Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 23 Lashi lock is too behind, isn't it?

Chapter 23 Lashi lock is too behind, isn't it?

Soon the poisonous blood in the wound on Zhou Cang's leg was cleaned up. Feng Yao took a look and found that the black around the wound had faded a lot, so he was not polite, took over directly and began to sew up Zhou Cang's wound.

I saw Feng Yaofei threading the needle, and his movement was much more agile than the last time he treated Huang Yi's injury. After a short time, he sewed up the wounds on both sides of Zhou Cang's leg, then applied the golden sore medicine prepared by the old man, and finally covered the wound with gauze. The injured leg was bandaged.

Chen Daodan brought the boiled licorice soup, helped Zhou Cang to feed it, and soon, Zhou Cang's complexion improved a lot.

Everyone was overjoyed.

At this time, Dong Ji has already admired Feng Yao, but he still has a question that he wants to ask Feng Yao.

"Brother Feng, there is still one thing I don't know about this old man."

"Mr. Dong, but please speak clearly!" Feng Yao said.

Dong Ji stroked his beard and frowned slightly, "Brother Feng, your method of suturing with thread is very wonderful, but won't the thread grow in the flesh in the future?"

"Oh, sir, don't worry about it. After waiting for seven days, just pull out the thread."

When Dong Ji heard this, his eyes widened, his brows relaxed immediately, and his eyes revealed a strange look, "Thank you Brother Feng, I understand now! Alas! Three people must have my teacher! The ancients are sincere and do not deceive me! "

Cao Xing, who had been on the sidelines, was also smiling at this time, sweeping away his usual serious and cold expression. Although he didn't say anything more, if you look carefully, you will find that behind Cao Xing's towering hooked nose, there is a deep In the hidden eyes, there will be a wicked smile from time to time.

"Boy! You must still be wondering why you became a member of my subordinates!! Hehe! Wait for the surprise I will give you tomorrow! I hope you can make me, Cao Xing, look at you again with admiration!"

Seeing that the matter had been settled, Cao Xing returned to his frosty expression at some point, and after giving a few simple instructions to everyone, he led the team to lead Wu Liang, military doctor Dong Ji, and others to leave Yishi's barracks. The cries of arresting the assassins also gradually subsided, and everything became silent, as if none of this had ever happened, and it was just an ordinary night.

Because of Zhou Cang's injury, Chen Dao and Dai Ling chose to sleep on the ground. Xu Xian, another soldier in Feng Yao's army, did not have a deep friendship with Feng Yao and others, but out of loyalty to his fellow Wu brothers, he also chose to sleep on the ground. The Kang seat was given up, not wanting to squeeze Zhou Cang.

Chief Li Jin found a few wooden planks from outside and spread them on the ground as a temporary bed for several people. Although Feng Yao and others had to be squeezed on the floor, Feng Yao insisted that Li Jin sleep on the kang , Li Jin couldn't push it off, so he had to sleep on the kang, but Li Jin gave up the top of the kang and insisted that Zhou Cang sleep on the top of the kang.

Although Feng Yao and the other four slept on wooden boards, they huddled close to each other to keep each other warm and resist the cold night.

Xiong Xiu's snoring sounded from time to time in the barracks. At this time, it was already late at night, and most people had already fallen asleep, but Feng Yao couldn't fall asleep.

"Who wants to take my life?" Feng Yao kept asking himself this question, Xiong Xiu was the first thought of Feng Yao, but after thinking carefully, Feng Yao immediately ruled out Xiong Xiu.


"Get up, get up!"

Feng Yao was sleeping soundly, when suddenly there was a shouting sound in his ears!

"What's wrong!" Feng Yao was startled, before he could fully open his eyes, he jumped up from the ground.

"Is there an assassin?" Feng Yao asked in surprise.

At this time, a kick kicked Feng Yao with a swish. Feng Yao was startled, stepped back two steps, and looked intently, only to realize that the kick was from Shi Zhang.

"Shi Zhang, why are you kicking me! I thought there was another assassin!" Feng Yao looked at Shi Zhang Li Jin depressedly.

With a straight face, Li Jin said, "The sun is almost shining on his buttocks, and he is still sleeping! Is the barracks your home?" He glared at Feng Yao again, and shouted, "Captain Feng! Hurry up and call your subordinates soldiers!"

"Hehehehe, I'm laughing to death!"

Suddenly there was a burst of violent laughter, Feng Yao turned his head to look, and saw that Xiong Xiu and others had already got up, and they were fully dressed, standing aside, laughing non-stop.

"Commander Xiong! You memorized Article [-] of the Seventeenth Military Discipline!"

Li Jin's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Xiong Xiu fiercely.Xiong Xiu was stunned by Li Jin's stare, and stopped laughing immediately, but the smile on his face did not dissipate, and he replied: "Very long, I remember this, the fifth of military discipline, laughing loudly, despising the prohibition, Galloping through the gate of the army, this is called a light army, and the offenders will be cut... beheaded."

