Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 28 Relentless Military Law

Chapter 28 Relentless Military Law
After seeing Li Jin, Feng Yao only said one word.

"Excuse me, I think it's better to report to the team leader, it's none of your business how to deal with it!"

When Li Jin heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said, "That's right, why didn't I think of such a simple thing! Hehehe, you still have a lot of ideas, go, let's do it like this!"

"Everyone, line up and gather!" Li Jin issued an order.

After about a quarter of an hour.

A large open space on the edge of the village.

Lu Bu stationed his army here.

When Feng Yao and others came back, they realized that something was a little unusual.

Most of the villagers in the village gathered outside the barracks, and in front of them were a dozen soldiers who were being whipped. Feng Yao could tell from the trousers they were wearing that they were all the same as the soldiers he and the others were wearing, but different. Yes, these dozen or so sergeants were bare to the waist at the moment, their hands were tied to the wooden posts on both sides, and their backs were covered with bloodstains from whipping.

The team leader Wu Liang and Junhou Cao Xing saw Li Jin and Feng Yao waited for the first person to come back, but they didn't say anything, they just nodded and motioned for everyone to watch the execution together.

Lu Bu and other generals stood at the gate of the barracks, with a huge yellow unicorn flag and a large flag with the word Lv on it, and a smaller blue white tiger flag behind it. On each side, there was a square infantry formation neatly arranged.The left hand is the five hundred spearmen of the Red Suzaku Banner, the Buqu Du is Gao Shun who Lv Bu trusts most, the right hand is the five hundred swordsmen of the black Xuanwu Banner, and the Buqu Du is Cheng Lian.

Behind Lv Bu are the cavalry of the White Tiger Banner, which Lv Bu relies on the most. These cavalry are all cronies who have followed Lv Bu in battle for many years, and all of them who can survive to this day are all powerful generals with one against ten, although there are only more than 200 of them , But even two thousand elite soldiers dare not confront these two hundred cavalry, and most of these cavalry are from Bingzhou, from Lu Bu's hometown, and their loyalty is unmatched.

Feng Yao has served under Lu Bu's tent for more than three months now, and he has heard many legends about this cavalry team. In secret, other infantrymen call this cavalry team Bingzhou iron cavalry. It was Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan from Weizhen Jiangdong in the future, who was also a fellow of Lu Bu, and a native of Yanmen in Bingzhou.

However, they were not riding horses at this time, but stood quietly and motionless behind Lu Bu, as if this frightening execution had nothing to do with them.There are only three things they care about, their master!their horses!their enemies!
In addition to the dozens of sergeants who were whipped, there were five kneeling sergeants, and what awaited these five sergeants was beheading!
With the waving of the whip, heart-piercing cries of pain continued to be heard in the field, and the villagers and soldiers with poor temperament all showed expressions of unbearable, as if the whip did not hit the people in the field, but the people in the field. Same in yourself.

Not long after the execution of the whipping was finished, Lu Bu came out, clasped his fists at the villagers, and said loudly: "Fellow folks, I don't think most of you should have heard of Benhou's name, Benhou His surname is Lu Mingbu, and his courtesy name is Fengxian. He is the Marquis of Wen County and General Fenwu, but this Marquis is by no means a bandit who burns, kills and loots!! But this Marquis did not expect that passing here today, But it caused harm to all the folks! This Marquis is very sorry!"

As Lu Bu said, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the soldiers kneeling on the ground, and said angrily: "These are people who violate military discipline, no matter who they are, as long as they dare to openly violate military discipline, I will never tolerate them Come here, behead him, and hang it on the gate for a day!"

As soon as Lu Bu finished speaking, five executioners came out immediately, holding up their swords high, and waiting for an order, the five soldiers were beheaded and killed.

At this time, the last illusion of the five sergeants was also shattered, their faces were ashen, three sergeants closed their eyes in shame, waiting to be punished, and two were unwilling to accept their fate, so they cursed loudly!
"Cut!" Lu Bu shouted angrily.

Some villagers with children, when they heard the word beheaded, quickly covered the children's eyes with their hands to prevent them from watching.

The five executioners waved their knives, only to hear a few "clicks" and "clicks"...the five heads rolled to the side one after another, and blood spurted out immediately. Even Feng Yao had seen murder before, and killed people himself, but still Was shocked.

Feng Yao didn't want to read it any more, but he had a few questions, that is, what kind of military discipline did the five beheaded soldiers commit, so that Lu Bu would be beheaded in person?
"Team leader!" Seeing that Wu Liang still hadn't left, Feng Yao whispered.

Wu Liang turned his head, saw that it was Feng Yao, and nodded.

"Team leader, why were those five people executed?" Feng Yao asked in a low voice.

"Captain Feng, the few of them were convicted of robbing civilians' money and raping civilian women!"

As soon as Wu Liang said this, Li Jin, who was standing on the side, turned pale. After he gave Feng Yao a meaningful look, a hint of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

"Team rate!" Li Jin shouted, "Team rate, this subordinate has something to report!"

Wu Liang was taken aback, looked around, and said, "It's not convenient here, come with me!"

