Chapter 21
"Clean up your equipment, put weapons, bows, arrows, leather armor, etc. on the shelf on the left, and the right is where you sleep!" Li Jin said loudly.

Feng Yao looked left and right, this barracks is not big, about three feet, the equipment rack on the left has three upper, middle and lower floors, it is more than enough to store everyone's equipment and luggage, but looking at the right side, there is only one kang , There is a straw mat on the kang, and two coarse grass-colored quilts, it doesn't look like it can sleep ten people.

"Why are you still standing there? Don't act fast!" Li Jin shouted.

The ten people hurriedly took off the long bows on their backs and the quiver at their waists, all wanting to seize the middle floor. Feng Yao smiled lightly, and the lower two floors were not suitable for him at all. It's good! This top layer is the most suitable for me." Take off the longbow on the back, the shield, and the long sword and quiver on the waist, and put them on the top layer one by one.

Xiong Xiu, who was still competing with Zhou Cang for the middle floor, found that Feng Yao put the equipment on the top floor, and snorted softly in dissatisfaction, and gave up grabbing the middle floor, and put the equipment on the upper floor. All the equipment was placed neatly, but after that, they didn't know what to do. Most people's eyes were on Dai Ling and Xiong Xiu.

Dai Ling is nearly nine feet tall, with strong muscles. One person is almost as tall as two people, plus Xiong Xiu, who is almost as tall as him horizontally, and Feng Yao and Zhou Cang are also about eight feet tall. Can a small kang sleep well?

"How long! I have a question?" Feng Yao glanced at Xiong Xiu and asked.

"Feng Wuchang, if you have something to say, just say it!" Li Jin said.

"Excuse me, isn't this kang too small to sleep ten people?" Feng Yao asked cautiously.

"Everything is the same, if you have no place to sleep, you can only sleep on the floor!" Li Jin said.

After receiving Li Jin's affirmative answer, Feng Yao and the others couldn't believe it. This kang can really sleep ten people?
Everyone, look at me and I look at you. After confirming that this is true, the first question that comes to mind is, since there is no choice, and ten people must squeeze into one kang, of course everyone wants to occupy the position at the top of the kang Well, it's still the first month of the month, the temperature at night is relatively low, and the top of the kang is the warmest place on the whole kang.

Several people climbed up the kang at the same time, all wanting to seize the position at the head of the kang, but unfortunately, Feng Yao's team lined up on the side near the end of the kang.Xiong Xiu sat proudly on the head of the kang, and then looked at Feng Yao with provocative eyes. He didn't believe that Feng Yao could openly fight with him in front of Shi Chang.

Seeing that the head of the kang was taken away, Feng Yao didn't think too much about it, so he found a place casually, but Dai Ling and Zhou Cang were straight-hearted, how could they let the head of the kang be taken away by others, shouted loudly, and moved forward a few times Xiong Xiu's subordinates flung them away and competed with Xiong Xiu for the position on the kang. The other small soldiers did not dare to provoke the three of them, so they could only choose a place at the end of the kang to settle down.

Dai Ling was a little stronger than Xiong Xiu, and grabbed Xiong Xiu's head, trying to drag Xiong Xiu to the back, but Xiong Xiu held on to the edge of the kang with both hands, and refused to let go even though his face was flushed.

"Fat bear, let go quickly, or I will use my strength!" Dai Ling threatened.

Xiong Xiu took a breath, and shouted intermittently, "Don't even think about it, I will never let go of you if you kill me! I took the seat first!"

Dai Ling saw that Xiong Xiu wouldn't let go, so he exerted some force, only to hear Xiong Xiu shout: "What the hell! Help me! He wants to strangle me!"

"Have you had enough trouble! Don't stop!" Li Jin shouted angrily.

At this time, Li Jin was already so angry that his nose was almost crooked. Although Cao Junhou had ordered him to beware of fights between the two sides, he didn't expect these young soldiers to be so difficult to lead!During the formation during the day, the two sides only stared at each other occasionally, but they didn't expect to fight when they returned to the barracks, and it was just because of a kang!What if a war breaks out in the future?