As he recited word by word, the smile on Xiong Xiu's face slowly faded away, and when he recited the cut word, Xiong Xiu was even more frightened, his legs trembled slightly, and he didn't dare to look Li Jin in the eyes.

Feng Yao was also taken aback, knowing that the army is really careless, he said in his heart: "Call those lazy people first, otherwise it's a trivial matter to get angry, and you will suffer if you are late and dealt with by the military law. !", looking down, I saw that Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Xu Xian still had no intention of waking up, and what made Feng Yao crazy was that Dai Ling's long, thick legs were just pressing on Xu Xian's thin body , but Xu Xian didn't feel it at all, and slept soundly.

"Get up! Get up!" Feng Yao yelled, kicking the asses of several people.

"Ouch! Who kicked me!"


After half an hour.

On the exclusive training ground of the bow and arrow battalion.

Feng Yao angrily pulled the stone lock weighing three stones! !

This movement is to exercise the tension of the arms. It is the most basic and powerful training for an archer, and it is a necessary step for every archer.

What Feng Yao was angry with was not these, but why the other four only asked to pull a stone lock weighing one hundred and one stone, but they wanted to pull two hundred and two stone locks even though they were also in Zuo Tun!As the head of the corps, he also received special preferential treatment, adding an extra stone to his weight. Isn't this clearly a public revenge!Why don't you wake up a little late in the morning!
Because of insomnia, Feng Yao didn't close his eyes in a daze until it was almost dawn, and he didn't sleep well at all!It's not just Feng Yao himself, thinking of Chen Daling and Xu Xian waking up three mornings with sleepy eyes, it is estimated that they didn't sleep well last night, and they probably suffered from insomnia like himself, or they all woke up so late.

Chen Dao stood on the side without making a sound, and pulled up the stone lock with his hands alternately. The weight of the two stones was acceptable to Chen Dao, but it was a bit difficult for Xu Xian, so he just pulled it up. After more than 50 strokes, Xu Xian's forehead was sweating, and he was panting heavily.

The weight of two stones was even easier for Dai Ling, who was nine feet tall and extremely strong, but Feng Yao suddenly realized that something was wrong, and after a closer look, he found that Dai Lingla's stone lock was not two stones heavy at all. But the same three stone weight as him.

"Dai Ling, you?" Feng Yao pointed to Dai Ling's stone lock in surprise.

"Master, the two-stone lock is too light for me, so I found this three-stone lock, but it still feels light, but this is already the heaviest lock on the school ground!" Dai Ling said.

Feng Yao shook his head, what else could he say about this big guy like Dai Ling.

Li Jin, the superintendent, has been watching Feng Yao and the others from the sidelines. Feng Yao's angry and secretly cursing expressions have been seen by Li Jin one by one, but at this time Li Jin didn't show any anger, but put his hands behind his back. , smiling, watching without saying a word.

"What? It seems that someone is dissatisfied with me? Hehehe! I am in a good mood today! I won't be angry!" Li Jin said with a smile, and after looking around, Li Jin said again: "How about this, I Give you a chance, now you can speak out the reasons for your dissatisfaction, I will never be angry, and at the same time, I will not use military law to suppress you, how about it?"

Feng Yao looked at the four soldiers under him, then at Tongshi's Wuchang Xiong and the others, he didn't want to say anything more, and thought: "Who knows what trick you are thinking, today is the first day of recruits, you He must be trying to give me a chance to get off my horse, so I won't be fooled!"

Xiong Xiu was not as calm as Feng Yao, and he didn't care about doubling the training tasks, but his four subordinates were not as strong as Feng Yao's four subordinates. After dozens of movements, he was almost tired It's down, as the corps leader, if he doesn't make a move, how will he convince the public in the future?But Xiong Xiu looked at Shichang Li Jin's expression, and hesitated to speak.

"What? Don't you have the guts? Hehehehe! Don't worry, I said, I won't use military law to suppress you, but I won't! If you are still afraid, forget it. Besides, if you don't even have the guts, how will you do it in the future? The battlefield!" Li Jin laughed.

Looking at Li Jin's sneering expression, and seeing the gloating expressions of other soldiers not far away, Feng Yao's last trace of affection for Li Jin also disappeared without a trace!
Feng Yao fiercely put down the stone lock in his hand, stood up, and stared at Li Jin, "Don't you just want to avenge yourself? What's the big deal!"

"Yes! Why do you want to add training tasks to us!" Xiong Xiu also stood up at this time, staring at Li Jin angrily.

"Why? Let me tell you why!!"

Li Jin took a step forward, his voice became high-pitched, and the sneer on his face suddenly faded away, replaced by an angry look on his face.

"Because! You are the people of Jiazi Qu!! Because you are the people of Zuotun Number One!!! What is Jiazi? What is Zuotun? What is Number One? Let me tell you! It is number one!! Number one!!!! Number one!!!! It's still number one!!!!" Li Jin roared furiously.

Feng Yao was shocked, he didn't expect Li Jin to give such a reason!It turned out that Li Jin didn't want to punish them, let alone avenge them personally!Instead, they regard the training given to them as the first glory! !
(End of this chapter)

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