Chapter 30
The door was tied from the inside, Feng Yao pushed hard, but found that it couldn't be pushed open at all.

"Help!" At this moment, a clearer voice came from inside the house. This voice was Yuan Ping's wife's cry for help!Feng Yao is sure!
"Brother! How about I try to open the door latch with a dagger?" Zhou Cang said anxiously.

"Break the door directly—!"

Feng Yao didn't have time to think about it, he took a few steps back, rushed forward, and kicked over, only to hear a loud "bang", and the door latch behind the door snapped with a "click", Feng Yao pulled out The dagger in his waist rushed in.

The cry for help came from the room on the right. Just as Feng Yao was about to break in again, Yuan Yi rushed out from the room on the left wearing a white nightgown. Seeing that the door had been kicked open, she was shocked. Without seeing Feng Yao's face clearly, he asked in surprise, "Who is it?"

"Uncle Yuan, it's me, I'm Corporal Feng! Your son is in danger!!" Feng Yao said loudly.

At this time, a child's loud cry suddenly came from Yuan Ping's room.

Yuan Yi was shocked, and said: "Captain Feng, save my son!", and she was about to rush over, but accidentally fell to the ground, lying on the ground and shouting loudly: "Ping'er, Ping'er!" !"

Feng Yao didn't care to help Yuan Yi up. Although there was a ray of moonlight outside, the light in the room was still very dark at this moment, so he said loudly: "Second brother, light the lamp first!"

Zhou Cang said: "Yes, brother, you have to be careful!"

Feng Yao's heart trembled, he was right after thinking about it, if the thief was hiding in the dark and went in rashly, wouldn't it be worth saving his life instead of saving him?But now that there is such a big commotion, the culprit must have known about it. If the culprit delays for a while, once the culprit is impatient, jumps over the wall, kills Yuan Ping, his wife and the children, and then escapes in the dark, it will be too late for regret !
"Boom!" Feng Yao kicked the door open, a woman's exclamation came from inside the room, and the child's crying stopped suddenly.

The light in the room was darker than that of the living room. Feng Yao opened his eyes wide and could only see Yuan Ping's wife hugging a child tremblingly, huddled in the corner, but the thief Yuan Ping and Feng Yao imagined was not there. see appear.

Feng Yao had an idea, pulled a bench from one side, and took an old clothes of unknown origin, put it on the bench, if you don't look carefully, it really looks like a person standing, Feng Yao thought Having made up his mind, he made heavy footsteps on purpose, and shouted: "Don't be afraid! I'm coming!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and put the bench covered in old clothes into the door.

At this moment, a cold light flashed suddenly, piercing out from the wall behind the door. Feng Yao's heart tightened, and he hurriedly moved the "bench" up. The bench" shook, and was stabbed straight by a dagger, Feng Yao thought, "It's dangerous, thankfully Zhou Cang reminded me, otherwise if I get stabbed by this knife, I will be seriously injured if I don't die!"

Although he escaped the sneak attack, Feng Yao was even more angry at the thief who was hiding in the dark at this time. With a low drink, he took advantage of the opportunity that the dagger was stuck in the bench, pushed hard with both hands, and moved the bench towards the man holding it. The hand holding the dagger slammed forward.

The thief didn't expect Feng Yao to come up with such a trick, and Feng Yao used so much strength that he couldn't stand still, and with a thud, he even fell to the ground with a bench.

At this time, Zhou Cang had already helped Chen Bo up, and Chen Bo lit up the fire folder with a snap, and the room lit up instantly.

"It turned out to be you!" Feng Yao shouted angrily.

The one who fell on the ground was the thin-faced handyman who had had unreasonable thoughts about Yuan Ping's wife during the day. Feng Yao didn't know his name, because these handymen were often arranged temporarily, and Feng Yao and He has only been in contact with him for a day, and he is basically on the march, so I don't have the time to ask his name.

The thin-faced handyman was shocked when he heard the words, and tore off the clothes on the "bench" in disbelief, only then realized that he had been fooled, his face was extremely ugly, and the dagger had already penetrated into the wooden bench due to excessive force , the thin-faced handyman pulled out a few times, and in a hurry, before he could take it out, he wanted to pick up the bench as a weapon to resist.

Feng Yao saw it, how could he succeed, stepped forward, put his foot on the bench, and shouted: "Don't move!! If you move again, I will kill you! Tell me, why are you here?"

Zhou Cang was afraid that Feng Yao alone would be in danger, so he also rushed to the door at this time. After seeing the situation, how could he not understand what happened? foot!
"Hurry up and save my husband!" At this time, Yuan Ping's wife, who was huddled in the corner, picked up the child and cried.

Chen Dao didn't know when he had already led a group of soldiers and servants to rush over, saw Feng Yao, and said in a low voice: "Brother, I have ordered several servants to surround this place, the thieves will never escape! "

Feng Yao nodded, "Look at him! I'll go see what's going on with Yuan Ping!"

Yuan Ping's wife stumbled over to the other side of the bed, shouted: "Master!", hurriedly put down the child, Feng Yao went over to take a look, only to find that Yuan Ping had been tied up and thrown at the foot of the bed, with a stuffed mouth stuffed in his mouth. At this time, Yuan Ping's eyes were red, and he was struggling to spit out the cloth from his mouth.

