Chapter 26
Wu Liang had an angry look on his face, but since the handyman had a reason, he must find out the facts before punishing him, otherwise he would be unfair and cause mutiny.Wu Liang walked up to the handyman with a knife in his hand, and lifted the burden of the handyman, but he didn't move. He was stunned, with a look of disbelief, and then he lifted it hard again. The luggage was half a foot high, and Wu Liang's face Now surprised, he put down the bag, and only heard a few bangs, and there was the sound of metal collisions inside the bag.

"Open this bag!!" Wu Liang pointed at the handyman with his knife.

The handyman didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly untied the burden, and a large stainless steel shield appeared in front of everyone. Wu Liang stretched out his hand to try the large shield, and his face was shocked, but what surprised Wu Liang was that it was under the large shield That giant mace!
Seeing this scene, Feng Yao really wanted to find a hole to drill down in. The large shield and mace belonged to no one else. It was the large stainless steel shield and sky-shattering mace that Feng Yao helped Dai Ling spend a lot of money to build not long ago. Great!Originally, Feng Yao wanted his three brothers to carry their own equipment on their backs, but the army stipulated that during the march, in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the elite soldiers, except for their own weapons, all other luggage and equipment of the elite soldiers must be handed over to the handymen. bear!

Wu Liang put down his big shield, and lifted the sky-breaking mace with one hand. This time, because Wu Liang was mentally prepared, he picked it up all at once, but when Wu Liang tried to swing it a few times, he felt that it was very difficult. , the expression on his face was even more shocking!

"Whose property is this?" Wu Liang asked loudly.

Although Feng Yao really wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide in, he was afraid that Dai Ling would not speak and would only make jokes for outsiders, so he hurriedly said: "Leader, these are the equipment of the soldiers of this army, such special equipment There are two more, one is a spear and the other is a big knife!"

After saying this, Feng Yao felt a sense of relief on the contrary, and said in his heart: "I hope the team rate can show some face for the sake of my honest confession! Don't let it be confiscated!"

"Captain Feng! Are you talking about these two?" Wu Liang pointed to the other two handymen.

Those two weapons were too long, so they could only be hung outside. In fact, Wu Liang had seen these two weapons a long time ago, and he wanted to ask them all the time, but he held back, thinking that he would ask after the camp was set up.

Feng Yao nodded and said, "The return rate is exactly those two weapons!"

Wu Liang hummed, tried the sword and spear again, and then announced loudly: "Although these three handymen stopped marching without authorization, there is a reason for the incident, so they are exonerated!"

The three handymen who had been on tenterhooks were overjoyed when they heard this.

Wu Liang looked at the other two handymen who were sitting down, his face turned cold, and he said, "Don't you have a heavy burden too?"

The two handymen stood up in fright and replied: "Although it is not serious, it is not light. Please take the lead and forgive me!"

"Take advantage of injuries to avoid conquests, pinch wounds and feign death to escape. This is called deceitful army, and the perpetrators will beheaded! What else can you say—!" Wu Liang shouted.

The two handymen, when they heard that it was a capital crime, they became anxious and begged for mercy repeatedly: "Please forgive me! Commander! Since this is our first time, please forgive us! We will never dare again! "

Wu Liang said: "Military discipline must not be violated!" After saying that, he swung the knife away, and there was a soft cracking sound, and the head of one of the handymen rolled to the ground in response to the sound, and the wheel rolled a few times and stopped on the side, while the headless one The body didn't just die, but the limbs trembled frighteningly, and the blood spurted out from Lao Gao's neck cavity with a whirring sound, and it surged with the heartbeat, it was very infiltrating! !

Another handyman standing beside him was sprayed with blood all over his head and body. At this time, his face turned pale with fright, he let out a scream, and fell limp on the ground, his hands trembling constantly.

The head that had been chopped off and fell to the ground was not dead at this time, but its eyes were wide open in horror, and its lips were still trying to open and close, trying to say something, but no sound came out anymore.At this time, his headless body was almost sprayed with blood, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, and fell to the grass with a "plop", although his limbs were still twitching, they gradually became stiff.

"Ah!" There was a burst of terrified exclamations from all around, but immediately those soldiers who accidentally uttered exclamations shut their mouths tightly in fright, for fear of causing trouble to their upper body!
Wu Liang frowned slightly, his eyes flashed coldly, and he raised his knife towards another handyman.

"Team rate! Wait a minute!" Feng Yao said suddenly.

Wu Liang was taken aback, he didn't expect that someone would dare to stop him at this moment! !And listening to his voice is still lower than his own position! !
But Wu Liang still stopped the knife in his hand and turned around. He wanted to see who was so bold! !
"Team rate!" Feng Yao cupped his fists and said.

"It's you!" Wu Liang's eyes dimmed slightly.

"Team leader, this handyman also has two of my weapons in his bag." Feng Yao said.

