Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 34 The First Battle of the Yellow Turbans

Chapter 34 The First Battle of the Yellow Turbans
At this time, the Yellow Turban Army had rushed to the distance of an arrow and a half in the blink of an eye. If they were short bow soldiers, they would not be able to shoot at the best range, but Feng Yao and other Qinglong Banner soldiers were long bow soldiers!This range is enough to kill an arrow!
"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The sound of thunderous drums came from Lu Bu's army, and the drums shook everyone's hearts. Feng Yao felt refreshed and held the longbow tightly in his hands. The murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger with the sound of the drums. !
"Longbowman! The enemy is coming in front of the target! Free throwing!" At this moment, Hao Meng, the tribune supervisor, gave an order to attack.

Hearing this, Feng Yao let out a low voice, "Shoot for me!" Then, he raised his longbow upwards, and the bow was fully drawn in an instant, and at the same time, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Xu Xian were all in unison. The longbow is fully drawn!
"Shoot!" Feng Yao yelled to shoot after taking a look at the actions of several people, and let go of his hands, and the arrows in the hands of the five people shot straight into the sky with a "swish" sound!At the same time, all the longbowmen belonging to the Qinglong Banner shot their long arrows almost at the same time!

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"... "Swoosh!".

Feng Yao looked intently, and saw the hundreds of arrows in mid-air, like black clouds, rushing towards the yellow scarf who was charging ahead!
The momentum of the Yellow Turban Thieves is really huge. Feng Yao roughly estimated that their number is at least five times the total number of their own!Just looking at the number of yellow turban thieves who have already appeared, there are more than 3 people!

One against five!If it wasn't for Feng Yao's confidence in Lu Bubao, he might feel fear at this time!


"Kill! Only by drawing the bow and shooting arrows quickly can we kill more enemies!" Feng Yao reminded himself from the bottom of his heart.

"Shoot quickly! Shoot them to death!!" Feng Yao shouted loudly. At the same time, he kept drawing long arrows from the quiver with his right hand, raised them one by one, drew the bow fully, and finally shot it out.

Thirty thousand yellow turban thieves! !It stretches almost from the middle of the woods to the middle of the battlefield. Although the momentum is huge, the defense is very weak. If you shoot an arrow, as long as you don't shoot it sideways, you will probably hit an enemy!
On the battlefield, the drums of both sides became denser as they beat, the ears were filled with the sound of drums and crazy shouts, occasionally there were a few screams, and those who were hit by arrows were lying on the grass waiting for their lives. The groans at the end were all suppressed by the dense drumming.

The yellow scarf thieves were constantly pierced through the head by long arrows falling from the sky, or pierced through the chest. With a snort, they fell to the ground, unable to stand up again!And some yellow turban thieves who were only shot in the shoulder or were not seriously injured would stand up again after falling down and join the charging team again!

Because they had to rush, there were only two ways to survive, one was to turn around and run for their lives!But this is likely to be beheaded by the Yellow Turban who supervised the battle behind, so if they want to survive, they can only rush forward. They imagine that as long as they defeat the enemy, they will be able to get sufficient supplies and get what they want. Food, they really don't have much food left!
Feng Yao didn't know about this, Feng Yao only knew that the yellow scarf thieves in front of him were enemies, if he didn't kill them, they would definitely rush over and kill him! !

shoot--! !

Feng Yao loosened his hand, and shot another arrow! !What Feng Yao has to do is to keep shooting the arrows in his hand, as long as he shoots more shots, his chances of winning will increase by one point.

There were a total of twenty long arrows in the quiver. Feng Yao looked down and saw that the long arrows had been used up nearly half. He felt a little relieved and said, "I thought twenty arrows were too few. Before the handover of soldiers, it would be good to shoot all these arrows!"

"Not good! The enemy's archers!" At this moment, Shichang Li Jin suddenly shouted.

Feng Yao was startled, and staring at him, he saw that the yellow turban bandits had rushed within tens of feet, and had completely reached the shooting range of the short bow soldiers. A group of hundreds of yellow turban sword and shield soldiers came, and this group of yellow turban sword and shield soldiers uniformly pushed the shields in their hands to the front, covering the group of short bow soldiers behind, and rushed over! !The yellow scarves that spread out on both sides did not just leave the battlefield, but swooped towards the wings of Lu Bu's army even more frantically!
"Everyone is not allowed to retreat without authorization! Shoot me! Shoot!" At this moment, the music director Hao Meng shouted loudly again!
At this time, it has reached the point where either you die or I live. After receiving the affirmative order, the five hundred longbowmen immediately became red-eyed!With a roar, he sped up his movements again! !
No one wants to die!Everyone wants to be a winner!But only the most vicious people can survive on this battlefield! !

Feng Yao shot two arrows in a row, and was about to draw the third arrow, when he suddenly saw a black rain of arrows falling from the sky, and all the longbowmen on his side, including himself, were shrouded in this rain of arrows!

"Be careful with the arrows!" Feng Yao yelled fiercely, it was too late to say it, but then, the arrow rain swished and flew down!Feng Yao raised the longbow in his hand and knocked down the arrows that were aimed at him one by one, and another arrow flew dangerously close to Feng Yao's ear.

Dai Ling hummed softly from Dai Ling on the right, Feng Yao's heart tightened, he turned his head to look, and saw that Dai Ling had already been hit by an arrow in his left shoulder, but fortunately, he missed the point, Feng Yao glanced again, Seeing that Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Xu Xian were all safe and sound, a stone in his heart fell slightly.

"Quick! Get the shield quickly, Zhao Wang!" Feng Yao shouted.

Zhao Wang, the handyman shrunk aside, took out Dai Ling's shield in response, and carried it to Dai Ling's face with difficulty. Dai Ling picked up the large all-steel shield with one hand, laughed, and said: "You bastards, dare to shoot you! Grandpa Dai!"

This sounds slow to say, but in fact it is just a matter of a few breaths!
Under this round of arrow rain, more than a dozen of the longbowmen fell down. Hao Meng drew out the long sword in his waist and shouted loudly: "Everyone, fight back! Fight back!!"

Cao Xing, the military marquis of the Jiazi Banner, was covered with frost at this time. He dodged several cold arrows and roared angrily: "Men of the Jiazi Banner! Stand up for me! Shoot! Shoot the opponent's archer to death!"

Whoosh, whoosh!Whoosh!

The two sides attacked each other for a while!
Puff puff!
This time the arrow rain's attack was a little bit behind, only the sound of arrows piercing into the flesh came, and dozens of handymen fell down immediately, and the screams were endless!
Feng Yao secretly thought that it was not good, and suddenly remembered that Yuan Ping was still in the handyman behind him, and he was very anxious, "If Yuan Ping is sacrificed for the first time on the battlefield, how can I be worthy of Uncle Yuan's entrustment?"

"Yuan Ping, Yuan Ping! Where are you!" Feng Yao shouted as he glanced around and didn't see Yuan Ping's figure.

At this time, a figure set off the big marching pot on his back, stood up, and said: "Master, Yuan Ping is here!"

It turned out that when Yuan Ping saw the rain of arrows coming, he knew he couldn't hide, so he fell down and hid under the big and thick marching pot. This saved a life.

(End of this chapter)

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