Chapter 32
"Oh! You are also from Pingyu! Then we are fellow villagers!" Feng Yao's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Chen Ren is willing to listen to the command of the corps leader!" Chen Ren clasped his fists and said.

Feng Yao nodded, then called Yuan Ping and the two servants over, and gave them detailed instructions one by one.

The two handymen Feng Yao also asked their names one by one. One was Zhao Wang and the other was Liu Shun. These two handymen were the same as Chen Ren. Although they were a bit strong, they were not tall. Between five feet and seven feet, according to the calculation of the 21st century, it would be more than 1.5 meters, which made Feng Yao a little disappointed, but it can't be blamed on anyone, if they can reach seven feet, they won't be a The handyman.

"Master! It's not good!"

Dai Ling ran in at this time, shouting in a panic.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yao asked hurriedly.

"Master! There is a lot of shouting and killing in the camp on the other side of the village. I'm afraid the camp is under attack!" Dai Ling shouted.

Feng Yao was startled, and after listening carefully, there was indeed a lot of shouting and killing from afar.

"Come on, let's go out quickly, Dai Ling, you go out quickly and gather everyone together with Xu Xian!" Feng Yao ordered.

Walking out of the gate, Feng Yao could see countless torches lit up in the camp from a distance, and the noisy shouts of killing continued to be heard, mixed with the screams of people dying!

Not long after, Dai Ling assembled all the servants. Feng Yao counted the number of people. Except for the dead servant, all the seven servants who should have arrived, plus Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Xu Xian, and myself were five people, so there were only twelve people. If Lu Bu's camp really encountered a surprise attack by the enemy, the number of twelve people would be a bit small!

"What should I do? Brother!" Zhou Cang said anxiously.

Feng Yao looked at the camp in the distance again, and thought to himself: "In history, Lu Bu never died so easily, and he has never heard of a big defeat. I think he will be fine this time, so I must rush over there. , this is a good opportunity for me to make meritorious service!"

"Everyone! Equip your weapons immediately! Follow me!" Feng Yao announced the order loudly.

Soon, all twelve people were equipped with their own weapons. Feng Yao ordered Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling to bring the weapons he made, and Feng Yao also took his long sword He pulled it out and hung it on his waist. Since he mainly used bows and arrows, Feng Yao temporarily handed over the shield to Chen Ren.

At this time, Yuan Yi came out with her son, saw Feng Yao and said, "Commander Feng, if you don't mind, please take my son with you!"

When Feng Yao heard this, he quickly refused, saying: "Uncle Yuan, your family only has one son, Yuan Ping. If this one who went to the battlefield never comes back, how will I explain to you in the future? Besides, brother Yuan Ping is not only With a wife and a minor child, I can't take him away!"

Seeing Feng Yao's refusal, Yuan Ping plopped, knelt down in front of Feng Yao, and said loudly, "Commander Feng, the world is in chaos now, this Ruyang is located in the Central Plains, and it must be a battleground for military strategists! I, Yuan Ping, passed today's battle. The matter is understood, as long as the world is uneven, how can the people have a home?"

"That's right, Wuchang Feng, I also served as a soldier when I was young, so I dare to conclude that Ruyang will not have a very long peaceful life! Why don't you let Yuan Ping go out to make troubles earlier, maybe there is still some hope!" Yuan Yi said.

Feng Yao said again: "Uncle Yuan, even if I have the heart, I'm still just a small corporal leader with a low position, I'm afraid I can't help much!"

Yuan Yi said: "Feng Wuchang, I can be considered as a person who has traveled all over the world. I have seen countless people in my life, and I will never be wrong! Feng Wuchang is not only handsome, but also well-leading troops. His future achievements will be limitless! My son can It's his good fortune to follow you!" After speaking, he turned to Yuan Ping and said, "Ping'er!"

Yuan Ping quickly knelt down and kowtowed, and said loudly: "Commander Feng, as long as you are willing to accept me, Yuan Ping, I, Yuan Ping, will accompany you as a servant from today on!"

"This?" Feng Yao was in a bit of trouble. How could Feng Yao be unwilling to take in an extra follower who completely obeyed his own words? But when he saw Yuan Ping's three-year-old child, he couldn't bear to destroy them. Happiness!But after thinking about it, what Yuan Yi said was not unreasonable, she met herself today, if she met someone else, Yuan Yi's family might be ruined!According to the historical development, Lu Bu will soon become the shepherd of Yanzhou. Wouldn't it be better to order Yuan Ping to go home and pick up his family at that time?
"Okay! I agree! Yuan Ping, get up!" Feng Yao said while helping Yuan Ping.

Yuan Ping was overjoyed, he kowtowed three times on the ground and called his master before he got up.

Feng Yao looked at Yuan Ping and said, "Since you want to follow me, you have to fight the enemy, but I don't know if you have any weapons?"

"Master, although I am a farmer, I have also learned some basic martial arts from my father since I was a child. I make a refined steel plain knife. Master, I will go and get it!" Yuan Ping said.