At the same time, Li Jin also didn't understand why Cao Xing knew that the two teams were at odds, but still arranged them in the same place.

Who would dare not listen to Shichang's words, Dai Ling had no choice but to let go of Xiong Xiu, Xiong Xiu hummed and rubbed the painful neck that was strangled by Dai Ling.

"If you've had enough trouble, now answer my question, where do I sleep? Do you want me to sleep on the ground?" Li Jin said angrily.

What?How long do you want to squeeze on this kang?
Not only Feng Yao, but everyone was dumbfounded!The kang was already overcrowded, yet Shi Chang actually slept here!But if Shichang sleeps here, it must be the best place to sleep, that is the head of the kang. Shichang is the largest in this room, and Shichang controls the lives of ten people. If he offends, just find a crime , this head is about to move!
Except for Xiong Xiu, including Shichang Li Jin, everyone's eyes were on Kangtou.

"I, I, I..." Xiong Xiu wanted to get out of the kang head, so he squeezed hard, trying to push Dai Ling back to make room for the kang head, but after a few squeezes, he found that he couldn't squeeze at all. Dare to delay any longer, so he jumped down from the kang in disgrace, and stood aside with an innocent face.

"And you! Big man, I will punish you two to sleep at the end of the kang for a month!" Li Jin said.

Dai Ling had no choice but to come down and squeeze into the end of the kang with Xiong Xiu.

There were 11 people on a kang, and they really fell asleep, but almost all of them had their chests against their backs, and it was very difficult to turn over.

Although he was lying down, Feng Yao did not feel sleepy. Too many things happened these days, and many things completely overturned Feng Yao's original cognition, but no matter what, once it comes, he will be at peace, and he can only learn to adapt to it as soon as possible. In troubled times, it is possible to survive.

I was lying down thinking wildly, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I endured it for a while, and my stomach started to growl. The pain was unbearable, so I got up and said, "It's so long! I have a stomachache, and I have to go to the latrine!"

Li Jin sat up and asked: "Really?" He looked at Feng Yao and said, then go and come back quickly, don't run around, if you run around and violate military discipline, I can't save you! "

Feng Yao nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm just going to the latrine, and I'll be right back!"

As soon as Feng Yao got off the kang, Zhou Cang also sat up and said, "What the hell, I also have a stomachache, I have to go to the latrine!"

"Then you two go quickly, but you only have a quarter of an hour, come back as soon as possible!" Li Jin said.

Pushing open the door of the barracks, a gust of cold air hit, Feng Yao shivered, wrapped his clothes, and walked towards the hut under the faint moonlight.

At this moment, a black shadow flickered and disappeared in a corner.


Feng Yao was startled, and asked softly, but after listening carefully, no one responded except for the slight sound of the wind.

Zhou Cang followed Feng Yao, and whispered anxiously: "Brother, there is no one! Let's go quickly, we can't take it any longer!"

"Okay!" Feng Yao nodded, but after walking a few steps, he couldn't help but look back at the black shadow disappearing, but there was still no movement, and thought: "Maybe he went to the latrine like us. Bar."

After going to the latrine, the more Feng Yao thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong. He said to himself: "It's been more than a year since time travel, and I have never had diarrhea, and even if I have diarrhea, Zhou Cang's body has always been very good. Why? Also opened his stomach? Could it be that someone put laxatives in the food? Could it be him?" Feng Yao's face appeared in Xiong Xiu's mind.

"Second brother, did you really not see a flash of black shadow just now?" Feng Yao asked again just after leaving the latrine.

Zhou Cang said: "No, big brother! I had a stomachache at the time, so I didn't pay much attention!"

After walking a few more steps, Zhou Cang stopped suddenly, and said excitedly, "Hey? Brother, could it be that someone wants to be a deserter?"

At this moment, through the cold wind, a very light sound of bowstrings came to Feng Yao's ears. Feng Yao was startled, and thought to himself: "It's so late, how can there be the sound of drawing a bow and shooting an arrow?"

