Chapter 20

Feng Yao easily got the position of corps leader, which was expected by Feng Yao. Although he was very happy, he had nothing to show off, but in the final assignment and formation, he brought Feng Yao a unexpected surprise.What Feng Yao didn't expect was that this little corporal leader of his own would cause a fight between two famous generals under Lu Bu.

In the end, Feng Yao was compiled into the No. [-] song in Zuotun, the left part of the bow and arrow. The governor of the left part is Hao Meng. There is nothing to say. After publicly announcing military discipline and military regulations, Feng Yao was really taken aback. There are mainly [-] military disciplines, as follows:
One: Don't advance when you hear the drums, don't stop when you hear the gold, don't raise the flag, don't hold the flag down, this is called disobedience to the army, and the offender will be killed.

Second: Responding to the name, not arriving on time, failing to meet the deadline, changing the teacher's law, this is called slowing down the army, and the offender will be executed.

The third: Nightly transmission of trickery, slackness and no report, even more slowness in violating, the voice is unknown, this is called slack in the army, and the offender will be beheaded.

Fourth: complaining a lot, angering the chief general, not listening to restraint, making it even more difficult to teach, this is called building an army, and offenders will beheaded.

Fifth: Raise your voice and laugh, flout the prohibition agreement, and rush through the gate of the army. This is called light army, and the offender will be beheaded.

Sixth: The weapons used, the bows and crossbows are absolutely stringless, the arrows have no feathers, the swords and halberds are not good, and the flags are withered.

Seventh: Rumors and deceitful words, fabricating ghosts and gods, pretending to be asleep, talking heresy, and bewitching soldiers.

Eighth: Having a good tongue and sharp teeth, arguing about right and wrong, mobilizing soldiers to make them discord, this is called slandering the army, and the offender will be beheaded.

Ninth: Wherever they go, abuse their people, if they force prostitutes, this is called a treacherous army, and the offenders will beheaded.

Tenth: Stealing other people's property for self-interest, taking someone's head for one's own merit, this is called stealing the army, and the offender will beheaded.

The eleventh: The army and the people gather together to discuss matters, enter the tent privately, and listen to military aircraft. This is called spying on the army, and the offender will be executed.

Twelve: If you hear the plan, or hear the order, leak it to the outside, so that the enemy can know it.

The thirteenth: When invoking, be tongue-tied, lower your eyebrows and bow your head, with a look of embarrassment on your face. This is called a ruthless army, and the offender will beheaded.

The fourteenth: Going out to march in the army, helping the front and the rear, talking loudly, and not obeying the forbidden instructions, this is called a disorderly army, and the offenders will be killed.

Part [-]: Suspicion of wounds to cause illness to avoid conquest, pinching wounds and feigning death so as to escape.

The sixteenth: In charge of money and food, when giving rewards, the relatives of the privates make the soldiers grievances.

Part seventeen: Observe the bandits without interrogation, scout out the bandits without details, and never speak when they arrive. If there are too many, there will be few words, and if there are few, there will be more words.

The more Feng Yao heard it, the more startled he became, and he thought to himself: "Sure enough, it's better to take the lead yourself. Now this is not a soldier, it's like selling your life to Lu Bu!! Death on the battlefield is nothing. Usually, if you are a little careless , this head is not guaranteed! If I had known earlier, I would still be the king of the mountain, and gathering a wave of bandits would be a joy!"

After the [-]th National Congress of Military Discipline, Hao Meng announced some military regulations, such as no leapfrog reporting, must obey the management, and no one is allowed to move around without orders. Anyone who disobeys the management will be punished by the Military Disciplinary Department in non-wartime, and the chief in wartime can Cut him immediately under the knife, but only for soldiers below the generals, that is, ordinary soldiers, corporal leaders, and even commanders. If the team leader violates military discipline during the war, his superiors do not need to report, and he can be executed on the spot! !If the soldiers are disobedient, the corps leader can be killed; if the corps leader is disobedient, the leader can be killed; !
"Okay, I must be honest in the future, and from now on, this life is not mine! I must perform well in the future, and strive to become a military lord as soon as possible, or this little life will be in the hands of others at any time Here, there is not even a chance to defend yourself!!"

But aside from these strict military disciplines, Feng Yao received a big surprise—the military marquis of Feng Yao's Jiazi song turned out to be Cao Xing! !The leader of the Zuotun team was also Wu Liang who had met Feng Yao a few times. The first boss was Li Jin. It was the first time that Li Jin met Feng Yao. Judging by his appearance, he was considered a kind person. .

With the relationship with Cao Xing and Wu Liang, Feng Yao breathed a sigh of relief!But there is still one thing that disappoints Feng Yao, that that annoying Xiongxiu is actually in the same place as him! !And it's the same level as my own, and it's also the post of corporal leader!

While Feng Yao was still worrying about his future life in the military camp, Feng Yao didn't know that his life would soon be lost!

In Chen's study.

Chen Ying's face was gloomy at this time, and he used his hands to twist a few loose beards on his chin from time to time. Standing beside him was Chen Fu, the chief manager of the Chen residence.

"Chen Fu, on the first day of recruits today, the barracks must be quite chaotic. You arranged for two assassins to come back to me with the head of that wild boy!" Chen Ying said bitterly.

Chen Fu asked in a low voice: "Did you take Chen to—— by the way?"

