Chapter 29 Strange Dreamland

At this moment, Xiong Xiu and the others carried the injured Fan Zhen back, only to see that Fan Zhen's face was pale, but his eyes sometimes shot out resentment, and sometimes fell into confusion, but all these were meaningless. When he was tied up in front of the Hu's mother and daughter whom he had raped forcibly, what he got was not forgiveness from the Hu's mother and daughter, but a spit in the face.

"Hahaha! But once I die, what do I have to be afraid of? But, little girl, I'll let you go, so what can you do? Come on! Come and kill me if you have the guts! My lord, I don't even frown." Wrinkle!" Fan Zhen knew that he was going to die, but instead he laughed wildly.

Feng Yao glanced at Fan Zhen contemptuously, and then set his eyes on the weak body of the daughter of the Hu family. His mood was very complicated. Feng Yao felt worthless for Fan Zhen—he just wasted his life for a moment of pleasure!At the same time, I feel sorry for the daughter of the Hu family. Maybe before all this happened, she was weaving her own beautiful dream, but after this happened, no matter how outstanding her appearance is, no good family would want to marry her At most, she can only be married as a concubine, and will be bullied by her regular wife for the rest of her life.

Not only Feng Yao, but most of the soldiers and handymen present showed disgusted expressions towards Fan Zhen. The only ones who did not feel disgusted but showed sadness were the other three soldiers under Xiong Xiu. The eyes of the former "brother" who was executed.

To Feng Yao's surprise, after hearing Fan Zhen's insults, Xiong Xiu's originally depressed expression suddenly twitched, and then he yelled furiously, "Crap!", and rushed a few steps In the past, he slapped Fan Zhen in the face with a big slap.

"Crack!" With a loud noise, Fan Zhen, who was already injured, was staggered and almost fell.

"Bastard! Don't you understand?" Xiong Xiu said angrily.

Fan Zhen turned his face slowly, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he gurgled a few times, then spit out a mouthful of blood and knocked out some teeth, and stared blankly at Xiong Xiu.

Xiong Xiu pointed at Fan Zhen's nose and scolded: "If you kill someone and violate Fan's military discipline and be cut off, you will be considered dead! I, Xiong Xiu, will still treat you as a brother!! Even if you go to rob money, or Even if you snatch a woman back, I, Xiong Xiu, think you are a man, but you——! I never thought you would do such a shameful thing!!"

"If you do such a shameful thing, you will have to die, and you will insult a weak woman when you are about to die!! You make me feel sick!! Shame!!" Xiong Xiu continued to curse.

Fan Zhen lowered his head in pain. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "Brother Xiong, I did something wrong. In the next life, I must be an upright man!"

Shichang Li Jin never uttered the last word - cut, because he wanted Fan Zhen to be separated from his brothers one by one.

After Xiong Xiu finished cursing, she sighed and stopped talking, and the scene fell into silence again.

At this time, a handyman stood up and said: "Hurry up and finish the job, it's almost dark! Everyone didn't eat lunch at noon, and they are still hungry!"

"Get out!" Feng Yao yelled at the talkative handyman fiercely.

Although Feng Yao had a good temper, he couldn't help being furious when he heard this handyman say such words at this time. Although he didn't like Fan Zhen, he couldn't say such hurtful words at this time!

Xiong Xiu and the others glared angrily, and the handyman shrank back in fright.

"Chief Xiong, Fan Zhen is one of your subordinates, so you can do it!" Li Jin said.

Xiong Xiu was taken aback, but he didn't dare to disobey Shi Chang's order, so he took a knife, stood behind Fan Zhen, and said, "Fan Zhen, I'm sorry! I hope you can become a real man in the next life!! "

Fan Zhen closed his eyes and said, "Thank you, Brother Xiong!"

Feng Yao couldn't help feeling sad, and didn't want to watch any more, turned around, turned his back to Fan Zhen who was about to be beheaded and Xiong Xiu who was executing the beheading, and secretly said in his heart: "Unexpectedly, Xiong Xiu is such a rough person, and there are still people there. Such a spark of humanity!"

At this moment, Xiongxiu yelled softly from behind, followed by a click, as if a big knife cut across the neck, and then, a bang,...

Feng Yao never looked back, never looked back at Fan Zhen's severed head after death, because he already knew the result.

"Uncle! We are back again!"

After dealing with Fan Zhen's incident, Shichang Li Jin decided to stay overnight separately. There are three families in this area, and everyone in Hu's mother and daughter's family didn't want to stay any longer, so Li Jin brought Xiong Xiu and six handymen. Bing went to another family, but Feng Yao returned to the uncle's house with the original thirteen people.

The uncle had seen Feng Yao and others coming from a distance, so he waited respectfully at the gate of the courtyard, and when he saw Feng Yao, he smiled and said: "Captain Feng, I was too anxious at noon, and I didn't let you eat. This time I can't shirk it, come on, please come in!"

