Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 22 The Poison of Aconitum

Chapter 22 The Poison of Aconitum
"Where are the Zhoucang people?" Li Jin asked anxiously.

"At the foot of the wall over there!" Feng Yao took a breath, pulled himself together and stood up again, leading Li in to find Zhou Cang.

At this moment, Zhou Cang was already lying on the ground. Seeing Feng Yao and Li Jin, they opened their mouths and spoke, but the voice was very weak. Feng Yao hurriedly lowered his head, and finally heard Zhou Cang's vague words, "I'm fine! Brother , are you okay, are you injured?"

"I'm fine, let's go, don't talk anymore, I'll take you to the military doctor!" Feng Yao quickly picked up Zhou Cang regardless of his weakness.

Li Jindao: "Take it to the barracks first, and I will go to the military lord. Only the military lord can take us to the military doctor!"

At this time, many soldiers who heard the news and arrived, after learning the details, lit torches and searched for the assassin.

Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Xu Xian all rushed over. After Xiong Xiu and the others knew that Zhou Cang was injured, they didn't say much, and went back to the barracks to sleep.

Feng Yao rushed back to the barracks with Zhou Cang in his arms, seeing Xiong Xiu and others occupying the kang to sleep, he was furious and shouted: "Captain Xiong, get out of the way of the person who brought you!"

Chen Daodao was also furious, and it was fine if he didn't come to help, but he knew that there were injured people and couldn't get up on the kang, so he rushed over and pushed several people off the kang, Xiong Xiu was not pushed off the kang due to his heavy weight Sitting up, he said angrily: "Mother, you are really a grandfather to be bullied!" As he said that, he wanted to fight back.

Feng Yao was very anxious at this moment, he really wanted to go up and beat Xiong Xiu hard, now that Chief Li went in to find the Marquis, if he really started to quarrel with Xiong Xiu, it would be bad for his own side, and Zhou Cang's injury must not be delayed.

"Stop!" Feng Yao stopped the fights of several people, then stared at Xiong Xiu and said, "Commander Xiong, Zhou Cang was injured by an arrow and needs to use the kang, I hope you will be more sensible, otherwise you will come back soon If you don't punish your crime, I will never let you go!"

Xiong Xiu glanced at the arrow stuck in Zhou Cang's leg, reluctantly jumped off the kang, moved out of the way, and said, "I didn't know he was coming here. Didn't he go to the military doctor if he was injured? Who told you to come here?" Make it clear! When I came in, I yelled and beat people, and I haven't lost my temper yet! Even if I grow back, I have something to say!"

Feng Yao didn't have the time to worry about it, so he ordered Chen Dao to spread out a quilt on the kang, and then carefully put Zhou Cang on the kang.

"Second brother, do you feel pain?" Chen Dao asked with heartache seeing Zhou Cang's thigh almost pierced by the arrow wound.

Zhou Cang opened his mouth, he was speechless, he just uttered: "Ah, uh..." In a barely audible voice, seeing the anxious and sad expressions of Feng Yao and others, he tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and used Difficult to point his finger to his mouth.

Seeing Zhou Cang's weak state, Feng Yao was shocked, "It's just an arrow in the leg, and there wasn't much blood, how could it be so serious?"

"Third Brother, check to see if there are any injuries elsewhere!" Feng Yao said urgently.

"Xu Xian, didn't you ask around? Do you know anyone in this city who can treat arrow wounds?" Feng Yao asked.

Xu Xian had a worried look on his face, looked outside the door, and said: "Commander, I know a little about this, there is a Huairen medicine shop not far from here, and the shopkeeper also heals people's injuries, in the west of the city He is well-known, but the military discipline in this barracks is strict, and he might not be able to get out for a while! But Brother Zhou's injury..."

Feng Yao understands that what Xu Xian said is the truth, if he wants to go out for treatment, he must have the seal of the head of the Ministry, with Zhou Cang's injury, I'm afraid it won't last until that time!

"Second brother, don't worry, I will definitely save you!" Feng Yao comforted Zhou Cang, and brought a dagger to pick off the clothes on Zhou Cang's injured part.

Feng Yao took a closer look, only to find that the area around the arrow wound had started to turn black, and the shaft of the arrow penetrated deep into the flesh, almost penetrating the entire thigh. Feng Yao pressed it lightly, knowing that the arrow did not hurt the bone, and his heart ached. install.

"Captain, brother Zhou's wound is black, could it be that the arrow is poisonous?" Xu Xian said suddenly at this moment.

"It's poisoned!"

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the barracks, and an old man with a scholar's cap and robes appeared at the door. Behind him was Cao Xing, the military marquis of Jiaziqu, and Wu Liang, the leader of the Zuotun team!Finally, there is a handyman carrying a box, and Li Jin, the chief.

"Marquis!" Feng Yao clasped his fists and saluted.

Cao Xing looked dignified, waved his hand and said: "There is no need to be too polite, saving people is the most important thing!"

The old man walked up to the kang, looked at Zhou Cang's eyes, and slightly opened mouth, and pressed around Zhou Cang's wound, and finally put his nose close to the arrow wound, closed his eyes and smelled carefully.

The old man was about 50 years old. Although a scribe hat covered most of his head, the hair from the sideburns was black and white, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were very obvious. Looking at this old man, he didn't dislike the filth on the injured body at all, and his meticulous demeanor, Feng Yao couldn't help being moved, but at the same time he felt a sigh of relief, thinking: "Looking at the old man's expression, he seems to be very sure about this arrow wound!"

