Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 195 Preparations before the war

Chapter 195 Preparations before the war
Gong Yinglian has a servant girl named Zhu'er, who has become Gong Yinglian's confidant because of her extraordinary ability in sewing clothes.

It is most suitable to ask her to make cloth gloves.

Feng Yao went straight back to the backyard to find Zhu'er who was sewing clothes, and took another piece of coarse cloth, stretched out his left hand to press on the coarse cloth, and used chalk to draw a rough outline along the edge of the palm.

"Just follow this shape and make a case out of coarse cloth, which can be worn on your hands." Feng Yao said.

Zhu'er thought for a while, and then understood Feng Yao's request. The scissors flew like flying, and with a few clicks, they cut out two pieces of coarse cloth, and then threaded the needle. After a while, a glove was made.

"Master, is it like this?"

"Not bad, much better than I expected!"

After complimenting Zhu'er, Feng Yao returned to the meeting hall with only one glove.

This is the meeting hall belonging to Feng Yao's private mansion. It is located in the main room of the front yard in the north of Feng's mansion in Pingyu City.

Dai Ling and Xu Chu looked at the gloves on Feng Yao's hands in amazement, and asked anxiously, "My lord, what is this?"

"This thing is a glove! After wearing gloves in winter, it can prevent the cold wind from blowing and cracking the skin on the hands. Not only does it keep warm, but it can also make the hand holding the weapon less likely to slip!" Feng Yao laughed.

Dai Ling was curious and wanted to try it. Feng Yao took off the gloves and said, "Dai Ling, your hands are too big, you can't wear these gloves! This is a medium size, you need at least a large size!"

After Dai Ling tried a few times, as Feng Yao said, he had to give up.

Although Xu Chu was a little shorter than Dai Ling, his hands were thicker than Dai Ling's, and he couldn't wear a medium size either.

Wei Yan and Xu Shu each tried it, and it happened that they nodded and praised Feng Yao's method is good, and this kind of glove is made of coarse cloth, and the cost is also very cheap. If the whole army can uniformly equip it, it is absolutely possible to launch an attack in the severe winter , Unprepared to attack the enemy.

Xu Shu said: "My lord, since our army has solved the problem of freezing hands, I suggest going out as soon as possible, and don't give the enemy time to rest and recuperate!"

Bo Mengjian also agreed with Xu Shu's point of view: "The situation in Chang'an is already worse than before when I go to Chang'an this time. The chief Sima and the general are suspicious of each other, and they are caught in internal fighting. , our army should strengthen its strength as soon as possible!"

Wei Yandao: "Now that the imperial court is weak and the great Han is about to fall, my lord, why don't you flatten Yingchuan first and then attack Xuzhou! As long as Xuzhou is taken, Qingzhou is not difficult to take. If our alliance can hold Yan, Yu, Qing, Yang, and Xu , the land is connected into one piece, and Cao Cao will be like a turtle in a urn, and he will be destroyed if he does not attack!"

Feng Yao's eyes brightened, and he nodded slightly. Wei Yan's plan had never been considered before. According to Feng Yao's plan, the most important thing was to destroy Cao Cao, the biggest enemy in the future, and first stabilize the territory of his father-in-law Lu Bu, so that he could take advantage of it. Lu Bu's Yanzhou came to block Yuan Shao's attack from the north. Now that he could lead an army to attack Jiangdong and occupy Jiangdong first, he virtually eliminated a potential opponent, Sun Ce.

Or just let Sun Ce take over, since Sun Ce is half of his own family anyway, as long as he handles it properly, Sun Ce should not openly betray Yuan Shu. Send troops to Yizhou, as long as Yizhou is captured, it will eliminate the future of Liu Bei who may rise in the future.

Finally, gather all the forces to fight against the most powerful Yuan Shao. With a fake hero like Yuan Shao, won't he be easily defeated by then?
Although Wei Yan's proposal was a bit bold, it seemed to be good.

