Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 166 Don't Be Unstoppable and Beat Someone to Death

Chapter 166 Don't Be Unstoppable and Beat Someone to Death
Liu Chong heaved a sigh of relief, and the two guards behind him put their swords into their sheaths.

"Wait a minute, Luo Guoxiang, listen to me!" At this moment, Feng Yao walked to the middle of the big tent.

"Luo Guoxiang, I didn't care if you died or not, but now I am short of talents, and I can't bear to see you get such a result, so I came out to save your life!"

Luo Jun was completely hopeless at first, but when he heard Feng Yao's words, he had a desire to survive again. He thought of his lovely wife and his smart and beautiful son who was only eight years old. Luo Jun didn't want to die like this!Feng Yao's meaning is obvious!Luo Jun is more than ten years older than Feng Yao, how could he not understand!

But Luo Jun was not reconciled, Feng Yao was only the lord of a county, Luo Jun's status was equal to Feng Yao's, but now he could not accept being Feng Yao's subordinate!


Liu Chong suddenly yelled at Luo Jun.

Luo Junteng raised his head with complicated eyes.

Liu Chong said angrily: "You think you've been tricked, right? You think that if you don't come here, you can still fight Mr. Feng, right? You're so confused!!"

"My lord, Jun doesn't agree with what you said. Although Jun also has a sense of luck that he can live in peace with Yuan Guoxiang, but Jun also came here with the desire to die!!" Luo Jun looked at Chen Wang Liu Chong and said loudly , then turned his head and looked at Feng Yao, full of dissatisfaction, and said indignantly: "If I can have another [-] soldiers, I'm afraid the number of victory and defeat is hard to tell!"

Feng Yao snorted coldly in his heart, if it wasn't for the sake of winning the hearts of the people of Chen Guozhi, how could he waste all these thoughts!Just kill Luo Jun with a single blow, or allow Yuan Si to poison him to death, everything is settled! !
Chen Wang Liu Chong, who had always given Feng Yao a calm impression, was furious when he heard the words, straightened up, pointed at Luo Jun and said angrily: "Pedantic! Confused!! You actually think that you can defeat Feng Fujun with the same force? Hehehe!! Simply It's so funny!! Do you dare to make a bet with this king!!"

"If a certain death is not afraid, how can you be afraid of making a bet!" Luo Jun also said angrily.

"Okay! Then the king asks you! How do you think your soldiers are compared to Feng's?" Liu Chong's anger subsided a little, but his voice was still loud.

"On par! To be honest, I think my soldiers have been trained for many years, while Mr. Feng's soldiers have been trained for less than a month. If we really compare, my soldiers should have the advantage!" Luo Jun said.

Feng Yao laughed, Yuan Si laughed too, even Chen Wang and Liu Chong laughed, the difference was that Feng Yao only had a smile on his face, Yuan Si sneered, and Liu Chong smiled wryly ! !

"Okay, good! Luo Guoxiang, you must have brought your entourage here! Then according to your words, your entourage must be better than Mr. Feng's? Then do you dare to call and come with Feng's family?" You can compete with your relatives? If you win, this king will leave here immediately, and you can do whatever you like! If you lose, please follow Feng Fujun’s wishes and serve under him in the future!” Liu Chong sneered road.

Luo Jun glanced at Xu Chu who was behind Feng Yao, his pupils shrank, and said, "How can he be so thick as a strong man?"

Luo Jun's words almost made Feng Yao angry, "Then what do you want?"

"My lord and I are together. There are three people in total. Mr. Feng, you have two people. The small guy is one-on-one, and the big guy is me and you! If you can win, I can't say anything!" Luo Luo Jundao.

"You——! Alas!" Wang Chen and Liu Chong looked at Luo Jun and shook his head again and again, hesitating to speak.

When Yuan Si heard this unreasonable request, he snorted coldly and said, "If it wasn't for Mr. Feng's face, you would be a dead body at this time, how dare you make such an unreasonable request!!"

