Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 24 Applications of Modern Training

Chapter 24 Applications of Modern Training

Li Jin then changed his tone again, became deep, looked at Feng Yao and said: "So you must be the first among the best! The best of the best!! And if you want to get this honor, you want to win the respect of others , you have to put in more effort than others! Unless you want to be just an ordinary soldier forever, or a little corporal leader!!"

Following Li Jin's words, everyone in Yishi fell silent. Yes, who would want to be just a low-level soldier for the rest of his life? Everyone who came to join the army had a big dream in their hearts. Just become a general! !Glory to my hometown! !
Even the few Xiong Xiu Xiong Wuchang who don't even know the big characters, don't they also have the general's dream every day!Feng Yao thought even further, there was always a voice in his heart urging Feng Yao to work hard in that direction, but at this moment Feng Yao only had one goal!
Above the main battalion of the military marquis in the Jia character song, there is a flag that is more than ten feet in size, with a big character Jia embroidered on it. Feng Yao stared at the flag, "One day, I will also become a Marquis, wearing the seal of generals that symbolizes the glory of Marquis, commanding his subordinates, breaking out his own sky in this troubled world!"

Xiong Xiu stared at Shi Zhang Li Jin for a long time, and said: "Shi Zhang, although I, Xiong Xiu, am a rough person, I swear here today that I, Xiong Xiu, will not disappoint Shi Zhang! One day, I, Xiong Xiu, will definitely be able to Become a famous general!!" After finishing speaking, Xiong Xiu turned around and shouted at the four soldiers under him: "Give me a good training, we must not lose face for the first time!!"

Compared with Xiong Xiu, Feng Yao calmed down. After calming down, Feng Yao didn't just think about being obedient. Lots of downsides.

Li Jin had expected Xiong Xiu's reaction, but Feng Yao, who he really expected, still didn't take action.

"Captain Feng, do you have anything to say?" Li Jin said.

Feng Yaoji was already thinking about how to speak. Seeing that Li Jin took the initiative to ask questions, he replied: "It's very long. There are a lot of things to say, but I don't know if it is appropriate to say it."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be very patient! I thought you had nothing to say!" Li Jin kept stroking his bearded hands, and suddenly stopped, staring at Feng Yao curiously and said.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, but I think our current training methods have some drawbacks. If it were me, I would..., oh, forget it, it doesn't work if I say it! I'm just a little corporal leader , I'd better train my strength and strive to become a military lord as soon as possible!" Feng Yao shook his head, pretending to be helpless, turned around and picked up his stone lock again.

"Come back to me!" Li Jin said loudly.

Feng Yao was happy in his heart, but he still pretended to be nonchalant, turned around, faced Li Jin, and said, "How long! What else is there?"

"Feng Yao! Just speak up if you have something to say, what does it look like to be alone!!" Li Jin said angrily, "Say! What do you think is wrong with these trainings? What will happen to you? If you say It makes sense, I will definitely report it to you, and give you credit, if!! You are just talking nonsense to vent your dissatisfaction, I will definitely deal with you according to military law!"

"Okay then!" Feng Yao straightened up, pointing at the stone lock, "Well, let's talk about this stone lock first! Everyone's strength is different, big or small, but this stone lock has a fixed weight. Bar!"

"What's the matter, all dynasties have been training their strength, and there is nothing wrong with it!" Li Jin said.

Feng Yao nodded and pointed at Dai Ling, "Excuse me, it is said that Dai Ling only needs to use a two-stone lock, but now he still feels light when he uses a three-stone lock, how to solve this problem?" Feng Yao asked again. Pointing to Xu Xian, "But Xu Xian's situation is just the opposite. A stone lock that weighs two stones is a bit heavy for him. If the task load is too heavy, Xu Xian may be injured during training!"

Li Jin pondered for a while, and said: "There is some truth in what you said, but now there are only three stone locks in the army. If you think it is too light, increase the number of training. If you think it is too heavy, then reduce the number!"

"What, it's the same. Doesn't the amount of training for everyone vary? During the unified training, no one has finished and waits for those who haven't finished?" Feng Yao said.

"Uh, it seems to be the case! Then, brother Feng, tell me how to do it in your opinion, you can't make more stone locks with different weights?" Li Jin frowned slightly.

Seeing Li Jin's expression, Feng Yao knew that Li Jin had begun to pay attention to his own problems, so he smiled lightly and said, "Boss, I know a method that doesn't cost money, and doesn't have to worry about the fact that everyone's strength is different and it will affect the unity. Training, and there is no time limit, you can enter training at any time!"

"What?" Li Jin took a step forward, moved his face closer to Feng Yao's, and stared fiercely into Feng Yao's eyes, "What are you talking about? Commander Feng! Do you think I'm a fool—?! Or do you want to Do you think everyone in the world is a fool?!"

