Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 167 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 167 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
"Zhongkang, give them something to look at! Hmm!" Feng Yao blinked at Xu Chu, signaling Xu Chu not to hold back!

Xu Chu nodded vigorously, with an excited expression, and jumped into the arena.

Liu Chong also sent two of his guards, one tall and strong, and the other three feet thick, they both looked very durable!
The three of them fought together quickly, but after only three or two blows, Xu Chu was so strong that he grabbed a guard with both hands and pressed him to the ground, unable to move. When he wanted to beat him up, he realized that there was no room left. He let go of the two of them, stood up, and took a step back!
"Get up! Fight again!" Xu Chu shouted.

Xu Chu felt that it was not enjoyable, and he was a little bit uninhibited just now. He pressed one with one hand, and couldn't punch someone with his fist. It was really uncomfortable. Just now, when Fan Rui pressed the opponent to beat someone, Xu Chu saw his blood boil, and he had already prepared for it. I thought, "If you can beat two people at the same time, wouldn't it be more enjoyable?"

Who would have thought for a moment that people only have two hands, and one hand presses the other, so how can they use their fists to beat people?

"No! Unless you retreat! Otherwise, don't get up! If you have the ability, I will accept if you can beat two people at the same time!" Liu Chong's two guards were lying on the ground, refusing to get up. At the same time, he looked at Luo Jun with some hatred.

"You think I can't help it?" Xu Chu looked around, looking for something, to see if he could achieve what he wanted.

If you look at a pot of delicious food and want to eat, but suddenly find that there are no bowls and chopsticks, you will feel as eager as Xu Chu at this time.

Xu Chu didn't think too much about it, but felt that he hadn't tasted the taste yet, and he was about to end, so how could it be done!
Liu Chong's two guards did not dare to get up, and they both lay on their backs on the ground. In this way, even if it was not over, Liu Chong could not order them to come down, and Yuan Si would not say anything. People who are not on their own side!Just to use this to kill the opponent's morale.

But it’s not enough to just lie down. One of the three-foot-thick guards suddenly had an idea, and his face was beaming. He immediately raised his short, thick and fat legs to the sky, and shouted to Xu Chu proudly: "Big man, come again! See if I don't kick you to death!"

Seeing this, the tall and strong guard commander's eyes lit up immediately, and he also imitated his brother's posture with joy. He pressed his palms on the ground, raised his legs apart, pointed at Xu Chu's side, and raised his brows. The corners of the mouth were crooked, and there was a provocative look in the eyes. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was obvious: Who dares to go up!

Xu Chu wasn't happy at first, but when he looked at the two lazy guys, they dared to resist?Immediately furious, he didn't care about thinking of a way, rushed up, kicked the legs of the two guards of Liu Chong down, and then jumped up, kicked one by one, directly stepped on the legs of the two guards. back.

The two guards cried out in pain, their bones were almost broken by Xu Chu.

"Are you convinced?" Xu Chu yelled angrily, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to hit him, but he was taken aback and found that he still couldn't do it!

Both hands are now free to punch people, but standing on the backs of the two, and Xu Chu himself has a waist as thick as ten circumferences, it is not only inconvenient to bend over, but also looks inelegant , then gave up again.

"Don't accept, you have the ability to come down, fight again!" The guard who was trampled shouted in pain.

Just as Xu Chu was about to jump off the two of them and start over again, he inadvertently turned his head to look at Feng Yao, and found that Feng Yao was pressing one hand on the other, and his eyes signaled the two people who were stepped on.

"Haha!" Xu Chu suddenly realized, laughed twice, jumped off the two guards, reached out to lift the tall guard up, threw it on the fat guard, pressed the two guards together, and then jumped Jump, sit firmly on the two of them, and beat up the tall guard.

Happy to be beaten, he jumped down again, as if there was no one else around, he lifted the tall guard away, pressed the fat guard on top of the tall guard, rode up likewise, and beat him hard again, until the two screamed and begged for mercy, Only then did they let go of the two, and came to Feng Yao excitedly.

"My lord! Are you satisfied with this?"

Feng Yao originally wanted to laugh, but because of Chen Wang Liu Chong's face, he restrained himself.

At the opposite table, Chen Wang and Liu Chong looked a little displeased at this time, but he didn't show it too obviously. As early as when Xu Chu turned the two of them over and beat them up, Chen Wang no longer watched the competition in the voice, but He stretched out his hand to embrace the beauty who was waiting for him, teasing and caressing him non-stop, as if he was enjoying it.

Luo Jun, who was not far away beside him, lost his good mood and looked extremely ugly. He stared dumbfounded at the guard whose face was covered in blood from Xu Yu's beating. He couldn't believe this was the result! !

The tall guard and the fat guard stood up with difficulty on the ground, moved their broken bones a few times, limped to the front of King Chen Liu Chong, knelt down on their knees, and said in shame: "My lord! The subordinate is incompetent! Please punish the prince!"

Hearing this, Liu Chong stopped the movement of his hands and said, "I don't blame you for this, return to your position!"

He glanced at Luo Jun again, did not make a sound, and then began to flirt with the beauty in his arms again.

Luo Jun raised his head, met Feng Yao's cold gaze, and couldn't help but startled. He didn't dare to look at Feng Yao again, bowed his head, and said to Feng Yao, "Luo Jun is willing to bet and admit defeat!"

Feng Yao snorted coldly, "Then you immediately send a letter of divorce to order Yangxia and Fule to surrender! Open the city gates and welcome our troops in!"

"Of order!" Luo Jun replied in shame.

Seeing that the matter was resolved and the last two cities of Chen Guo were easily won, Yuan Si was overjoyed!

First, he bowed to Liu Chong: "Thank you, my lord, for your success!"

He bowed to Feng Yao again: "Thank you, Lord Feng, for your help!"

In the end, he pushed the beauty beside him to make her come to Feng Yao's side.

"My lord, Mr. Feng, these four beauties are Yuan's petty tricks. They are not respectful. I hope you will accept them with a smile!" Yuan Si said with a smile.

Chen Wang Liu Chong laughed when he heard the words, and said: "In that case, I will not be polite!" After receiving the two beauties, Chen Wang stood up and said goodbye.

Feng Yao and others were sent out of the camp. After returning, Feng Yao looked at the two beauties and had nothing to do. If he brought them back, it would be inconvenient to stay with him. The ten beautiful maidservants around Gong Yinglian were enough for Feng Yao to have a headache. Bringing two more Wouldn't it be worse to go back.

But it would be hypocritical to reject Yuan Si's kindness!

Taking a look at Xu Chu and Fan Rui who were bragging with Dai Ling and others, Feng Yao immediately had an idea.

"Xu Chu, Fan Neng, you two performed well today, and you take these two beauties home, one by one!" Feng Yao ordered with a straight face.

Xu Chu and Fan Neng were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Feng Yao to give such an order, they glanced at the two charming beauties, they swallowed their saliva unconsciously, they were overjoyed, and when they were about to thank the lord for his kindness, Xu Chu suddenly His expression changed, he looked at Dai Ling and his brothers, calmed down, and knelt down on one knee.

(End of this chapter)

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