Chapter 19
The surroundings of the school grounds are more heavily guarded than usual!Not only were all Lu Bu's personal soldiers present, but also the "landlords" of the Chen family deployed a large number of family soldiers to guard the main roads. Looking from a distance, there were several generals sitting on the general platform, and one of them was tall and tall. Don't be angry and prestige, right in the middle of Lu Bu!On both sides of Lu Bu were two unfamiliar faces, Feng Yao guessed that they must be Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

"Unexpectedly, today, Lu Bu came to watch the selection of the corps leader in person!" Feng Yao thought.

Every official soldier who has passed the second-level test must enter the school grounds. Once a corporal leader is selected, he will select his own soldiers on the spot!Those who want to run for the corps leader must register in advance and receive a number plate.

Feng Yao received a number plate, and when he saw the number on it, it turned out to be 890 two. Feng Yao took a breath, "I didn't expect such a fierce competition for a small corporal leader. The announcement said that only [-] corporals are needed. Chief, there are actually six people fighting for this corporal chief!"

At this time, someone from behind suddenly shouted violently: "The boy in front, get out of the way! Don't block the way of grandpa!"

Before Feng Yao could turn around, he felt a strong wind coming from behind him, so he had to dodge to one side, dodging the attack, couldn't help being furious, and turned around to see that a big fat man was picking up another soldier who was blocking his way, Want to throw it aside.

"It's you again!!" Feng Yao said angrily.

This man is exactly the fat man who clashed with him at the inn a few days ago!
"It's you?" The big fat man was startled when he saw Feng Yao's face clearly, Feng Yao is not easy to mess with, he has already learned that.

The fat and strong man let go of the man in his hand, but he didn't want to show weakness, so he said: "If you have the ability, see you on the school ground!" Turned and left.

Feng Yao snorted softly, didn't take it seriously, went straight into the school field and lined up in order, and the big fat man was also in front of him not far away.

The first competition is still a comparison of strength. Strength is the most important thing on the battlefield. If strength is not enough, you will be too tired to walk just wearing a set of armor weighing tens of kilograms. How to kill the enemy?Not to mention that once they marched in a hurry, every soldier had to wear armor, carry food and water, carry weapons, and hurry.

There is a pair of iron locks in the middle of the school grounds, each weighing one and a half stones, and the two weighing three stones in total. If you want to be a captain, you have to walk around with both hands holding the iron locks, and then put the iron locks back on the original place. To qualify for the next round.

Not long after, all the newly enlisted soldiers who were supposed to arrive had basically arrived. At this time, the hour was about to pass, and a round of red sun rose, dragging the tall banners out of a long oblique shadow.

"Woo—" A long horn sounded!
The invigilator will wave the command flag in his hand, announcing the start of the first strength test. The soldiers participating in the selection were commotioned for a while, but immediately quieted down. Everyone's heart was raised, and their faces showed nervousness.

"Hey! Do you know! I know the general who invigilated the exam!" At this time, a soldier standing in front of Feng Yao turned his head and whispered to Feng Yao.

This soldier Feng Yao didn't know him well, and he had never spoken to him. Because he was thinner, about half a head shorter than Feng Yao, Feng Yao didn't have much interest in him, but at this time he took the initiative to talk to Feng Yao, Feng Yao Yao didn't want to be rude, so he said softly: "It's a competition, speaking will violate military discipline, it will be bad if the invigilator hears it!"

The soldier seemed to want to prove himself, and whispered: "It's okay, we are so far away, we can't hear, this general is named Wei Mingxu! He is the wife and brother of the lord, and he is not strict in leading troops. most fortunate."

"Really?" Feng Yao couldn't believe that the invigilator was Wei Xu. Apart from being a bit thick, this invigilator had nothing outstanding.

"How can I lie to you! If you don't believe me, you can inquire about it. My surname is Xu Mingxian, and I am well-known in the local area. Even if you don't know me, you should have heard of our Xu family's Yuedan review, right?"

"You mean Xu Zijiang?" Feng Yao suddenly became interested. He had heard that there was a famous person named Xu Zijiang in Pingyu, and he once commented on Cao Cao, "A capable minister in the world, a traitor in troubled times! ", Unfortunately, due to the war, the Xu family had already moved out of Pingyu County, and the once influential Yuedan Review had long since ceased publication. I did not expect to meet Xu Zijiang's people here.

"Of course, brother, Xu Zi will be my clan uncle. This is not just bragging. I used to ask around for news and help collect information for Yuedan Review!" Xu Xian said with some pride.

Feng Yao was silent for a long time, at this moment, there was a sudden burst of laughter from the school grounds, Feng Yao looked, it turned out that a soldier who participated in the competition had exhausted his strength and was hit by an iron chain, sitting on the ground with his feet hugged and his teeth in pain extreme.

The invigilator announced mercilessly: "Unqualified! Come here, take him away!" Two soldiers responded and carried the man away.

"Continue to the next one!"

