Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 238 We are victorious

Chapter 238 We are victorious

Liu Bei said anxiously: "Now that the tiger guards are guarding the pier, how can we get on the boat?"

"My lord, don't worry!!" Mi Zhu had the calmest expression among the crowd. Although these thousand ships contained the wealth that Mi's family had managed for generations, they looked like dispensable things in Mi Zhu's eyes. Don't be disheartened by the seized ship!
At this moment, Mi Zhu took down a fife from his waist, took a deep breath, held it by his mouth, and started playing!
The sound of the flute was so clear that it overwhelmed the shouts and screams on the warship!It made everyone startled, their murderous aura suddenly decreased, and their minds regained a bit of clarity!
However, although the sound of the flute was beautiful, it was harsh to Guan Yu's ears, and he shouted with displeasure: "Farewell! This is the time, but you still have time to play music here! Could it be that you want to use this sound to drive the enemy away?" Walk?"

"Second brother, you have misunderstood what Zizhong meant! Look over there!" Liu Bei hurriedly persuaded Guan Yu to stop him.

The panicked Mi family soldiers on the sea surface recovered their spirits at this time. After losing more than half of the ships, they stopped retreating. The enemy soldiers who come here are willing to exchange their lives!
Some of the Mi's family who retreated to other boats shouted loudly, "Untie the rope and let the boat separate!"

After a while, more than [-] ships squeezed out of the fleet and sailed to the coast where Mi Zhu was stationed!
"What's going on here? Could it be that you play the flute because...?" Zhang Fei asked curiously.

Mi Zhu stopped the flute and said with a smile: "This is a unique method of communication in my Mi family. Various orders are hidden in the sound of the flute, and the order can be transmitted within a thousand feet in an instant by the sound of the flute. If the place is on the sea, the sound transmission distance will be even farther, up to five miles away!"

"The soldiers of my Mi family will soon follow my order to bring the ships that have not been occupied by the enemy soldiers to this side, but for the convenience of boarding, please send an army to stop the tigers Wei, don't let Huwei rush over!"

Liu Bei nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked around at the generals, all the generals lowered their heads, unwilling to step forward to die!

The army that is going to be sent to resist the tiger guards must not escape, whoever goes will basically die!

"My lord! Why don't you let me lead the army forward! If you can help the lord escape, it can be regarded as repaying the lord's kindness!"

At this time, a scribe took a few steps forward, bowed his head and bowed his hands, and said that it was Jian Yong and Jian Xianhe.

"Xianhe, this..." Liu Bei couldn't bear it, but there was no other way at this time. If there was no general to lead the army, those soldiers knew that they would die, so they would definitely refuse to use their lives. !
Jian Yong bowed again and said: "My lord, please make a decision quickly, or the ship will be docked in a while, I am afraid that all the soldiers will rush to board the ship and flee for their lives, and no one will be willing to end the rear!"

Liu Bei nodded, and immediately ordered Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to dispatch a thousand soldiers each to Jian Yong as soldiers who would end the war.

on the sea

Yuan Ao, who was fighting fiercely, had injuries to his arms and legs, but he became more and more courageous as he fought, and he had captured more than [-] ships one after another. Later, after most of the sailors boarded the ship, the situation became one-sided.

However, this situation didn't last long. After a strange flute, Mi's family soldiers organized a counterattack!Although he tried his best to kill dozens of Mi's family soldiers who rushed up to die, and captured several boats, the other boats were untied by Mi's family soldiers and rowed away!
Yuan Ao's soldiers were few, and his control of more than [-] ships was almost the limit. In order to prevent the seized ships from being recaptured by Mi's family soldiers, he urgently ordered all the ships to approach the side occupied by Xu Chu's army.

On the pier, the sound of killing was still loud, and Xu Chu's roar could be heard from time to time!

Qu County
After Feng Yao led the troops to rush into the city, he met Fan Jiang and Zhang Da who were fighting with them. He rushed and killed the enemy.

When we rushed to the county government again, only a small number of defeated soldiers stayed behind. Seeing Feng Yao's attack, they all abandoned their weapons and surrendered. There were only a small number of local county soldiers guarding the gates of Qu County. Vote for Feng Yaojun!

After learning that Liu Bei abandoned the city and fled, Feng Yao led his troops to continue to chase and rushed to the harbor, where he heard shouts of killing from a distance!
"Dai Ling! You lead Xiong Wei to follow, and I will lead the cavalry to rush there!" Feng Yao said.

By the time they rushed to the pier, the killing sound had gradually subsided.

In the distance, Xu Chu shouted excitedly: "Master!! Our army has won a great victory!! Our army has won a great victory!!"

Feng Yao rushed to the front with two hundred entourages, and was startled when he saw Xu Chu was covered in blood. He hurriedly jumped off his horse, pulled Xu Chu and asked anxiously, "Zhongkang! Are you injured? Did the tiger guards sacrifice themselves? "

Xu Chu didn't seem to hear, and said loudly: "My lord! Our army has won a great victory! A total of [-] ships have been captured, and these ships are full of money, food, cloth, etc.! There are at least billions!! My lord, billions!"

"Zhongkang! Let me ask you, are you injured? Why is there so much blood on your body?..." Seeing Xu Chu's excited cheers, Feng Yao guessed that Xu Chuying was not seriously injured, and asked the tiger guard loudly: "Our casualties How? Did any brothers sacrifice?"

"My lord, that's great! We're fine, only a few dozen brothers were injured, and it's all right!" Xu Chu finally heard Feng Yao's words clearly at this time, and quickly replied happily.

Seeing that Feng Yao didn't ask about the trophies, the two thousand tiger guards were very moved and immediately asked about their injuries. Coupled with the joy of victory, many tiger guards were so excited that they burst into tears.

I don't know who was the first to kneel down on the enemy's corpse. In the blink of an eye, all two thousand tiger guards knelt down in the enemy's mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!
"My lord! We have won!!" The two thousand tiger guards roared in unison!
Feng Yao nodded, and was about to get the Tiger Guards to stand up, when he suddenly noticed that some of the Tiger Guards were wearing Liu Beijun's clothes!And although the movements of these people are similar to those of Tiger Guard, the expressions on their faces are obviously different, and most importantly, Feng Yao found a familiar figure among these people!

"Jian Xianhe?"

Feng Yao hurried over, but there were only a few torches, so he couldn't see the scribe's face clearly through the moonlight.

"Zhongkang, fetch a torch!" Feng Yao shouted loudly.

Xu Chu responded, took a torch, approached, glanced at the scribe, and said, "My lord, this person is Jian Yong who came to our army as Liu Bei's envoy during the day. I saw that he was not afraid of death, and he was willing to die. I respect him." He valued righteousness, so he didn't kill him!"

Feng Yao was overjoyed, and patted Xu Chu on the shoulder and said, "Zhongkang, what you did was too much to my liking! Jian Xianhe can reach an army of [-] troops!! You have made a great contribution this time!!"

"What... what? This credit is even greater than taking three hundred ships of money and food?" Xu Chu shouted in surprise.

"Yes! Zhongkang! You are really my lucky general! Last time I surrendered Gan Xingba for me, and this time I captured Jian Xianhe again!! I will reward you with another beauty when I go back this time ! No, two rewards, let you fly together!" Feng Yao said happily.

Xu Chu was overjoyed, but he came over quietly and asked, "My lord, can you replace the beauties with fine wine? My lord, you have been abstaining from alcohol for a few days. These days, the glutton in my stomach is almost thirsty to the point of my throat! "

(End of this chapter)

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