"Yes!" Li Jin responded, turned his head to look at Feng Yao and Xiong Xiu, and said, "You two showed me your soldiers, don't cause trouble, and don't allow anyone to leave without permission! Got it!"

Feng Yao cupped his hands and said, "This subordinate understands!"

Wu Liang and Li Jin quickly entered the barracks.

In the middle of the execution ground, the five corpses were quickly carried away by a team of miscellaneous soldiers and buried.

The onlookers saw that Lu Bu had dealt with it fairly and beheaded those soldiers who violated military discipline. They were very moved. Many villagers spontaneously donated their surplus food, and some even sent their sons to the gate of the barracks. He was willing to beg Wen Hou Lu Bu to accept it, but Lu Bu could not refuse, so he had to accept them all with a smile.

Feng Yao looked at what happened excitedly, and felt a little unbelievable. He thought that beheading soldiers casually would be bad, as it would distract his subordinates and weaken the combat effectiveness of the army. After all, it takes a lot of time and money to train a soldier. Yes, in the troubled times at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it is enough to punish the crimes of grabbing food and rape and humiliation, but killing people is a bit bad, right?But the actual result was completely beyond Feng Yao's expectations.

"I really don't know what's going on in this world? Cao manipulated Rong Rong's soldiers to burn, kill, loot, and rob women. I don't know how many people died under his hands, but why are so many of his subordinates loyal to him?"

After waiting for a while, Wu Liang and Li Jin came out, and they came out with Cao Xing, the military marquis of Jia Ziqu!

"Who is it?" Cao Xing asked with an angry face.

"That's him!" Li Jin pointed at a soldier with a frightened expression.

Feng Yao took a quick look and saw that Li Jin was pointing at a soldier with a mole on his right cheek, and thought, "Isn't this Xiong Xiu's most trusted brother, Fan Zhen? It turned out that he did that, I thought it was Xiong Xiu That fat guy raped that Hu family's daughter!"

"Tie it up, do as I say!" Cao Xing said coldly.

When the soldier Fan Zhen heard that he was going to be tied up, he panicked and ran away.

Li Jin was about to chase, but Wu Liang, the leader of the team, stretched out his hand to stop him, took the bow from his back without saying a word, and aimed his arrow at the fleeing Fan Zhen.

Feng Yao's heart trembled, and he remembered the words of Li Jin not long ago, "Brother Feng, our team's archery skills are invincible in the whole battalion, except for the military lords! I have seen him with my own eyes. In a battle, more than ten enemy soldiers were shot down, and everyone was shot through the face with one arrow!..."

At this time, Fan Zhen, who had already run away for more than ten feet, seemed to know that someone would shoot him with an arrow, so he kept swaying left and right.

If Feng Yao were to do it, Feng Yao would not be sure that he would hit the target with one arrow. Seeing that Wu Liang had already drawn his long bow to the full, and the arrow would kill Fan Zhen in the next moment, Feng Yao couldn't help but take a deep breath and secretly help Fan Zhen was worried about his fate.

As the corporal commander and brother of Fan Zhen, Xiong Xiu couldn't bear to look directly at the tragic situation of Fan Zhen's arrow in the next moment, but he didn't dare to move around at this moment, although he has always been Xiong Xiu's most loyal subordinate, and he has been in the army before joining the army. Following Xiong Xiu, although Xiong Xiu hated him for violating military discipline at this time, from the bottom of his heart he didn't want his subordinates to die like this at all.

"Bastard, come back to me!!" Xiong Xiu shouted angrily.

But Fan Zhen had already been terrified by the scene of beheading the prisoner before, and he was still willing to listen to Xiong Xiu's words, but even more frantically wanted to escape to a few private houses not far away.

At this moment, there was a sound of the bowstring, and the arrow in Wu Liang's hand had been shot out. The thick and long arrow more than three feet long pierced the air and went straight to Fan Zhen!

I saw Fan Zhen swaying, and then fell forward with a plop on the side of the road. Just when Feng Yao thought he was dead, Fan Zhen stood up unsteadily again, wanting to continue to escape, but was pierced by an arrow. Through the right knee, making it difficult to move.

"Li Jin, you can take care of the next thing! I have to arrange some other matters." Wu Liang put away his longbow, no longer looked at Fan Zhen who had hit the arrow, and turned to leave.

Seeing that Xiong Xiu was still in a daze, Li Jin said angrily: "This is the good soldier you brought??! Why don't you go and tie me up! Go! Do you want me to do it myself?"

Xiong Xiuwei took orders and left.

After training Xiong Xiu, Li Jin shook his head and sighed, patted Feng Yao on the shoulder, and pointed to the scattered houses that had been searched in the distance.

"Captain Feng, the Marquis of the Army has an order, we even have to spend the night at those villagers' homes tonight!"

Feng Yao heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Zhou Cang and other brothers behind him, and those handymen who looked frightened, and said, "What, there are too many people including the handymen, besides, would the villagers be willing?" ?”

Li Jin smiled and said: "Then let's set up a tent!"

So he ordered to the dozen or so handymen who were idle on the side: "Go to the army Simana and bring some more food with you, and then get two tents, and then go to another camp there!"

(End of this chapter)

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