After smelling it for a while, the old man stood up and said, "This must be the poison of aconitum!"

Cao Xing said, "Is there a way to detoxify?"

Everyone looked at the old man, Feng Yao held his breath, stared at the old man's mouth nervously, and prayed secretly: "It must be good news! Certainly, this poison will definitely be cured, don't say no!..."

The old man opened his mouth and replied affirmatively: "This poison is commonly used by assassins. The victim is paralyzed and unable to speak. If he cannot take the antidote within three hours, the poisonous gas will invade the heart and die unexpectedly. This poison is not difficult, you only need to take licorice orally, and then squeeze out the poisonous blood from the poisoned part to be cured!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Yao was overjoyed, but immediately thought, this is a military camp, where can I get this detoxifying licorice?Just as he was about to ask, the old man said loudly again.

"Fortunately, I always keep some licorice with me, but I didn't expect to use it today!" said the old man, then stretched out his hand and shouted, "Wangcai, bring me the medicine box!"

The young servant who followed hurried over, opened the medicine box and placed it beside the old man, bowing down to wait on him.

Curious, Feng Yao took a look and found that the box was full of various strange tools, some were like spoons, some were like carving knives, and some, depending on their function, were probably clips and some needles.

The old man took out a small cloth bag from the box and said, "This is licorice, go and cook some decoction as soon as possible!"

When Cao Xing heard this, he ordered his team to lead Wu Liang to lead Wangcai to cook medicine in the kitchen, and Wu Liang followed the order.

The old man checked Zhou Cang's injuries again, shook his head slightly and sighed.

Feng Yao was worried about Zhou Cang's injury, so he couldn't help asking, "Sir, why are you sighing?"

"Hey! This poisonous injury is easy to cure, but the arrow injury is not easy to cure. The arrow has barbs on the arrowhead, and it has penetrated into the flesh. If you pull it out rashly, it may hurt the pulse. , the bleeding will not stop, and there will be danger of life! It’s difficult, alas, young man, you won’t understand if you tell me!” the old man sighed.

Feng Yao's heart skipped a beat, and he asked again: "Sir, I wonder if this pulse is an artery?"

"Huh? Arterial? Pulsating pulse? Pulsating! Hey, that's a good word, boy, have you ever studied pharmacology?" The old man's eyes shone slightly, and he looked at Feng Yao in surprise.

"No, but I still have some experience in treating golden sores!" Feng Yao said.

As soon as Feng Yao said this, not only the old man, but even Cao Xing also attracted attention and looked at Feng Yao.

The old man seemed to want to test Feng Yao's ability, so he laughed and said: "Young man, can you tell me about this arrow wound, if you are required to treat it, what would you do?"

For ordinary arrow wounds, Feng Yao is still sure, but he doesn't know how to detoxify, so he was very anxious at the beginning. I don't know what the old man is capable of, but it doesn't hurt to talk about my own opinions.So he cupped his fists at the old man and said.

"Sir, although the arrow went deep into the flesh, it didn't touch the bone, and judging from the amount of bleeding, it didn't hurt the artery. However, if you want to take the arrow upside down, it may be dangerous. If you observe carefully After a while, you will find that the arrow has almost penetrated the back of the leg. If you cut off the tail of the arrow first, and then push it forward, the barb on the arrow will not hurt the fat. As long as the arrow is taken out, Then remove the venom from the wound, and finally suture the wound with a needle and thread, apply golden sore medicine, and half a month will heal completely!"

The more the old man listened, the more surprised he became. Although the plan mentioned by the young man in front of him sounded a bit unconventional, the old man knew that this method of pulling out the arrow was indeed very feasible. Originally, he was worried that the wound caused by the arrow would be too large. It will be stretched during the healing process, but after listening to the young man, it seems that it is not difficult, so I can't help but respect the young man in front of me.

"Old man Dong Ji, how do you address me?" The old man changed his previous arrogant attitude, saluted Feng Yao, and asked modestly.

How could Feng Yao accept this old man's gift, he hastened to return the gift, and said: "My surname is Feng Mingyao, Mr. Dong, you are welcome! Is it just my brother's injury?" Feng Yao pointed at Zhou Cang and said, although he was determined, he could heal sooner. Well, Zhou Cang's injury should be as early as possible, Feng Yao doesn't want to say anything unrelated to Zhou Cang's injury to the old man.

"Oh! By the way, healing is the most important thing! Healing,..." the old man said to himself in embarrassment, and began to treat Zhou Cang's wounds.

Feng Yao watched from the sidelines for a while, seeing that the old man was proficient in his techniques and completely followed his own plan, he was relieved, but I'm afraid he had to do the needlework by himself.

After explaining the situation to Cao Xing, Cao Xing immediately went to find a set of needles and threads and handed them to Feng Yao. Cao Xing wanted to see for himself the method of suturing wounds that Feng Yao said, and if it was feasible, spread it to the whole world. The army will inevitably greatly improve the recovery rate of the army's injuries!

"Brother Feng, wait for this old man to get rid of the poisonous blood, then you will take over the stitching. This old man will observe and learn from the sidelines, so that he can treat such injuries for others in the future!" Dong Ji said modestly.

(End of this chapter)

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