"Yuan Ping, don't worry, I'll save you!" Feng Yao quickly helped Yuan Ping take out the cloth in his mouth, untied the rope on his body, and took a quick look. Chu was strangled with blood marks, but he had no other injuries, and there was no sign of being beaten on his face. It is guessed that Yuan Ping must have been tied up by the skinny-faced handyman in his sleep.

"Master!" Seeing that Yuan Ping was fine, Yuan Ping's wife threw herself into Yuan Ping's arms, and the two embraced and cried.

At this time, Yuan Yi and his wife walked over with tears in their eyes. After his wife gave Feng Yao a grateful glance, she picked up her frightened three-year-old grandson and slowly coaxed her.Yuan Yi kept holding Feng Yao's hand and said, "Commander Feng, if you hadn't rushed to rescue us in time today, I can't imagine the consequences. Thanks..."

Feng Yao hastily reached out his hand to support Yuan Yi, not allowing him to continue, and said shamelessly: "Uncle Yuan, don't talk too much, it's only my fault that I didn't lead the troops strictly enough to bring you these disasters! Thank you for not taking it seriously, just I beg Uncle Yuan not to blame Yu, and I will be extremely satisfied!"

Yuan Yi was waiting to say something more, when suddenly the thin-faced handyman started to make a loud noise.

"What are you doing! You still want to tie me up? I think you guys want to be beheaded!!!"

Feng Yao turned his head in surprise and saw that the thin-faced handyman was surrounded by Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and three other handymen. Instead of panicking, he stood up from the ground and calmly patted the dust off his body. .

"Do you know what I'm doing here?" The thin-faced handyman raised his face slightly, looked contemptuously at the few teenagers surrounding him, and even cast a contemptuous glance at Feng Yao, thinking: "Though these soldiers He is an elite soldier, but he looks like he is only 16 years old, and that Wuchang Feng is even younger, and they have never killed anyone. As long as I am stronger, they will not dare to do anything to me. There is no evidence caught by them, and the final result is still the same as noon!..."

"..." The other servants were stunned.

"I'm catching a spy, I don't want to be troubled by you, let the spy run away! If I report to Buqudu tomorrow, I just need to say that you let the spy go on purpose, then..., hum, I'm afraid you won't even be able to keep your heads!!!" After the thin-faced handyman finished speaking, he let out a burst of ridicule.

The three handymen around him were startled when they heard the words, their faces changed suddenly in fright, and they looked at Feng Yao suspiciously.

"Fuck!" Feng Yao cursed secretly in his heart, walked over, and said, "Don't be fooled by him, he clearly wants to come in and rape women! Hurry up and tie up this prostitute!!"

Needless to say, Zhou Cang and Chen Dao have absolute trust in Feng Yao. Even if this matter is really what the thin-faced handyman said, they will obey the orders of their elder brother Feng Yao without hesitation!Zhou Cang and Chen went to one side, went up and set up the thin-faced handyman, and said: "Go and get the rope, tie this guy up and talk about it!"

"Wait! Don't believe them! I definitely didn't come here to do anything. If you don't believe me, look at the clothes on me and the clothes on that woman, they are all neat and tidy!" the thin-faced handyman shouted. .

The three handymen were stunned again, wondering who to listen to!I have to stay where I am, in a dilemma!
Yuan Ping stood up at this moment, pointed at the skinny-faced handyman angrily and said, "It's you! You have evil intentions! You tied me up!! I didn't expect you to deny it!! Tomorrow, as long as my husband and wife testify in person, report to Wen Under the Hou tent, you will be beheaded immediately according to military law!!"

"Hahahaha!!" The thin-faced handyman burst into laughter suddenly, "You?? Hahahaha? I'm afraid you've thrown yourself into the Internet cafe!!" The thin-faced turned his head, and said angrily and aggrievedly to several people: "Did you hear me? Bind him! Yes! I tied him! Because he is one of the spies!! At that time, I was in a hurry to urinate in the middle of the night, and I saw a spy and this person plotting something. I was defeated by four hands, and one of them was gone, and I only caught this spy, and as soon as he was tied up, his wife wanted to find me desperately! I don’t need to say anything about it, everyone has seen it! Hehe!”

"Slap!" Zhou Cang got closer, couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped that thin face fiercely!Cursed: "Bloody mouth! You dare to turn black and white in what my elder brother said!!"

Who didn't see what this thin-faced handyman did during the day?Chen didn't expect that such a vicious villain existed in the world, so he wanted to beat him a long time ago, when he saw Zhou Cang hit that servant on the right cheek, he also yelled angrily, slapped him, and slapped him on the left cheek .

The other three handymen were startled and dared not speak out.

I saw that the thin-faced handyman was slapped by these two, his cheeks on both sides suddenly swelled up, and the thin-faced handyman became a fat-faced handyman.

Feng Yao didn't move, just looked at the three handymen quietly, expressionless, because Feng Yao was already murderous at this time, he didn't want to argue with the handyman anymore, he had already given him a chance during the day No, I didn't expect not only not to learn the lesson, but to intensify it!
(End of this chapter)

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