Yes, master!" Feng Xi replied loudly, wiping away his tears.

At this moment, Chen Dao, who had been wiping his long gun, came over, took out two taels of silver silently, handed it to Feng Xi, and then returned to the original place, continuing to polish his zhangshi python sharp gun.

Interrupted by Feng Xi's cries, Zhou Cang and Dai Ling also surrounded them. After Chen arrived, both of them also handed over the settling allowance they received from the application to Feng Xi.They have long been homeless, but Feng Yao gave them a home, and now these people are their family members, including Shi Sanyi.

This night, everyone spent parting in sadness. At daybreak, Feng Yao and the others left Taolin Residence and came to the school grounds for the final competition for the selection of corporal leaders!

"Master! Dai Ling has decided not to participate in the selection of the corps leader!" Just as he was about to sign up, Dai Ling said suddenly.

"Why! If you participate, you will surely get the corporal easily?" Feng Yao asked in surprise.

"Master, I thought about it all night last night. If you get the position of Corporal Chief, and Master also gets the position of Corporal Chief, then you will be separated from Master. How can Dai Ling protect Master's safety?" Dai Ling replied.

"But even if you don't become the team leader, you may not be assigned to my team?" Feng Yao said.

"This master can rest assured. I have seen the process of recruiting soldiers before, and I know a little bit about it. By recruiting new corporal leaders, you can freely choose your own soldiers from among the recruits when you take office for the first time!" Dai Ling said. .

Feng Yao was taken aback when he heard this, and thought to himself: "How come there are such rules in recruiting soldiers in ancient times? But it seems to be very humane, so that you don't have to worry about the phenomenon of dissatisfaction among your soldiers, good! Good, I've been thinking about it. How to be a good corporal leader, how to make recruits surrender! Now you don’t have to worry about it at all!"

"Brother, I also gave up running for the corps leader, and I will fight the enemy with my brother!" Zhou Cang said.

"I'll follow Big Brother too!" Chen Dao said.

Looking at the sincere expressions of several people, Feng Yao couldn't help being moved in his heart, his eyes turned red, and he almost burst into tears, but he immediately held back his tears, saying in his heart: "Don't cry, absolutely not, a good man has tears Don't flick! I'm the big brother, I must show a strong image!", Feng Yao took a deep breath, and finally Feng Yao didn't lose face.

"It's so good! We and the brothers are united, and we will be able to make great achievements and become famous in the world!" Feng Yao said loudly with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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