Wu Liang glanced at Feng Yao, then at the Marquis Cao Xing who was not far away, nodded, pulled a handyman beside him, and pointed to the handyman who was sitting on the ground trembling with fright, "Go and open it!" Let go of his burden!"

The handyman who was pulled quickly opened his bag and found a long sword and a wooden shield. The wooden shield was nothing special. The long sword caught Wu Liang's attention, and the handyman quickly handed the long sword to Wu Liang. good!
This long sword belonged to Feng Yao!

Wu Liang took the long sword, drew it halfway to look at it, and ordered the handyman to put it back, pointed the knife at the handyman on the ground, and shouted: "It's true that you carry a little more weight than others, so let's put your head away for now. Store it on your neck, and make up for it in the future, otherwise I will take your life at any time!"

Seeing that the captain spared his life, the almost frightened handyman came to his senses, trembling, turned over and kowtowed to the captain Wu Liang, then turned around and kowtowed to Feng Yao. Only then did he get up, timidly packed up his bag again, and hugged him tightly in his arms.

Wu Liang glanced at the handymen around him, pointed at the corpses on the ground with the knife still dripping blood, and shouted with a cold face: "If someone steals, rapes and cheats again, delay the march! It will end like this!" Wipe the blood off the knife and insert it into the sheath, and order someone to throw the body of the dead handyman into the grass by the side of the road!And three handymen were added to carry the weapons of Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and Dai Ling in turn.

Soon, the army resumed marching again, and none of the handymen dared to violate military discipline casually, no matter how tired they were, they all tried their best to keep up.

The handyman who narrowly escaped followed closely at the side of the team, looking at Feng Yao with gratitude from time to time.

There was no word all the way, and the march was about to noon, and they came to a village with about a hundred households.

"Li Shizhang! Take your stuff and go search a few houses over there. I'm afraid we will spend the night here!" The team leader Wu Liang pointed to three or four thatched cottages scattered on one side in the distance.

Li Jin cupped his fists to accept the order, looked at Feng Yao and Xiong Xiu, and said, "Let's go!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, Feng Yao led Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Xu Xian, and eight miscellaneous soldiers to sneak near a private house on the far left. They hid behind a small haystack, secretly Watching carefully every move in the house.Shi Chang and Xiong Xiu took several other people to search a private house on the right.

There were about five people living in the private house. A young woman was washing clothes in the courtyard in front of the house. A man in a rough jacket was teasing a child about three years old. Judging from the actions of the man and the young woman, the two may be couple.And from the chimneys of the houses, bursts of cooking smoke kept rising.Feng Yao guessed that the two old people should be making lunch in the house.

"There should be no danger, this is just an ordinary civilian family!" Feng Yao whispered.

Zhou Cang nodded, touched his belly again, and said in a low voice: "Brother, let's rush over directly, I'm almost starving to death, just let them treat our brothers to a good meal!"

"Okay! But we can't go all at once, or too many people will scare them! How about this, Chen Dao and I will go over and negotiate with them first, and you will come out after I wave to you!" Feng Yao said.

After discussing, Feng Yao walked out swaggeringly, while Chen Dao tightly held the longbow in his hand, and followed Feng Yao closely.


When he reached the gate of the courtyard, Feng Yao called out, trying to attract the attention of the man and woman in the courtyard.

When Feng Yao shouted, the laundry woman didn't notice. The man turned his head and found Feng Yao and Chen Dao at once. After he saw the leather armor and weapons on Feng Yao's body, his expression changed drastically. , stood up abruptly, and asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, we are just soldiers passing by, just come to say hello!" Feng Yao stretched out his hand, signaling the man not to be impulsive.

The young woman who was doing laundry only realized that someone had broken into the yard. After taking a look at Feng Yao, she screamed in fright, got up and ran back to the house, but rushed out again immediately, and reported the child outside. He hid in the house again, at this moment, shouts came from the back room.

The man who had been blocking the door picked up a hoe casually from the door, pointed at Feng Yao and said loudly, "Are you deserters!!"

Feng Yao tried his best to put on a friendly attitude, and said, "We won't hurt you! We are Lu Wenhou's subordinates, and we just came here to see if there are any spies!"

The man was taken aback, and said: "Are you really the subordinates of Marquis Wen?"

"Yes! I am Feng Yao, the chief of the No. [-] Corps in Zuotun, Jiaziqu! Behind me is Chen Dao, a soldier of my Corps!" Feng Yao said.

The man quickly put down the hoe in his hand, and shouted into the house: "Father! Come out and have a look, they say they are Lu Wenhou's subordinates!"

"My son! But it's true? Has Marquis Lu Wen come to our village?"

An uncle who was over half a century old came out, with tears in his eyes, looked Feng Yao up and down, nodded repeatedly, finally the uncle walked up to Feng Yao again, stretched out his hand and patted Feng Yao's arm, and praised: " It really is Lu Wenhou's soldiers! Only Lu Wenhou in this world can bring out such strong and disciplined soldiers! My son, quickly welcome the two distinguished guests into the house!"

(End of this chapter)

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