Feng Yao looked at it, and the competition was going on very quickly. After a while, there were more than 300 people, and he was ranked 890. It was not his turn yet, so he started talking with Xu Xian in a low voice.

Xu Xian said: "Excuse me, how can I call you brother? How much is Gui Geng?"

Feng Yaodao: "My surname is Feng and my name is Zimou. You can call me Zimou. I'm from Wuwu, how about you?"

Xu Xian said: "I'm Dingsi years old, I'm one year older, and I don't have a sign."


As time passed by, it was already the eighth day of 880, and the atmosphere gradually became more and more tense. Most of the soldiers participating in the selection had been eliminated, and there were only less than 600 people on the field at this time!

180th successfully passed, happy to stand aside and wait for the next round of competition.

"Number one thousand one hundred and eighty nine!"

At this time, the fat man who had been standing in front of Feng Yao walked out happily, handed the number plate to the invigilator, and was about to pick up the pair of iron locks, when the invigilator suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

"What's your name?" The invigilator said angrily.

"Bear embroidered!" said the fat man.

When Feng Yao heard the name, Xiongxiu, and looked at the figure of the fat man, he almost couldn't laugh out loud, and thought: "This name is really interesting, and the word Xiong is also appropriate, but the word Xiu, It's a bit too girly!"

The invigilator pointed to Xiong Xiu and said, "What's your number?"

"One thousand, more than 1000, I can't read!" Xiong Xiu replied with some fear.

"If you can't read, you can't grab the position randomly. You are one thousand 890 three. I think you are the first model, let's not care about it for the time being. If there is another model, you will be dealt with by military law!" the invigilator said angrily.

"Yes, General!" Xiong Xiu said, and after speaking, Xiong Xiu picked up the double iron locks and left.

"Stop!" The invigilator shouted with glaring eyes, "Go back and line up in order!" After speaking, he threw Xiong Xiu's number plate on Xiong Xiu's face.

Xiong Xiu shivered in fright, picked up the number plate and hurriedly retreated, Feng Yao saw that his number plate was right behind him, so he beckoned and let Xiong Xiu get behind him.

Although Feng Yao doesn't like Xiong Xiu at all, but thinking that he will always kill the enemy on the same battlefield in the future, Fan doesn't care about such a fool.

Not long after, it was Xu Xian's turn. After trying the iron lock, Xu Xian picked it up with a hey sound, and started to walk around, but his steps were very heavy, and his teeth were clenched. After walking about half a circle, Xu Xian It was obvious that his strength was exhausted, and the iron lock began to sink slowly, and it was about to fall off.

"Ah!" Xu Xian roared with difficulty, and with all his strength lifted the iron lock again, the veins on his face popped and turned red, and he took a few steps forward with difficulty, the steps getting smaller and smaller.

At this time, just passing by Feng Yao, Feng Yao carefully encouraged: "Hold on!" Xu Xian was refreshed when he heard the words, and walked forward quickly with the iron lock in hand, and finally arrived at the pointed place, sitting on his buttocks. He fell to the ground, panting heavily.

The invigilator looked at it for a while, seemed to be unable to bear it, and finally said: "Pass!"

It was Feng Yao's turn to play. The three-stone iron locks were too light for Feng Yao. Feng Yao lifted his hands lightly and walked half a circle easily. Feeling bored, he raised the two iron locks high with his arms. , After walking the second half circle, then gently put the iron lock on the designated place, clapped his hands, his face was not red, and he was not out of breath.

"Okay!" There was a burst of applause at the scene, and the eyes looking at Feng Yao became eager.

The invigilator showed joy and asked, "What is your last name?"

"Feng Yao!"

"Pass!" The invigilator announced loudly, and returned the number plate to Feng Yao.

Xiong Xiu, who was behind Feng Yao, seemed dissatisfied with Feng Yao. As soon as he entered the battle, he raised the iron lock, followed Feng Yao's example, walked a full circle, and completed the task. Standing beside Feng Yao proudly.

The strength test was completed quickly, and a total of 680 people passed!This means that in the next two competitions, 380 people will be eliminated!

When he came to the bow and arrow competition field, Feng Yao discovered that the bow this time was completely different from the previous two times. The bows used in the previous two times were all short bows, only half a person tall. This kind of bow not only requires great strength, but also requires the shooter to have enough height and wingspan. Many soldiers who easily passed the first level of strength competition, after picking up the longbow and trying a few times, shook their heads and sighed and gave up automatically. Xu Xian was also not spared.

Feng Yao tried it. To draw this bow, in fact, it only needs the strength of two stones, but to draw it fully, you must spread your arms more than seven feet. Although Feng Yao is more than eight feet tall, point, but the wingspan has reached nearly nine feet in length, with a light pull, the bow will be fully stringed, causing another burst of applause.

Near noon, the bow and arrow competition was over, and there were only 430 people standing in the school field at this time!After a simple rest and meal, the third equestrian competition was much easier than the first two competitions. However, more than 100 people were eliminated, and only 280 people barely passed the equestrian test. Select 20 people to make up the number of [-].

(End of this chapter)

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