Feng Yao nodded, and after a while, Yuan Ping came back with his knife and waved it a few times, but he still looked good. Feng Yao ordered Yuan Ping to join the army, then asked Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and others to collect some copper coins, handed them to Yuan Yi, and said Blind: "Leave the money for the children's food and clothing. As long as it is stable, I will order Yuan Ping to come back and pick you up!"

Yuan Yi couldn't help crying, and thanked: "This is the best, Chief Feng, I will leave Ping'er to you, and remember to bring a letter no matter whether it is life or death in the future!" After finishing speaking, Yuan Yi was very sad Back at the house, not wanting to face the pain of parting again.

Feng Yao sighed and ordered the team to set off. Feng Yao decided to meet up with Shichang Li Jin first.

When they saw Li Jin, Li Jin and the others had already been awakened by the shouts of killing from the camp. They had assembled their team and were about to find Feng Yao. Unexpectedly, Feng Yao came here first.

Li Jin didn't say anything, and led a total of 24 people from two groups to Lu Bu's main village.

Because it was a small team operation, all the archers were afraid of surprise attacks. Feng Yao ordered Zhou Cang, Chen and Dai Ling to temporarily carry their longbows on their shoulders and use their own weapons first. As soon as the three of them took out their weapons, their momentum suddenly changed. Li Jin was also secretly surprised, especially Dai Ling's tall body of nine feet, with a large all-steel shield and a huge mace, like a ferocious monster.

The whole team only had two shields, so Dai Ling and Feng Yao stood at the forefront of the team, and Li Jin supervised the battle at the end.

On the way forward, the shouts of killing became louder and louder, Feng Yao was secretly startled, this was his first time on the battlefield, Feng Yao didn't know what kind of enemy he would face, so he could only carefully hold his shield and move towards The camp approached, and the nearby villagers closed their gates tightly because of fear, and they did not encounter any enemies along the way.

Just when the camp was indistinctly visible, a cavalry team of about ten people suddenly appeared in front of Feng Yao. Although there were only a dozen or so cavalrymen, their momentum was astonishing. With a cavalry spear more than one foot long, and a saber hanging from his waist.

Seeing Feng Yao and others, he shouted loudly from a distance: "Who are you!"

Li Jin shouted loudly: "We are the archers of No. [-] Shi in Jiazi Qu Zuo Tun under Hao Meng of Qinglong Banner, and I am Li Jin, the head of Shi Shi!"

Seeing that they belonged to their own family, the cavalry team raised their lances and rode their horses around Feng Yao and the others. After confirming their identities, they said loudly, "There was a roar in the camp! After you return to the camp, first Don't rush in, to avoid accidental injury, just defend on the outside!" After speaking, the cavalry left to patrol in other directions.

After the cavalry left, Feng Yao let out a sigh of relief. Although he didn't quite understand what camp roar was, at least it wasn't an enemy attack. He felt more at ease and quickened his pace.

In a short while, Feng Yao appeared on the outskirts of the camp, and saw flags fluttering, and groups of soldiers neatly surrounded the periphery, the shouts of killing were rare, and occasionally soldiers with red eyes would hold their hands from the camp. The knife rushed out and slashed at everyone, but the result was that the soldiers guarding the periphery were killed with knives and guns.

Corpses are everywhere in the camp, and some dying soldiers can be seen everywhere, sitting or lying down moaning in pain. These soldiers basically have no possibility of living, but they gradually wake up when they are about to die. A few could even make a faint voice, "Help me! Help me!"

Feng Yao didn't know how this kind of thing happened, and he was glad that he was not in the camp at that time, otherwise it might affect his own Shiwu. Now Feng Yao and others can only escape like others who were not affected by the camp roar. Like Jie's soldiers, they stood silently on the outskirts of the camp.

There were also a few who reacted normally and escaped from the camp where the screams occurred. These people usually calmly drop the weapons in their hands after running out. Only such soldiers can truly escape. Otherwise, if you want to break out of the encirclement by force, you can only be hacked to death with random knives.

Feng Yao only saw the camp roar at the end, and it finally ended at the cost of more than 400 sacrifices. It is said that most of the dead were from the military commander Wei Xu.

Feng Yao's team was missing a handyman, because Ying Xiao's incident didn't attract too much attention, and Shichang Li Jin just looked at Yuan Ping curiously, and didn't say anything. Of course, Feng Yao and others also Not much to say.

The next day, after the handyman buried all the corpses overnight, Lu Bu's army rose up at dawn and continued to march northward. The destination this time, except for a few confidant generals such as Lu Bu, was no one else. I don't know, but there is one other person except Feng Yao, but this is only known to Feng Yao himself. Although Feng Yao is young, he is not stupid enough to tell others. Feng Yao is destined to be alone in these matters. Keep your secrets silently.

Because Ruyang is close to the north of Rushui, not only is the land fertile, but also because it is separated by Rushui, whether it is transporting grain by water or as a strategic defensive point, it has a very important position. It is an important gateway to the north of Runan County. However, Lu Bu After passing through Rushui, the army did not stay in Ruyang, but went all the way north until they reached Changping County of Chen State before setting up camp.

(End of this chapter)

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