Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 196 The Enemy's Conspiracy

Chapter 196 The Enemy's Conspiracy
Yang Wu, the commander who followed Feng Yao, also suggested: "Master, what the military commander said is very reasonable. Pingyu City is our foundation. Although it has undergone great changes under the vigorous development of the master, but There are also a lot of newly immigrated civilians in the city. Many of these civilians have no source of livelihood, and the land outside the city is not enough to grow. If you can give them a long-term job, it will not only win the hearts of the people, but also solve the problem of the Lord's equipment. Production problem!"

Feng Yao nodded in agreement. This is similar to opening a factory. Not only can workers earn money, but they can also make profits through the products produced by the factory.

Gloves can be used not only by the army, but also by civilians. Labor protection gloves suitable for labor can also be produced, and these can be sold.

There is also land for factories. After the expansion of Pingyu City, there are still many places where houses have not been built, which can be used to build factories.

Feng Yao immediately ordered Zhou Zheng to build a factory.

In the first year of Xingping, on the first day of November in winter, Feng Yaofei sent a message to Dingying Zhoucang, Shenyang Jiling, and Deng Yang who was recruiting troops in Yiyang, ordering to prepare to attack Li Tong.

At the same time, the new army was rearranged, and the number of troops led by each school was increased to [-], and Wang Hu was ordered to assist Zhou Cang to attack Wufang County with [-] soldiers.

He ordered Ji Ling and Deng Yang to jointly attack Langling County.

Wei Yan was ordered to lead [-] soldiers as the vanguard to attack Yang'an County.

On the third day of November, Feng Yao personally led an army of [-] as the main force to reinforce Wei Yan's attack on Yang'an.

Gong Du led [-] soldiers as the rear army, and followed Feng Yao's army to escort the food and grass.

All the soldiers sent by Feng Yao must have wives and have children, newly married and those who have not yet had children or whose wives are not pregnant, all were kept by Feng Yao and guarded in Pingyu City.


Langling County

Zhao Yan, the county magistrate, named Boran, was in his 20s and was born in Yangdi.

Together with Chen Qun from Xu County, Du Xi from Dingling, and Xinpi from Yangzhai, they are also known as the Four Great Scholars of Yingchuan.

Zhao Yan has always been on good terms with Li Tong, and when he learned that Feng Yao was leading an army to attack, he urged Li Tong to surrender, or temporarily retreated to Yingchuan County and led the troops to join Xun You, relying on Xun You's strength to fight against Feng Yao.

Li Tong was three years older than Zhao Yan, and he was twenty-six years old. He was at the age of pride and arrogance. He said angrily, "If you don't help the enemy, you will grow the enemy's prestige! With [-] elite soldiers in hand, all the officers and men under my command have practiced martial arts since childhood, just see how I can defeat the enemy soldiers!"

Zhao Yan couldn't persuade him, so he hung his seal and left. Before leaving, he persuaded Li Tongtong again: "Brother Wen Da, if the battle is unfavorable, please retreat to Yingchuan as soon as possible!"

Li Tong remained silent and let Zhao Yan leave.

Li Tong immediately summoned his elder brothers Li Yi, Li Song, Li Fan and others to discuss their plans.

They all thought that although Langling was small, it was located in the mountains. Most of the Langling guards were local martial arts practitioners who were used to mountain roads. What to be afraid of.

At this time, Li Yin, the eldest son of Li Tong, who was only 11 years old, saw that everyone had nothing to do. He sighed and sighed, so he stood up and said loudly: "Wu Fang and Yang Anwu have no good plan, but if Shenyang Ji Ling dares to come to fan me Langling , I will make it come and go! Dead bodies are everywhere!"

Seeing that it was an 11-year-old child, everyone didn't take it seriously, and reported it with a funny attitude. Li Yi, one of Li Tong's elder brothers, asked with a smile, "I don't know what trick my nephew has?" His tone was full of jokes, not half-hearted serious.

