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Chapter 240 The Captured Male and Female Slaves

Chapter 240 The Captured Male and Female Slaves
These female slaves were not always on the ship. It was Mi Zhu who was worried about the city breaking these days, so he transferred the female slaves trained and adopted by the family to the ship in advance. Locking them up can not only prevent the female slaves from sneaking away, but also protect these female slaves from being attacked by the soldiers. Violation!

"Send all these female slaves to the city! Everyone must not be rude to these female slaves!" Feng Yao immediately issued an order.

Apart from money and food, Feng Yao's most important thing is women!Only with a woman can the soldiers' hearts be stabilized, and the next generation of loyal and good generations can be cultivated!
Those outstanding soldiers who have made meritorious service on the battlefield will all be rewarded with women by Feng Yao!This is not because Feng Yao wants to promote patriarchal supremacy and encourage soldiers to indulge in sensuality, but Feng Yao is laying a solid foundation for the future!
The tens of thousands of troops currently controlled by Feng Yao will definitely suffer a large number of casualties in future wars, and these casualties are all loyal to Feng Yao. How can we let them die in vain? We must let them die a lot. It is better to marry a wife and have many children than to engage in egalitarianism and let these female slaves become the wives and concubines of those who are not Feng Yao's subordinates, or even become the wives and concubines of the enemy's army. To kill the grass and roots, kill the enemy's wife and children!

Second day

Qu County has basically settled down.

Yuan Ao reported the spoils from the 60 sea ships, Feng Yao looked at them, [-] shi of grain, [-] male slaves, more than [-] weapons, [-] arrows, nearly [-] sets of iron armor, and [-] leather armors Sets, [-] sets of cloth armor!
In the end, it was the total amount of all the money. Feng Yao only glanced at it, his heart pounded, and stopped beating, and then there was a burst of wild beating!
"My God! A total of 160 billion!!"

Feng Yao took a deep breath, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and watched it again!
That's right, it's 160 billion!

"Hahaha! With this money, I can finally stop worrying about money! I have won so many battles before, and I only saved more than one billion wealth. I didn't expect that this battle only captured With two-thirds of the wealth of the Mi family, there will be 160 billion!!!”

These moneys are all gold, silver, jewelry, cloth, etc. converted into copper coins, and Yuan Ao indicated the specific amount in the following text.

How much is 160 billion copper coins?

Feng Yao's military salary to the lowest-level handyman is [-] copper coins per month!Official soldiers are issued five hundred copper coins per month!Ordinary grain is two cents per catty!
Of course, this is only the price controlled by Feng Yao in his own territory, the people outside would not be able to buy food at this price!And it is forbidden to sell food to other places!Local people with registered permanent residence can buy official food in a limited amount at this price every month!At the same time, only the three categories of silver, cloth, and grain are collected for tax payment.

In this troubled world, this is also an unavoidable solution. Xuzhou is better for one or five yuan a catty of grain, and Yanzhou basically costs ten yuan to buy a catty of grain, and Luoyang reaches twenty yuan. Where there is a famine, hundreds of dollars can hardly buy a catty of grain!
Now there are 160 billion!How to use it?This is another question before Feng Yao!
Gong Du, who was in charge of cleaning the battlefield, also reported the spoils he got after occupying Qu County.

Due to Liu Bei's transfer, the money, food, cloth, etc. in the county government of Quxian County were almost emptied, and more than 500 sets of iron armor were harvested from the battlefield. Nearly 50 pieces and more than [-] war horses.

"Liu Bei is pitiful enough. He only has more than 50 war horses. It is estimated that among the more than 300 soldiers who escaped, there are only a few dozen horses! But it is a pity that they escaped with the supplies of the more than [-] ships. How can you get billions of money?" Feng Yao shook his head and put down Gong Du's battle report.

"Let's deal with those hard workers imprisoned by the Mi family first!" Feng Yao secretly said.

Half an hour later, all the rescued male slaves gathered on the school grounds.

Feng Yao first removed all the humble status of these male slaves, and rewarded each of them with [-] yuan and a set of clean clothes.

The six thousand male slaves were so excited that they kept wiping away tears, and the voices of thanks kept ringing in the school grounds.

After the distribution was over, Feng Yao returned to the stage and said loudly: "Although I can't find out how long you have been detained, at least from now on, you can all live a free life again! This ten thousand The money is on my territory, enough for you to live a stable life for three years alone!"

"But this is just the beginning. If you want to settle down locally, you will be given one hectare of land, one house, and tax exemption for one year."

"If you want to go back to your hometown, you can give another [-] yuan! If you want to work for me, you will be exempted from tax for life, and you can receive another salary every month!"

"If you have certain skills, such as those who are willing to become sailors, in addition to the benefits of settling down, not only can you get wages, tax exemption for life, but you can also get a woman as a wife and concubine!"

Feng Yao loudly announced his decision. Following Feng Yao's words, the male slaves became excited again, but no one made a sound. They all listened to Feng Yao's every sentence, every word, for fear of mishearing. , affecting the decisions to be made next.

After Feng Yao's words were over, all the male slaves were still staring, fearing that Feng Yao would have something to say, no one made a sound, and some male slaves who couldn't help but burst into tears covered their mouths with one hand, Wipe away tears with one hand.

"Okay! I've finished my words, I'll give you a moment to think about it, and when you think about it, come forward to register one by one!" Feng Yao had no choice but to add another sentence.

The male slaves looked at each other for a while, and couldn't bear it anymore, they all started talking in low voices, and some of them made a decision immediately, stood up immediately, and walked to the front of the stage.

"I would like to serve Mr. Feng!..."

"I want to go back to my hometown. I haven't seen my relatives for eight years!..."

"All of my family members are gone. I am willing to use the skills I have learned at sea over the years to serve my lord and become a sailor under my lord!"

"I want to spend the rest of my life in a mediocre way here, thank you Feng Shijun for your great kindness!"


The male slaves quickly made a choice, and to Feng Yao's relief, more than 4000 of them were willing to stay on the ship and become real sailors!However, among the 4000 people, there are more than 3000 people who want to go back to their hometown first, comfort their relatives at home, and then come to serve!
Feng Yao happily agreed to their request. After all, it is human nature. However, Feng Yao encouraged them to move their relatives to Qu County. Almost all the sailors were willing to do so. If you settle down, you will get an extra hectare of land, a house, and tax exemption for life. Moreover, after getting married and having children, you will also need the care of your family. How can you refuse such a good thing.

After dealing with the matter of the male slaves, Feng Yao ordered his subordinates to bring the more than [-] female slaves obtained from Mi's ship to the school grounds.

(End of this chapter)

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