Chapter 27 Troubled Soldiers
Seeing that the old man was so hospitable, Feng Yao couldn't refuse, so he said, "Uncle, we still have a few people outside, if you don't mind, can we let them in together?"

The uncle was stunned for a moment, but he immediately smiled and said: "It's so good, it just so happens that my wife has already made lunch. If you don't mind, let me do my best as a landlord and invite you all to have a light meal."

"Uncle, don't be so troublesome, as long as you can ask for saliva to drink!"

As Feng Yao said, he raised his left hand again and made a move.

Zhou Cang led more than a dozen people and ran over laughingly. Before the people arrived, he shouted loudly: "Brother! How is it? Do you have food?"

Several handymen who followed Zhou Cang were amused by Zhou Cang.

When the uncle saw that everyone was clamoring for dinner, he let them pass the room. Feng Yao originally wanted to stop him, but on second thought, he just wanted to take this opportunity to let them walk around the room. Accompanied by his uncle, he also stepped into the gate.

A dozen strong and strong men stayed in the room for a while, and the hall, which was originally not spacious, suddenly became crowded, and there were not enough chairs in the room. The uncle forced Feng Yao to sit down, and then yelled at his wife to have a bath. Tea went.

Chen Dao's face was displeased, he looked coldly at several handymen who were making loud noises in the house, and stood behind Feng Yao without saying a word.

At this time, two bold servants saw that the hall was crowded, so they pushed open the door of the back room without being invited. Laugh, then want to break in.

"Mother! Mother! I'm afraid!" At this moment, a child's cry suddenly came from the room there.

Feng Yao frowned, and stood up abruptly. Seeing that the skinny-faced servant wanted to break into the back room, he already understood what was going on, so he couldn't help being furious. He pointed at the servant and shouted, "Get out!"

The handyman was taken aback, turned his head to look over, and said with a smile: "Commander Feng, we are all brothers. Those who went to the battlefield might die tomorrow. Brothers are just having fun. Don't be angry. At worst, I'll let you come first! Oh, this girl is really nice, with big tits!" As she spoke, she kept twitching her eyebrows and winking at the back room!

The uncle's son just came out with tea, and when he understood what was going on, his eyes turned red, he roared angrily, he gritted his steel teeth, and wanted to find that skinny-faced handyman desperately.

Feng Yao was shocked and shouted: "Stop him!"

In fact, there was no need for Feng Yao to shout, Zhou Cang and Dai Ling had already rushed over, Zhou Cang hugged the uncle's son, and Dai Ling angrily picked up the thin-faced handyman, He shouted: "Boy, I want to kill you, Grandpa Dai, and I have made it possible for you. The person I hate the most in my life is you, an obscene person like you!"

Dai Ling was nine feet tall, while the thin-faced handyman was less than seven feet tall, being carried by Dai Ling at this time, it was like lifting a chicken, his feet couldn't touch the ground, and his face was flushed red.

Seeing Dai Ling showing his power, those handymen retreated in fright, some retreated outside the gate, and others who did not retreat outside the gate also retreated as much as possible, looking at Dai Ling in horror, not daring to make a sound.

"Such a bastard, he didn't obey my master's order! If it wasn't for the military discipline, he would have killed you already!" Dai Ling threw the thin-faced handyman in front of Feng Yao, and said to Feng Yao: " Master, this person is very rude, please tell me how to deal with it!"

The thin-faced handyman fell to the ground, touched his knees, and groaned in pain, but he didn't dare to stand up, but sat on the ground, crying to Feng Yao with a mournful face: "Captain Feng, brother, I will never give up!" No malice, I'm just carrying out Li Shizhang's order to search every corner, the door of that room is closed, if you don't go in and take a look, who knows if there are any spies hidden?"

Feng Yao took a deep breath and was taken aback. He didn't expect this thin-faced handyman to say such a thing. If he was punished for this, he would definitely sue the chief or even the team leader or the military marquis. Maybe he didn't hurt him much, but the superiors would hold Dai Ling accountable for assaulting others!

"In this way, it's not your fault, get up, it's okay!" Feng Yao frowned.

Seeing that Feng Yao didn't dare to blame him, the thin-faced handyman stood up proudly from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and was about to raise his head when suddenly a big foot kicked him, hitting his ass, and with an oops, he fell again. on the ground.

"Who—!" The thin-faced handyman was furious, shouted angrily, turned his head to look, and saw Dai Ling raised one foot and was about to kick it off. He was so frightened that he didn't care about his face, and sat on all fours. On the ground, backed up again and again, begging for mercy: "Don't hit me! Don't hit me!"

Dai Ling was extremely angry at this time, and cursed: "If you show any disrespect again, I will take your life immediately. You are just a handyman, and you dare to be so rampant!"

Feng Yao was afraid of making things worse, so he went over to hold Dai Ling's hand: "Dai Ling, forget it, we have to go back and report to Chief Shi!"

