Chapter 31

Now that a feud has been made, if this person is allowed to walk out of this room alive, this person's glib tongue that turns black and white will definitely bring trouble to him in the future!Feng Yao quietly looked at the three handymen who were in a dilemma, imagining their possible actions in the future, and thought to himself: "What should I do?"

The handyman was beaten, spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at Zhou Cang and Chen Dao bitterly, and said: "I remember you two, I will definitely make you two look good tomorrow!!" The handyman's face was ferocious Then he said to the three servants who were standing still: "What are you doing standing still! Hurry up and catch these two lynching traitors!"

"And you! Corporal Feng! Do you think that being a Corporal Chief is so great? Not only can you not control me!! You have no right to kill me!!" The thin-faced handyman shouted loudly with his swollen face , looked at Feng Yao madly.

"I'll kill you now!" Zhou Cang roared, stretched out his right arm and strangled the thin-faced handyman's neck violently, and was about to break his neck with all his strength, when Feng Yao suddenly reached out to stop him.

"Wait!!" Feng Yao said.

The thin-faced handyman was almost strangled to death by Zhou Cang, his neck loosened, and he couldn't help coughing loudly, gasping for breath. After a while, he squeezed out a smile and said to Feng Yao: "Captain Feng, as long as you Let me go, I promise today's matter will pass like this!"

"Really? But I'm not going to let you go!!" Feng Yao's expression became serious, killing intent shot out from his eyes.

"You...?" The thin-faced handyman's expression changed drastically, and he stared at Feng Yao in horror. He couldn't believe that Feng Yao dared to kill him at the risk of violating Fan's military discipline.

One punch!
Feng Yao made a move, and this punch hit the thin-faced handyman's abdomen fiercely. This punch has a force of more than three hundred catties!The beating was so severe that the face-lifting servant shrank back violently, his body was torn apart!His complexion suddenly turned purple, and a mouthful of blood spurted out with a "wow"!

The thin-faced handyman was speechless, staring at Feng Yao in horror, trembling all over, if Zhou Cang and Chen Dao were not fighting each other, they would still be able to stand at this moment.

"I can't kill you?? Just relying on the eighth military discipline, if you select a sergeant and make him disagree with this one, I can kill you right away!!" Feng Yao said coldly.

After finishing speaking, Feng Yao punched him again, and this punch hit his eye socket directly!This punch Feng Yao used all his strength without reservation, only heard a bang, his head was thrown backwards, and when he looked again, his eyeballs had burst.

"Also! If there are other things, I can still spare you! But you dare to frame my brother! I have sworn that anyone who wants to harm my brother, I will kill him!!" Feng Yao said.

The face-slimming handyman could only breathe in but not out, and his throat made a rapid hissing sound. At this moment, the thin-faced handyman's mind was filled with endless fear and regret!If he could choose again, he would never confront Feng Yao, nor would he challenge Feng Yao's kindness!He regretted that he was wrong!He originally thought that Feng Yao was just a young man who had never experienced anything. He must have never killed anyone, and he must be merciful. As long as he is stronger and survives today, everything will be fine, and he can even threaten Feng Yao with this. , but at this moment he realized that he was completely wrong.

Feng Yao grabbed the thin-faced handyman's chest, and said to Zhou Cang Chen Dao: "Second brother, third brother, let me deal with him!" Zhou Cang Chen Dao nodded vigorously and let go.Feng Yao raised the thin-faced servant with one hand, looked at it, and then threw it at the feet of the three servants in the room with a bang.

The three servants took a step back in fright and looked at Feng Yao in horror. They didn't understand what Feng Yao meant.

Feng Yao ignored the three handymen, and no one else came in the house for the time being. Dai Ling and Xu Xian led a few other handymen around the perimeter of the house and never came in. Feng Yao didn't know what they heard No, even if you heard some voices, as long as everyone at the scene agrees, they can't help but believe it. Even if this matter is leaked out, Feng Yao believes that Cao Xing will not embarrass himself because of a handyman who violated military discipline.

The five members of Yuan Yi's family stood aside. Although they didn't make a sound, Feng Yao could see some uneasy expressions on their faces, especially the three-year-old child, who was currently in his mother's arms, and dared not look over here. and dare not cry.

Feng Yao's expression softened, he clasped his fists at Yuan Yi, and said, "Uncle Yuan, children are still young, it's not appropriate to see these bloody things, please take your family to another room to avoid it for a while!"

Yuan Yi said: "Commander Feng, I used to be a soldier too! For such a crime, I support Corporal Feng's actions! If something happens, I will be the first to stand up and bear it!" After Yuan Yi finished speaking, she pulled The family wanted to leave, but Yuan Ping was unwilling.

"Father, you and mother should leave first, I must see what will happen to this thief!" After Yuan Ping finished speaking, he walked up to Feng Yao's side, looking at the handyman lying on the ground, his expression was full of anger. .