Feng Yao smiled slightly, and said, "What's the matter, please take a look!"

"Dai Ling! Standard push-ups, start!"

"Yes, Master Wuchang!"

Dai Ling took the order, and immediately leaned over, with his palms shoulder-width apart, his legs together, and his toes touching the ground, doing push-ups up and down!

"Dai Ling! How does it feel!" Feng Yao said.

"Back to the corporal master! It's still the push-ups! Stronger than the stone lock!" Dai Ling replied happily.

"Chen Dao, Xu Xian! Do it together," Feng Yao said again.


Chen Dao walked to Dai Ling's side, joined Dai Ling, and started push-ups!
It was the first time Xu Xian had seen this kind of strange movement. After trying a few times, he did it decently. So he came to the other side of Dai Ling. The three of them lined up, one up and one down, Started the push-ups!
"This?" Li Jin opened his eyes wide at this moment, looking at Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Xu Xian's uniform movements in amazement, and the corners of his mouth slowly began to rise!
On the side, Xiong Xiu, who had been working hard on the stone lock, stopped what he was doing, and walked over with the stone lock in his hands. He watched the movements of several people curiously, but there was a bit of disdain in the corner of his eyes.

"How about it, how long, this movement does not require money to buy stone locks, and you can exercise by yourself anytime, anywhere. After meals, before going to bed, and on rest days, everyone can exercise according to their actual physical fitness! Archers need to pull out a strong The bow should not only have enough pulling force, but also have enough supporting force. If the supporting force is enough, the arrow will be shot more powerfully and stably, and the hit rate will also be greatly increased. And this movement mainly exercises The supporting strength can just make up for the lack of lifting the stone lock." Feng Yao said with a smile.

Li Jin nodded while listening, agreeing with Feng Yao's words.

"It's so long, if you come to experience it, you will know that what I said is true!" Feng Yao said again.

"This?" Li Jin showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said in his heart: "Good boy, I am not plotting secretly. If I do it, wouldn't it be better to admit that this action is better than playing with stone locks?! This is not me calling myself a fool ?!"

At this time, Wuchang Xiong, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, suddenly laughed and said jealously: "What kind of action is this! It looks as simple as children's play house, I dare say, how old children Can do this! But what about this?" Xiong Xiu shook the stone lock in his hand, which weighed three stones, and then said: "This weight can't be lifted by an ordinary adult, let alone a child of a few years old! I think this movement is not only not difficult, but And it has no effect at all, it is only suitable for children of a few years old to use as a pretend game! Hahahaha!"

"Hahahaha!" Several soldiers under Xiong Xiu also laughed!

"..." Feng Yao didn't speak, because there was no need for him to speak at this time.

Li Jin's face was just a little embarrassed, but now it has almost turned into a pig's liver! !Staring at Xiongxiu, his eyes were burning with anger!

"Ha..." Xiong Xiu and the others shuddered in fright, quickly stopped their laughter, and looked at Shichang Li Jin in embarrassment, "Shichang, I..."

"What me! Ah! Lie down!!" Li Jin roared angrily.

How could Xiong Xiu and the others dare to be negligent, and quickly lay on the ground on their backs, looking at Li Jin in dismay.

"Ah!!" Li Jin almost went crazy, and shouted to the sky.

"You!" Li Jin urgently pointed at Xiong Xiu, "Did I tell you to face up!"

"Oh!" Xiong Xiu suddenly realized when he heard the words, and immediately turned his body over to lie face down.Seeing Xiong Xiu like this, several of his subordinates immediately turned over. One of the soldiers had a high nose and was flattened by the ground. He panicked and whispered: "Captain, I, I am a little out of breath. !"

Li Jin didn't know how to describe Li Jin's expression at this time!His face was blue for a while, red for a while, and white for a while. Sometimes he was extremely annoyed, sometimes he was furious, and sometimes he hated iron for being weak. After dozens of breaths, Li Jin calmed down instead. Xiong Xiu, finally looked at Feng Yao.

"Captain Feng, come and teach them how to do push-ups!" After Li Jin finished speaking, he voluntarily bent down and started doing push-ups.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Xiu immediately understood why Chief Shi asked him to lie down, "We all learn from Chief Shi!" Xiong Xiu said loudly.

Teaching push-ups, right?Feng Yao looked at Xiong Xiu evilly and smiled.

"Don't separate your feet, put them together—!"

"Don't raise your butt so high!" Feng Yao kicked Xiong Xiu's butt.


"Forgot again? Don't start with the head first and then the buttocks, the whole body rises and falls at the same time!"

"That's not the case! Push-ups move the whole body at the same time, not just the lower body and the upper body!"


(End of this chapter)

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