At this time, Chen Dao, who had never spoken much, also called Brother Dai, signaling Dai Ling to be patient.

The uncle's son had calmed down at this time, and he stood aside with a slightly embarrassed expression, at a loss, the uncle quickly stood up and said with a smile: "Everyone, the dog is ignorant, how offended, how offended , ha ha! Also, I just made a pot of tea, so I would like to show my respect, please give me some face!" Then, the uncle ordered his son to serve the tea again.

After all this commotion, Feng Yao still had the nerve to stay any longer, so he stopped his uncle and said, "Uncle, there is no need, we still have tasks to do, so let's go!" After speaking, he said to all the handymen present : "Everyone, have you finished searching here?"

"The search is over! There are no spies!" "The search is over!" All the servants responded one after another.

Feng Yao waved his hand and said: "In this case, the whole team will set off and report the search results to the chief!"

Zhou Cang and others and the servants quickly left the gate, lined up and waited for Feng Yao.

Seeing that everyone had gone out, Feng Yao whispered to his uncle, "Uncle, I'm really sorry, I didn't know that such a thing would happen!"

Uncle patted Feng Yao's hand and smiled, "Hey, Wuchang Feng doesn't need to worry about it. I was a soldier in the past, and I can understand the thoughts of soldiers. Alas! Women, who wouldn't want to be a soldier! No! Said, let Wuchang Feng laugh."

Feng Yao called his uncle's son again, comforted him a few words, then took out hundreds of copper coins from his bosom and stuffed them into the hands of his uncle's son, saying: "I really envy you, you have such a happy family!"

Farewell to Uncle, Feng Yao led the team to leave, and went straight to the place that he had agreed with Li Jin in advance.

Li Jin was waiting for Feng Yao and the others. Seeing Feng Yao's arrival, he hurriedly asked about the results of the search. After hearing Feng Yao's report, he nodded and sighed again.

"What's wrong? How long!" Feng Yao asked in a low voice.

Li Jin glanced at Feng Yao, then pointed to the side, Feng Yao looked, only to find that Xiong Xiu was squatting on the ground, lowering his head, not speaking, completely opposite to his usual image, and the four subordinates of Xiong Xiu They also sat listlessly on the grass, similar in appearance to Xiong Xiu, and a few handymen following Xiong Xiu stood on the other side with slightly nervous expressions.

"How long! What's the matter?" Feng Yao said.

"Hey! Brother Feng, you've always been very scheming, and you know how to handle things. Why don't you help me think of a countermeasure!" Li Jin frowned, and said solemnly.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Li Jin nodded, and stretched out his hand to point to a private house ten feet away, "Go and have a look and you'll understand!"

Feng Yao's heart tightened, and he thought: "Could it be that Xiong Xiu and the others killed someone?" Then he called Zhou Cang and Chen Dao, and quickly approached the house.

As soon as he walked to the door of the private house, Feng Yao heard a woman sobbing softly inside the house, the door was ajar.

"There should be no danger, or Li Jin will remind me when I come over." Feng Yao hesitated in his heart, then pushed open the door and stepped in.

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao also followed immediately, accompanying Feng Yao.

There was a middle-aged woman sitting in the room, whose exact age could not be discerned, probably less than 40 years old. There was also a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old, and the crying sound came from the girl's mouth.

When the middle-aged woman saw Feng Yao and the others entering, she just looked at them with resentment, and ignored Feng Yao and the others.

"What happened here?" Feng Yao asked.

Only then did the girl raise her head and cried loudly, "Go! Go! I don't want to see people like you again!"

Feng Yao's heart skipped a beat, as if he understood what might have happened!Although it was just a quick glance, Feng Yao could still see the general appearance of the girl. Although she couldn't say she was beautiful, she was small and cute, and she had just grown up, exuding a seductive aura all over her body.

"Hey! Let's go first!" Feng Yao turned around and said to Zhou Cang and Chen Dao.

On the way back, Feng Yao was in a very depressed mood. Maybe it was because Feng Yao was a person who traveled from the 21st century, so he had higher requirements for women. Anyway, Feng Yao hardly left himself time to think about women, but now, The successive incidents of assaulting women made Feng Yao's heart heavy, "What should we do now? Should we report the incidents of soldiers assaulting civilian women in accordance with military discipline, or should everyone tacitly assume that these incidents never happened, anyway, the last The army will be able to move out tomorrow."

If everything is done strictly in accordance with military discipline, it will cause resistance among subordinates. Just imagine if a person is young, has not even had a wife and child, and has not touched a woman's body, and he has to go to the battlefield to die, can he be willing? ?Long-term abstinence, for some young soldiers who have never been in contact with women, they are still shy and embarrassed to do some outrageous things to women, just bear it and pass.But for the kind of man who knows what a woman is, and has experienced the joy of fish and water, after several months of abstinence, when he suddenly sees a beautiful and delicious girl, who is not as hungry as a hungry wolf?

(End of this chapter)

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