After Yuan Yi led his family away, Feng Yao turned around, looked at the three handymen who were standing still, and pulled out the dagger from his waist.

"Captain Feng! Don't, don't kill us! I will never talk nonsense!" The three handymen were so frightened when they saw Feng Yao pull out the knife that their legs went limp and they knelt on the ground.

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao also thought that Feng Yao was going to kill people to silence them, so they immediately stopped at the door, drew out their daggers, and aimed at the three handymen.

Feng Yao didn't do what everyone thought, but stretched out his dagger, pointed at the handyman who was seriously injured and dying on the ground, and said, "Everyone stabbed himself, he is a good brother! From now on, those who are popular and hot, follow me Feng Yao, I will never lose you!"

The three servants turned from surprise to joy, and after a little hesitation, they took Feng Yao's dagger, and each stabbed the skinny-faced servant more than three times in the chest and abdomen. Splash!Almost everyone's body was splashed with blood. After finishing their hands, one of the handymen respectfully held up the bloody dagger, knelt down and handed it to Feng Yao.

Perhaps stimulated by the blood, Yuan Ping's eyes turned red, he reached out and grabbed the dagger, rushed to the side of the thin-faced handyman who was not yet fully breathed, and stabbed frantically.

"Slow..." Feng Yaogang wanted to stop Yuan Ping, but it was too late.

Silently looking at the crazy Yuan Ping, he thought: "Yuan Ping must have misunderstood me, but it's good to let him out, otherwise this psychological shadow may affect him for the rest of his life!"

After Yuan Ping calmed down, the poor boy with thin face had already been stabbed countless times by Yuan Ping. There was almost no piece of his body intact. With his mouth open, he was already too dead.

It was not the first time Feng Yao had seen this kind of scene. He took two or three steps back slightly to avoid the place where the stench was in full swing. Zhou Cang, Chen Daoye Knowing this, he hurriedly retreated behind Feng Yao. Although the smell was pungent, Feng Yao did not cover his mouth and nose. Feng Yao did not want these three handymen who had just subdued him to underestimate him.

But what will happen next, Feng Yao has expected, these three people including Yuan Ping must have never had the experience of killing with their own hands before this, Feng Yao can see it from their eyes.It's a completely different feeling to see other people kill people and kill people with their own hands, especially bloody sausage noodles like this, with poop and intestines flowing all over the floor, it's strange if you don't vomit.

Sure enough, after a few people looked at each other, they couldn't help themselves, leaned aside and vomited.

Feng Yao turned around, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled. The matter has been resolved satisfactorily so far, but after all, one person died, how will he explain to Shi Chang tomorrow?
"Brother, don't worry, if you ask, you will say that I killed it, and that this person was motivated by sex and wanted to rape a woman. I caught him, and then he wanted to kill me to silence him. At this time, the three of them Come here, kill him and stab him to death!" Zhou Cang pointed at the three handymen who were vomiting tears.

Chen Dao hurriedly stopped Zhou Cang, "Second brother, although it is reasonable to say this, but if it spreads like this, I'm afraid Brother Yuan Ping will have no face in the future! It's better to say that he wanted to be a deserter and was discovered by me." , I led the three miscellaneous servants to chase here, but he stubbornly resisted and was beheaded by us!"

Seeing the two brothers justify themselves in this way, Feng Yao's eyes became hot and he was greatly moved, but Feng Yao would never let his own people suffer, so he smiled and said: "What the two brothers said is very reasonable, especially the third My brother's plan, but this matter is just a rumor without evidence, how about this!"

As Feng Yao said, he took six hundred copper coins from his bosom, walked up to the body of the slain handyman, threw the copper coins into the pool of blood, and stepped on the copper coins a few times with his feet, making it look like It looks like it fell out of that handyman.

"We said that he wanted to be a deserter because he couldn't bear the fatigue of marching, so he sneaked into Yuan's house to steal money, but Yuan's family found him and called for help. After we woke up, we rushed to check, but we didn't want to be hurt by him, so we had to rush forward. Kill him with knives, the money is physical evidence, everyone in the Yuan family is witnesses, and everyone in the Yuan family has heard the cries for help, in this way, except for what he saw with his own eyes, he will never be suspicious!" Feng Yao said .

"Okay! Brother, this plan is very clever!" Zhou Cang praised.

"Brother, with this copper coin as stolen goods, this plan is even more perfect, but what about the injury?" Chen Dao asked.

Although Feng Yao and the others spoke in a low voice, a handyman who was closer to Feng Yao could still hear him clearly. Captain, leave this matter to me!" As he spoke, he picked up the dagger on the ground, stabbed himself on the arm, and then slashed on the leg. Although the two wounds were not very deep, , but blood gushed out like a fountain, and the clothes were soaked in blood after a while.

Feng Yao hurriedly ordered Chen Dao to bandage his wound, and asked, "What's your name?"

"The younger one's surname is Chen Mingren, and there is no written name!"

(End of this chapter)

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