Chen Ying waved his hand and said again: "Don't touch him now, outsiders know that I am at odds with him, if he is stabbed to death in this city, I am afraid someone will gossip and affect the reputation of my Chen family. The battlefield, are you afraid how long he can live? You must arrange this matter carefully so that no one will suspect me. I heard that the kid had a conflict with someone in Yuelai a few days ago. What is the name of that person?"

"Xiong Xiu! He is also a corporal leader, and he is in the same camp as that kid!" Chen Fu said.

"Yes, it's him, do it cleanly, and after the other things are done, spread some rumors so that outsiders think Xiong Xiu did it!" Chen Ying said.

Chen Fu nodded, frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Patriarch! Although the recruits recruited today are entering the camp for the first time, I have heard that Lu Gong leads the troops well. I am worried that it will be difficult for assassins to sneak into the barracks."

"Don't you know that Lu Gong's food and grass are all supplied by the Chen family? Huh! Don't use your brain too much, you still ask about such a trivial matter! Go, let me be quiet for a while." Chen Ying impatiently waved.

Chen Ying didn't pay much attention to Feng Yao at first, although he wanted to kill Feng Yao, but after thinking about it, Feng Yao didn't have any background, just a small soldier, as long as he went to the battlefield, he would probably end up buried in a foreign land I just didn't expect the development of things to be a bit unexpected...

an hour ago:
As Lv Bu's biggest supporter, Chen Ying also sat on the general platform. Although he was a little far away, he could still clearly hear the whispers between Wei Xu and others and Lv Bu.

At that time, when selecting the corporal leader and forming the formation, Wei Xu came to Lu Bu's side and whispered: "Brother-in-law, in the process of selecting the corporal leader just now, I found a talent with great potential, that is, those who are taller. They are all from the same Wu, I want them to compile them into my trilogy." Wei Xu said, and pointed to Feng Yao on the school field.

In fact, Lu Bu had already noticed that Feng Yao, Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, etc. were obviously taller than the other soldiers around them. Standing behind Feng Yao, Dai Ling was even taller, more than a head taller than ordinary people. .

"You mean the one named Feng Yao, right?" Lu Bu smiled lightly.

"Yes, yes! Brother-in-law, it's him, what do you think?" Wei Xuxi said.

"The cavalry battalion has always given priority to choosing the corporal commander. Can you tell me your reason?" Lu Bu said.

"Hey, what about this, brother-in-law, am I thinking about my brother-in-law? I heard that kid Feng Yao had a relationship with my brother-in-law once, and my brother-in-law would like to take him in as a follower. He is just a recruit after all. If you play as a forward, it would be a pity if you die on the battlefield, it is better to be the rear first, helping to escort the food and grass, and it is better to train for a while!"

Lu Bu thought about it, that's right. When he was thinking about how to arrange it, Hao Meng from the bow and arrow battalion also stepped forward and said that he had something to report. Lu Bu ordered Hao Meng to come forward.

Hao Meng also whispered, and said: "My lord, my subordinates were ordered to form the Longbow Battalion, and found a few very suitable talents! I specially invited you to ask my lord to give priority to choosing the corps leader!"

"Oh!" Lu Bu was a little surprised, why did he want to make an exception, could it be because of that Feng Yao!

"It's just the tall ones over there, especially the boy in the front. Not only is he tall and powerful, but he also has a pair of unusually long arms. He is really the best candidate for a longbowman!" Hao Meng pointed at Feng Yao from a distance. .

"This?" Lu Bu's face turned pale.

The two generals fell in love with a corporal leader at the same time. The palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh. If anyone agrees, it will inevitably make the other have an opinion. Lu Bu looked at it and waited quietly. Meng's words, it depends on how he reacts, Lu Bu hopes that one party will withdraw voluntarily.

When Wei Xu heard that Hao Meng also wanted to recruit Feng Yao, he immediately became anxious, "I am the lord's brother-in-law, my brother-in-law will definitely support me!"

"Brother-in-law?" Wei Xu whispered.

Lu Bu sighed, looked at Wei Xu and said, "Since you call me brother-in-law, you should support my decision! Well, you step back, I have already decided on this matter!"

"Brother-in-law!" Wei Xu said anxiously.

"Still not retreating!" Lu Bu's face was serious, and he shouted softly.

Wei Xu shuddered, stepped back quickly, and glanced at Hao Meng bitterly.

"Hao Meng, you have experienced a lot of ups and downs with Benhou these years, and you have always been loyal. Benhou believes that you did this for Benhou. You go and pass on the password of Benhou. The Longbow Battalion formed this time is very It's important, everyone must cooperate, you can just pick whoever you want, and I will take care of everything!" Lu Bu said seriously.

"No! This subordinate will definitely do my best to assist the lord!" Hao Meng was so excited that she knelt on one knee and accepted the order with her fists clasped.


Feng Yao happily led his direct subordinates to the barracks under the leadership of Chief Li Jin. According to regulations, every soldier must live in the same barracks, and they are not allowed to go out casually!

Feng Yao secretly rejoiced that he was lucky to be assigned to the Longbow Battalion as an infantry archer!At least you don't need to be like sword and shield soldiers, you have to charge forward in every battle, and if you have practiced archery well, you can shoot an arrow on the battlefield and take the life of the enemy general, then the feat is not as rushing as running water In your pocket!If you are lucky, you can become famous like Cao Xing in the history books, that would be even better.

 I have been wanting to write a novel about the Three Kingdoms for many years, and this has become an inextricable knot in 120's heart. Before writing, I made an oath that I will finish the book!

  Begging for collection!Kneeling for recommendation! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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