"Uncle, please wait a moment!" Feng Yao said with a smile, "I am very grateful to be treated by Uncle, but I was too hasty at noon, and I forgot to ask Uncle for his last name! It's really rude!"

The uncle quickly cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Feng is too polite. My surname is Yuan Mingyi. I am just a commoner and I don't have a name."

"Uncle Yuan, there is one more thing!"

Feng Yao hurriedly ordered the accompanying servants to take a bag of grain, "Uncle Yuan, these fifty catties of corn are just a thank you gift for staying overnight, please accept it!"

Yuan Yi quickly refused, but Feng Yao insisted that Uncle Yuan accept it.

"Uncle Yuan, if we don't accept it, we will have to spend the night outside!" Feng Yao said.

Yuan Yi had no choice but to ask the handyman to carry the millet into the house.

"Ping'er, go to the cellar and take out the jar of yellow rice wine, I want to have a good drink with Wuchang Feng!" Yuan Yi said to her son.

Feng Yao, who was entertained by Yuan Yi, was in a very happy mood. After ordering the servants to set up a tent in the courtyard, he distributed the wine, not only Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Xu Xian and other Feng Yao's most trusted soldiers Even the eight handymen were all given a bowl of yellow rice in the hotel, with wine and food, and Yuan Yi even killed a sheep specially, and everyone ate very happily.

As the night gradually deepened, the cheerful calls of crickets came from somewhere in the yard, and the faint barking of dogs sometimes came from the middle of the village in the distance.

The lights in Yuan Yi's house had already been extinguished at this time, only the moon in the sky, which was curved like a boat, was still shining brightly from time immemorial. In front of the gate, after a short while, the gate was opened, the man stepped into the door lightly, and slowly closed the gate.

At this time Feng Yao was lying on his back in the tent, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Xu Xian were lying on the left and right of him, and they were sleeping soundly. A bowl!" Near the edge of the camp, a few handymen were sleeping soundly.

Feng Yao's forehead was covered with cold sweat, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his face looked extremely painful!
"Ah—" Feng Yao couldn't help but groaned in pain, stretched out his hands and hugged his head vigorously.

"It hurts, my head hurts so much—!" It seemed that someone was stabbing somewhere in his head with a knife.

Suddenly, the pain suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened before. Just when Feng Yao was surprised, Feng Yao felt as if he had come to a strange place, "Where is this? Why did I clearly Can't see it, but can feel a solid, warm and happy feeling?" Feng Yao wondered in his heart.

Feng Yao closed his eyes tightly, shook his head, and tried to open his eyes to the maximum extent again, trying to see the environment around him clearly, but there was still darkness in front of him.

But at this moment, suddenly, a very enthusiastic and kind voice jumped out.

"Come on! Yao'er, be good! Uncle will take you to buy candy! Can you buy your favorite Jiangmi candy?"...

When Feng Yao was about to identify the owner of the voice, he suddenly felt his head go numb, as if the back of his head had been hit by a heavy object. He felt his eyes go dark, and at the moment Feng Yao was about to lose consciousness, a man in a suit suddenly appeared in the darkness. A gorgeous woman in ancient robes, but her face is very blurry,... Then, this woman seemed to be a different person, and the clothes she wore were also made of rough cloth, she smiled lightly at Feng Yao,...

"Am I dead?"

When the last ray of light in front of him was slowly swallowed by darkness, Feng Yao suddenly felt a burst of fear.

"No—! I don't want to die! Help!!..."

Feng Yaomeng sat up in the tent, staring at the front in horror.

It took a long time for Feng Yao to get used to the environment in front of him, and the scenery in the camp became clearer. On Feng Yao's left were Zhou Cang and Chen Dao, and on Feng Yao's right were Dai Ling and Xu Xian, but they were all asleep at the moment. Feng Yao felt a warmth in his heart, a slight smile floated on his face, and he stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Save..., help—!"

Suddenly there was a faint cry for help, the voice seemed to be the voice of a woman whose mouth was covered by someone, and the source of the voice came from the Yuan family's house.

Feng Yao was shocked!He turned his head abruptly, and listened carefully again, the crying of grief and indignation continued intermittently.

"No! That Yuan Ping's wife must be in danger!" Feng Yao exclaimed in his heart.

Feng Yao stood up fiercely, just took a step, squatted down again, shook Zhoucang vigorously, and shouted anxiously: "Second brother, wake up quickly! Something happened!" Then he went to shake Chen Dao again, "Third brother, hurry up!" stand up!"

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao woke up one after another. Seeing that it was Feng Yao, they quickly sat up and asked in surprise, "Brother, what happened?"

Feng Yao didn't have time to elaborate, he put the dagger in his waist casually, and said, "Second brother, quickly grab your weapon and follow me! Third brother, you stay here first and wake up Dai Ling and the others! I guess Uncle Yuan Something bad happened at home!" After speaking, he lifted the curtain of the camp tent and rushed to the gate of Yuan Yi's house.

(End of this chapter)

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