Chapter 239
"No change!" Feng Yao replied affirmatively.

Seeing Xu Chu's suddenly annoyed expression, Feng Yao smiled slightly: "However, this big victory, Xuzhou is completely in our hands, and tomorrow will be a day of celebration!"

Xu Chu suddenly realized the meaning of "no change" in Feng Yao's mouth!That means no change, not "no way"!
"Zhongkang, two beauties and fine wine, get it! Hehehe!" Feng Yao patted Xu Chu on the shoulder and laughed.

"Understood! Thank you, my lord!" Xu Chu was overjoyed.

Feng Yao looked again at Jian Yong who was still bowing his head with his face buried, bowed his body, pulled Jian Yong, and said: "Xianhe, I know it's you, get up quickly, I'm still waiting for your help !"

Jian Yong knew that he couldn't hide, so he had to stand up in embarrassment, and said shamelessly: "It seems that God's will is so! I am willing to assist the envoy, but please forgive me for leading the army to block the tiger guards and help Liu envoy escape! It is what I must do to repay the old master!"

Received Jian Yong's affirmative answer, Feng Yao was overjoyed and said: "Xianhe, this is what should be done, but since you have fulfilled your due loyalty to the old lord, and God allowed you to survive on the battlefield, please Forget about the old master from now on, faithfully accept me as master, and assist me to benefit the common people in the world!"

Jian Yong nodded, at this time, Xu Chu, Yang Wu and others came forward to congratulate Jian Yong, and Jian Yong's expression gradually became a lot more natural.

"Envoy Feng, please forgive me for not being able to call you my lord right now, give me some time to get used to it!" Jian Yong said.

Feng Yao agreed one by one, as long as Jian Yong can agree to serve, I am not afraid that Jian Yong will not give up on the master in the end!

"Brothers of Huwei, please stand up!" Feng glanced at Huwei who was still kneeling on the battlefield respectfully, and ordered loudly.

"Yes, my lord!" The two thousand tiger guards all stood up.

Those captured Liu Beijun were still kneeling, not daring to get up, Feng Yao shouted: "Since you have already been captured, what else can you say?"

"I'm waiting to come down!"

Feng Yao roughly pointed out that there were more than 100 soldiers in this group, all of them were strong, and it was no wonder they were able to persevere and survive the attack of the Tiger Guards. They should all have some extraordinary skills!

So he nodded and said: "Okay! It's a good thing that you are willing to surrender to me. I will treat you the same way I treat other soldiers under me. But if anyone of you dares to be disloyal to me, it will not be beheaded." It's as simple as that! If any of you are afraid, it's still too late, I agree with you to become civilians and go back to live a stable life! I won't punish you for this!"

Jiang Jun had already considered it, the reason why they came to join the army was to completely change their poor and humble fate, and being a member of Feng Yaojun was exactly what they hoped for most!Even if they die in battle, their descendants will receive corresponding pensions!So as to make their descendants live better!

"I'm willing to swear to die for my lord! I will never regret it!" The descendant said loudly, and all of them raised their heads, looking at Feng Yao with extremely firm eyes.

At this time, Dai Ling and others also led Xiong Wei to arrive, and they were overjoyed when they saw this. After cheering for a while, Feng Yao ordered Xu Chu to lead the Huwei and the wounded soldiers back to Qu County first, and informed Xu Shu to send another army Come clean up the battlefield.

After Yuan Ao fixed the ship again, he left soldiers to guard and came to see Feng Yao in person.

"My lord! You'd better see for yourself what's on board!"

Feng Yaozheng had this intention, and ordered Xiongwei to divide 500 people to guard the pier, and the rest of the Xiongwei were separated to go on board and search first, and at least two Xiongwei per boat were guarded, and then led Dai Ling, Yang Wu, Jian Yong and Two hundred relatives boarded the captured ship.

These sea ships have two floors. In the bottom layer, some ships are filled with cloth, gold and silver, weapons and armor, etc., some are loaded with livestock, and some hold a large number of female slaves under the cabin!
In addition to these differences in each ship, all ships are equipped with a certain amount of food and fresh water. Each ship has at least a thousand stones of food. A total of more than 600 ships have been seized, and the food alone has reached 60. The number of stones!This is enough for an army of [-] people and the servants on board for about three years!
There are also ten servants chained up on the bottom of each ship's cabin. These servants are imprisoned by the Mi family and used as coolies for paddling when there is no wind!
Feng Yao saw that these coolies were locked up, and after asking, he found out that they could not get any wages at all. After Mrs. Mi tricked them into boarding the boat, he chained them to the bottom of the boat, preventing them from contacting the outside world. If you work hard, not only will you not be able to eat enough, but if you resist too much, you will be killed by Mi's family soldiers on the spot, and then thrown into the sea of ​​corpses.

Jian Yong didn't know about these things, didn't know that the Mi family was so dark and cruel, and said angrily: "Master, I can't imagine that the Mi family got rich by such means!!" Shaking his head, he sighed: "The one who escaped There are still nearly [-] coolies on more than [-] ships, but because of my fault, they have to continue to live in such pain!"

Feng Yao asked Jian Yong: "Xianhe, how do you think we should deal with these male slaves!"

Jian Yongdao: "I didn't know these details before, but I also heard that the family members of some male slaves had come to look for relatives, and Mi's answer was that they were killed by pirates, or they were killed at sea. Sick and die, and then pay a little money to send their relatives away!"

"I think some of these male slaves may have been away from home for more than ten years! Moreover, in the past ten years, the world has been in constant war, and their relatives may not be still alive. If they are all released or forced to stay to continue It is not suitable to use, the best way is to let them choose voluntarily, if they go home, they can give them some money, if they are willing to stay, they can pay them wages, so that they can feel that life is meaningful!"

Feng Yao nodded, ordering his subordinates to treat these male slaves well.

Every time they walked to the bilge of a ship, the male slaves who had changed masters had their eyes glowing, looking forward to Feng Yao and his party, wishing to be free, some even knelt down and begged bitterly, Feng Yao really wanted to release them immediately But I am worried that the situation may be out of control. After all, if all of them are released, there will be 3000 male slaves, and Feng Yao's current force controlling these ships is only more than [-]!

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will let you go when the investigation is clear tomorrow! Please wait another night!"

Feng Yao kept comforting these male slaves, repeating the same words!Later, Dai Ling, Yang Wu and other relatives casually refused to let Feng Yao speak again, but took the initiative to convey Feng Yao's meaning: "Don't worry, my lord already knows the suffering you have suffered, wait another night, and find out. After everyone's details, you will be set free!"

On some ships, female slaves were locked up, but the treatment of female slaves was much better than that of male slaves. It was simply that every ten people were locked in a cage, and their hands were not locked, nor were they tied up. Sleeping in a cage, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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