Feng Yao hadn't had time to think about it, when he suddenly felt a sharp gaze fixed on him, he felt the hairs all over his body tighten, and was instantly shrouded in an inexplicable fear!

"not good--!"

Feng Yao gave a soft drink, took a big step back, and then shouted: "Second brother, be careful!"

But it was already too late at this time, Zhou Cang cried out in pain, "Ouch!", his figure swayed, and he almost fell to the ground!
"Let's go!" Feng Yao was terrified, he quickly supported Zhou Cang, and dragged Zhou Cang to the base of the wall beside him.

"Second brother, what's wrong with you?" Feng Yao asked anxiously.

Zhou Cang couldn't stand upright, so he sat down against the wall, gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "I..., I got shot in the leg!"

Feng Yao was about to check Zhou Cang's injuries when Zhou Cang suddenly said in shock, "Brother! Be careful behind you!"

Feng Yao turned around sharply, only to see a masked man in black rushing over, raised the knife in his hand and slashed towards his neck!Feng Yao lowered his head and stepped aside, kicking the man in black in the crotch!
The man in black didn't back down, instead he pushed his knee to block Feng Yao's kick, swung the saber in his hand, and slashed at Feng Yao again!

Zhou Cang, who was sitting by the wall, was shocked and wanted to stand up to help Feng Yao defend against the man in black, but he fell to the ground before getting up half a foot, and shouted with difficulty: "Come on! There are assassins! There are assassins!" Assassin!..." But Zhou Cang's voice was so faint that it couldn't be heard very far.

Looking at Zhou Cang's situation, Feng Yao felt that the secret path was not good. He was afraid that the assassin in black would attack the defenseless Zhou Cang, so while dealing with the assassin, he led the assassin away a little while shouting for help.

"There are assassins—! There are assassins—!"

At this time, there was another sound of bowstrings. Feng Yao was startled, and stepped aside. By the moonlight, he discovered that there was also a masked man in black on a roof ten feet away. A short bow, with sharp eyes, is stretching the bow and setting an arrow, aiming at the vital parts of his body!

"There are actually two masked assassins!" Feng Yao was terrified.

Seeing Feng Yao calling for help, the black-clothed masked assassin who wielded a knife seemed to be in a hurry, so instead of attacking Zhou Cang, he stared at Feng Yao, and slashed at Feng Yao like a knife, desperately trying to kill Feng Yao To death!
Feng Yao was unarmed, and he had to pay attention to the arrows from the assassin with the bow in the distance.

The martial arts of the masked assassin in black is very strong, but Feng Yao still has to choose close combat, otherwise, as long as Feng Yao distances himself from the assassin wielding the knife, the assassin archer in the distance will shoot him with an arrow. , Feng Yao could only hold on, hoping that someone would come as soon as possible to resolve the crisis.

"Who is it! Who called for an assassin! Don't you know that if you spread rumors in the military camp, you will be beheaded!" At this time, Li Jin ran over from a distance and said angrily.

Feng Yao was overjoyed, but immediately remembered the assassin archer in the distance, and hurriedly shouted: "What a long shot! Be careful with cold arrows!"

"Feng Yao, who are you fighting with? Are you calling for an assassin?"

Li Jin ran close quickly and found that Feng Yao had been hacked by the black-clothed masked man with a knife and there was almost nowhere to hide. He said angrily, "How dare you hurt my subordinates!" The person kicked in the back.

The assassin stepped aside. At this time, some soldiers in the nearby barracks also woke up from their sleep and came out to check. The assassin and archer on the roof in the distance could not do anything, so they blew a whistle, making the assassin with the knife take a look. Feng Yao and Li Jin turned around and ran into the darkness.

Li Jin was about to chase after him, but the assassin archer in the distance blocked Li Jin's path with a series of cold arrows, then jumped off the roof and escaped into the darkness.

When Feng Yao waited for the assassin to leave, his legs went limp, and he almost fell to the ground. He felt that his body was sweating frequently, and the clothes on his back were already soaked. He reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to Li Jin, "What a long time, Zhou Cang has been shot by an arrow, save him quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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