Li Yin was not angry, and said: "My nephew recently heard from scouts that Feng Yao ordered Deng Yang, his subordinate, to go to Yiyang to secretly recruit soldiers. He has already recruited an army of about 2000 people. These 2000 people are only as high as Wulangling Besides, most of them are also martial arts practitioners, and I worry that many of them are familiar with Langling's terrain, and may attract Feng Yao's army to attack the city by surprise!"

"Then what can we do? Our army is small, and it is better to defend than attack. The army's support away from these mountains must not be Feng Yao's opponent!" Li Yin's second uncle Li Song said.

Li Yin smiled slightly, and said: "Uncle, I have a clever plan to defeat Ji Ling and Deng Yang's army. If this plan succeeds, we can help and send our troops north to start a decisive battle with Feng Yao! But This plan must rely on the strong cooperation of all the uncles to succeed!"

At this time, Li Yi and the others had put away their contempt for Li Yin, with a strange look in their eyes, nodded and said: "Your nephew, just tell me, as long as we can defeat the enemy, why are we talking about it!"

"Thank you, uncles, for your trust!" Li Yin bowed respectfully first, and then straightened up.

"If Ji Ling and Deng Yang want to attack Langling, they will first pass through Jianshan Mountain, then Xiaohuangshan Mountain, Wangda Mountain and Shitou Mountain before entering the hinterland of Langling. Uncle please lead an army to lie down in Jianshan Mountain, My father led an army to lie down on Xiaohuang Mountain, and my second and third uncles lay down on Shitou Mountain and Wangda Mountain respectively, and my father led the army to fight head-on."

"The enemy generals Ji Ling and Deng Yang both have experience in facing the enemy. When passing through Jianshan Mountain, they will definitely send scouts into the mountain to investigate first. Once the uncle is found, he will pretend to ambush and fail, and retreat while fighting. The enemy general Ji Ling, No matter how smart Deng Yang was, it would be hard for him to think that we exposed it on purpose in a hurry. In addition, they have never been defeated in a battle, and they are arrogant. They will think that it is because our army is small and dare not fight with us. Swallow up Uncle's army in one gulp!"

"My uncle led the defeated soldiers to retreat to the vicinity of Xiaohuangshan. At this time, my father led an army to fight out. If we can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, I won't say much. If we can't win, I ask my father and uncle to fight first, and wait for the troops to lose. If it reaches [-]%, you can feign defeat and retreat to the direction of Langling City!"

"Ji Ling waits to see that the main general of our army has been defeated, and he will never think that this is also a soldier who lures the enemy. He is eager to seek success, and he will definitely send a large army to pursue him. As long as we can successfully lure the enemy soldiers to Wang Dashan, Stone Mountain, etc. When the enemy is over half, ask the second uncle and the third uncle to rush out and attack the rear army. At this time, I will lead another army to rush out to help, and together with my father and uncle, I will attack the enemy from the front! Defeat the enemy soldiers!" Li Yin explained the whole strategy in one breath, let out a long breath, and stared at his father Li Tong and the three uncles with a smile on his face.

Li Tong was overjoyed, he burst out laughing, and after laughing, he said loudly: "With my son's ingenious plan, the enemy will definitely be defeated!"

Li Yi, Li Song, and Li Fan all took a deep breath and looked at Li Yin in amazement. Unexpectedly, Li Yin was only 11 years old, so wise!But in an instant, the three of them were also overjoyed, and they all praised Li Yin as a genius, and they all felt very honored to have such a genius nephew.

Li Tong immediately ordered all the generals to send troops to act according to Li Yin's plan.

Shenyang City

After Ji Ling received Feng Yao's order, he immediately started preparations with Deng Yang. Three days later, he immediately led the army to set off. And go.

It took only one day for Deng Yang's forward to reach the vicinity of Jianshan Mountain, and Ji Ling's army was only half a day away from Jianshan Mountain.

Seeing the complex terrain of the Jianshan Mountains, Deng Yang was worried that there might be an ambush, so he sent a few knights who were familiar with the mountains to lead a few scouts into the mountains to explore the way, and at the same time had to stop the army temporarily, while cooking and waiting for the scouting While waiting for Ji Ling's army.

(End of this chapter)

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