In the conference hall, the generals thought and discussed for a while, especially for Wei Yan's proposal, some agreed and some opposed it. Regarding such a major event, although Xu Chu and Dai Ling's main duty is to protect Feng Yao's safety, they also joined in at this time. under discussion.

As a military adviser, Xu Shu's opinion is of course the most important. Feng Yao saw that the discussion had not reached a result, so he asked Xu Shu: "Yuan Zhi, do you think it is feasible to attack Xuzhou?"

"My lord!" Xu Shu cupped his fists, frowned slightly, and was a little worried, "Attacking Xuzhou is indeed good, but my subordinates are worried that Jingzhou Liu Biao will take the opportunity to attack behind me in Yuzhou. And, if our army doesn't take the initiative to attack Xuzhou, Liu Bei will definitely adopt a neutral attitude and develop secretly, so that we can't threaten Yuzhou for the time being!"

"But Jingzhou is different. Liu Biao of Jingzhou is dedicated to helping the Han Dynasty. However, the mountains and rivers in the south of Jingzhou are far away, and it is not easy to conquer. I, Yuzhou, are the biggest targets!" Xu Shu said with certainty.

At this time, Wei Yan heard that Xu Shu also objected to his proposal, and refused to accept it, saying: "Military Master, Liu Biao only knows how to stand still. Now that Jingzhou is surrounded by enemies, how can Liu Biao dare to make another strong enemy?"

The boss Bo Mengjian has always supported Wei Yan's point of view, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Brother Yuan Zhi, my lord and Liu Biao are allies of Li Jue, the great Sima of the court. I think the possibility of Liu Biao's rebellion is very small."

Xu Shu nodded and said, "That's true. There are pros and cons to attacking Xuzhou and Jingzhou!"

Seeing that the generals were still arguing, Feng Yao raised his hand to signal the generals to calm down, glanced left and right at the generals sitting on both sides, and nodded, "Guys, it's better to let this matter go first, I think no matter if it is to attack Xuzhou, It's still Jingzhou, we must first pacify Ruxi and accept Yingchuan!"

Xu Shu, Wei Yan and others immediately nodded in agreement, and the other generals also nodded in admiration.

Feng Yao said again: "The situation in this world is changing rapidly! Why don't we wait until we eliminate Li Tong and Xun You first, and then discuss this matter according to the actual situation! You can also have more time to think."

All the generals nodded.

Seeing that there were no more objections, Feng Yao raised his voice and said loudly: "All generals listen to the order!"

Xu Chu, Dai Ling, Wei Yan, Wang Hu, and Gong Du attended immediately. Except for Gong Du who was exempted from kneeling because he was Feng Yao's father-in-law, the three generals all knelt at the table and clasped their fists to listen to the order.

"I order you to quickly count the size and type of gloves required by the soldiers! Also record in detail whether the family members of all the soldiers in the general are pregnant!"

"Obey!" The four generals responded in unison.

"General Gong, please quickly arrange production according to the style of this glove, and I will also order Lord Zhou to mobilize the people in the city to rush to make it together! You can discuss the specific arrangements with him at that time!" Feng Yao said.

With a smile on his face, Gong Du replied loudly: "Obey!"

"In addition, the production of gloves this time must be carefully kept secret. Anyone who participates is not allowed to contact the outside world for ten days!" Feng Yao was worried, worried that some people might accidentally leak the news, and added another sentence.

All the generals led away one by one, Xu Shu said: "My lord, should I also take this opportunity to establish a fixed production workshop?"

"Why did Yuan Zhi say that?" Feng Yao asked.

"My lord, this kind of gloves are made of coarse cloth, which will be easily worn out in wars. The subordinates think that this is a kind of equipment that needs to be supplied for a long time. If the people are mobilized every time it is urgently needed, not only will the cost be high, but also the confidentiality will not be high. It's not easy to control, why not select a group of qualified migrant workers, settle them down, and produce for a long time!" Xu Shu said.

(End of this chapter)

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