Both Liu Chong and Yuan Si have expressed their views, but the decision is still in Feng Yao's hands. Feng Yao no longer wants to talk to Luo Jun anymore. It's useless to take such an ungodly person, and he will be tied up directly, and he will be placed under house arrest in the future. , as long as Luo Jun is not killed, it should not cause any hostility among scholars.

When Feng Yao was about to call for someone to tie Luo Jun up, there was a loud bell behind him, and Xu Chu said loudly: "My lord, I would like to fight two with one battle!"

"Zhongkang, don't underestimate the enemy, this is not something that must be fought!" Feng Yao said.

"My lord, please don't worry, I don't need to use all my strength to defeat this kind of chicken and dog!" Xu Chu said.

Feng Yao looked at another follower beside Xu Chu, named Fan Neng, and saw that Fan Neng also nodded, his eyes full of confidence.

"Okay! I'm willing to take the bet!" Feng Yao said.

"Feng Fujun?" Yuan Si looked at Feng Yao in astonishment.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure!" Feng Yao rushed to Yuan Si and said.

Luo Jun was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and Chen Wang and Liu Chong also showed a smile on his face.

This was in Yuan Si's camp, and Yuan Si was not worried that Luo Jun would be able to escape, so he agreed to the gambling fight, and ordered the gatekeepers to let Luo Jun and the two of them enter the account, and ordered his subordinates to release everyone who participated in the gambling fight arms.

Everyone retreated one after another, leaving a space about three feet in size in the tent. Although it is not big, it is enough for two or three people to gamble.

In the first match, Luo Jun directly dispatched one of his most valiant followers, who is eight feet tall, walks steadily, with his arms stretched outwards, and he can see that he has hundreds of catties of strength!

This battle is one-on-one!

Feng Yao patted Fan Neng on the back and said, "Go up! Just teach him a lesson, don't hold back and beat him to death!"

Although Feng Yao only said it to Fan Neng, the strong man who challenged him heard it clearly. Seeing Feng Yao belittled him so much, he was so angry that his face burst into blue veins. When Fan Neng walked into the venue After that, without answering, he attacked directly.

The burly man fell to the ground, stared at him, shook his head, and said angrily: "What kind of skill is cheating! If you want me to obey, you will compare your strength with me!"

Fan Neng stretched out his hand to signal him to stand up, and said, "It's exactly what I want!"

After the strong man stood up, he punched him fiercely. This time, Fan Rui no longer dodged, but directly punched him with the same punch!With a bang, the two fists collided fiercely. The next moment, the strong man let out a cry of pain, and suddenly withdrew his hand. When he raised his fist to look, he saw that his fist was already swollen.

Looking at Fan Rui again, Fan Neng slowly withdrew his fist and was not injured at all.

"You've had enough fighting! It's time for me to beat you!" Fan Neng sneered, rushed forward, punched the strong man so hard that he couldn't fight back, and finally pushed the strong man to the ground. He was beaten hard, and the strong man begged for mercy again and again, so he clapped his hands and stood up.

"My lord, this subordinate has completed the task according to your order!" Fan Neng respectfully cupped his fists at Feng Yao and bowed to report.

"Okay! You've done a good job. I'll reward you when I go back later!" Feng Yao said with a smile. Although he had never done it himself, in terms of strength, Feng Yao and Fan Neng were about the same. Fan Neng did it like Feng Yao. Feng Yao could empathize with the exhilaration of beating that arrogant and strong man to the point of hitting his head like a hand.

In the first match, Feng Yaofang won!

Luo Jun's face turned red and then turned white. He said the big words in front of King Chen himself. He never expected that the bravest entourage under his command would be defeated so badly, and he was still defeated by the second-class entourage of the opponent's subordinate! !This embarrassment is too great!

Chen Wang Liu Chong looked at Feng Yao with a serious look on his face. The next match would be for his two personal guards to face Xu Chu alone. Liu Chong neither wanted to win nor lose!If he wins, I'm afraid Luo Jun will still be stubborn and can't save him, if he loses, how should he let go of his princely face?
(End of this chapter)

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