Chapter 33: Fugou March
There was nothing to say all night, Feng Yao didn't dream about the woman with blurred face last night again, and he didn't have another headache.

The next day, Feng Yao set off with the army again, feeling a lot of emotion along the way. It was nearly May, the weather was comfortable, and there was a scene of lush greenery everywhere, but there were few people and the land was barren. He thought: "If one day, I can also dominate On the one hand, this kind of beautiful land is under my control. I must first build a farm here, station a heavy army, and then develop agriculture. I don’t know how many people it can support!! The sky can be pictured!! But now I live in fear every day, worrying about my life at any time! Alas! Could it be said that if I want the heaven to send a great mission to the people, I must first suffer from my heart...?"

"Brother, why did I hear you walking all the way, sighing and talking to yourself? Could it be that you are also hungry?" Zhou Cang, who followed Feng Yao, asked.

Although it is an official road, it is not very wide, and sometimes some narrow bridges are encountered, so the marching team is in a row of four rows, which looks like a long snake winding on the ground from a distance.The two columns in the middle of the team are regular elite soldiers, and the outer two columns are miscellaneous soldiers who help the elite soldiers carry their luggage.

Walking with the army on Feng Yao's left is Yuan Ping, Feng Yao's new servant. At this time, Yuan Ping not only carried a bronze marching pot nearly half a person's height on his back, but also carried two big burdens under the marching pot, one of which belonged to Feng Yao and the other It was Yuan Ping's own, and Yuan Ping's own bag was almost filled with dry food brought from his home, weighing dozens of catties.

Feng Yao looked at Yuan Ping's baggage, swallowed his saliva, looked up at the sun that had already started to set, and thought, "It's already past noon, why don't you stop eating?"

"Second brother, why are you so hungry? I saw you drank several big bowls of corn porridge this morning?" Feng Yao whispered.

"Brother, no matter how much you drink, it's still porridge! How can you be so hungry? My stomach is completely empty within an hour of departure in the morning. Look, how flat is my stomach?" Zhou Cang followed closely Following Feng Yao's pace, he felt aggrieved a few times for his bulging belly due to obesity!

At this time, there was a soldier standing side by side with Zhou Cang, who was No. [-] in Youtun. Seeing Zhou Cang speak strangely, he paid attention to Zhou Cang. Zhou Cang said aggrievedly: "Look, how flattened my stomach is!", couldn't help it, and laughed softly.

Unexpectedly, just as he laughed a few times, the corporal leader who was walking in front of him turned around and hit him on the head. The pain caused him to take a deep breath and dare not laugh anymore.

That Wuchang said: "During the march, don't laugh!"

Feng Yao knew Zhou Cang's current appearance without turning around, and said, "Second Brother, your stomach is almost as big as Xiong Xiu's, will it still be flat?"

Zhou Cang said aggrievedly: "Brother, you are making fun of me again!"

Li Jin, who had been standing in front of Feng Yao, couldn't help it at this moment, and burst out laughing, but soon realized that something was wrong, immediately covered his mouth, and looked at the front of the line in fear. , just one person away in front, Cao Xing, the military marquis of Jia Ziqu, was walking with a serious face, as if he didn't hear the laughter and voices behind him at all.

Because Feng Yao was in the first team, even though he was only a small corporal leader, he was only separated from Cao Xing by a team rate and a team leader when he was marching. If he didn't know Cao Xing's face was cold and his heart was hot, Feng Yao didn't dare to speak during the march!

After walking for a while, a shallow river with a width of only a few feet appeared on the left side of the official road. The water flow in the river was crystal clear, and occasionally pebbles of different sizes could be seen at the bottom of the river. Looking forward along the shallow river , it is a forest that stretches for more than ten miles, the branches and leaves of the forest are dense, and people can feel the gloomy air rushing towards them before they approach.

At this moment, suddenly there was an endless sound of low-pitched horns from the central army. Feng Yao was stunned for a while before he understood what was going on, when he saw Cao Xing in front of him slammed down and shouted: "This is the assembly call!" ! Everyone in A Ziqu listens to my orders, and anyone who disobeys will be executed immediately!"

Feng Yao's expression brightened, and when he looked around, he saw the formation of long snakes changing rapidly, the horses neighing, and the smoke and dust billowing up. In no time, the four divisions of Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku had already guarded the surroundings of the Chinese army. Yao followed the Jia character flag and gathered on the bank of Qianshui River.

Under Hao Meng's order, the five hundred longbowmen all held their bows and arrows tightly, and stared nervously at the front with a long arrow in the air. In the place of two arrows, it is impossible for ordinary shortbowmen to shoot at Feng Yao's location, but Feng Yao can still feel the sweat on his palms, and he retracts his hands from time to time to wipe off the sweat.

On Feng Yao's right side are Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Xu Xian lined up, and later on are five people including Xiong Xiu. No matter who they are, there is no longer a hint of joking. All of them stared at the front nervously, except for the sound of each other's breathing, there was the low sound of horns in the formation.

"It must be that the scouts in front have discovered the enemy's situation! Otherwise, there would never be such a big fanfare!" Feng Yao said secretly in his heart.

At this time, Lu Bu was using a circular defensive formation, with the five hundred shield soldiers of the Xuanwu Banner at the front, the five hundred spearmen of the Suzaku Banner on the far right, and the two hundred cavalry of the White Tiger Banner. Hidden in the formation, ready to wait for the opportunity, Lu Bu was in charge of the central army, and Sima Wei Xu's grain and transportation convoy was slowly approaching the central army.

The guessed enemy has never shown up, and the forest in the distance is still quiet, but the tense atmosphere in the formation is getting heavier and heavier, making people breathless!
Feng Yao looked at the entire battlefield from time to time, as long as he saw the neat banners of the Chinese army, he could feel at ease, and secretly said: "This is a total of nearly 2000 troops, even if there are no miscellaneous soldiers, there are more than [-] elite soldiers. Together with Lu Bu who is unparalleled in the world, we will surely win a big victory!"

The horns of the Chinese army stopped, and Feng Yao breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, suddenly, there was a thunderous drum sound from the distant woods, and countless yellow turbans were shouting from the woods like a colony of ants. rushed out!

"Kill! Kill!!" The Yellow Turban Army broke out in a sky-shattering cry of killing.

"Ah!" There was a commotion among the soldiers, and several longbowmen became uneasy and looked around in fright.

"This is the Yellow Turban Bandit! Everyone, don't be afraid! Listen to my orders!" Cao Xing shouted loudly. With Cao Xing's reassurance, the team was ready again, and their morale rose.

(End of this chapter)

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