Chapter 35
Feng Yao was overjoyed and said, "Come here quickly, get my shield!" After Yuan Ping took the shield, Feng Yao ordered Yuan Ping and Zhao Wang to hold the pot, and the other to hold the wooden shield to assist Dai Ling's big steel shield. A small shield defense formation was formed in front. With this defense formation, the enemy's arrows were not so scary. Feng Yao pulled over Shichang Li Jin, and called another loyal handyman Liu Shun, several people protect the flying arrows.

Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Shichang Li Jin, who had their hands free, stood behind the shield and launched a fierce counter-shot!

This time the return shot was different from the previous free throw, Feng Yao aimed at the position of the yellow scarf short archers, and shot over with arrows non-stop!

The arrows used by longbowmen are not only much longer but thicker than those used by shortbowmen. It's just a flesh wound. If you wear iron armor, if you shoot a short arrow on the armor, you will only get a little scratch, and it will not be able to penetrate the iron armor at all.But as long as the long arrow hits a person, it will be seriously injured if it does not die. Ordinary leather armor is like a layer of paper in front of the long arrow.

With the support of Feng Yao's firepower, the enemy's short archers were beaten so hard that they couldn't lift their heads in a blink of an eye. After dropping nearly a hundred corpses, they broke up and did not dare to gather together again. Free to attack.

Hao Meng, the governor of the longbow army, was overjoyed, and quickly ordered his subordinates to regroup, and the longbowmen began to show off again!
Round after round of arrows rained directly, the yellow scarf bandits cried for their father and mother, and their offensive was greatly frustrated.

"Kill!!" At this time, the vanguard of the Yellow Turban Bandits had already rushed to the front of the formation, and rushed up with a loud roar, and the two armies came into close combat in an instant.

"Brothers, it's time! Give me a hard kill!!" The trilogy supervisor Cheng Lian raised his sword and shouted.

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of sword shield soldiers roared in unison: "Kill!" Then a neat flash of sword light flashed, and the yellow turban bandits who had just rushed up were killed instantly as if they were automatically sent to death!

"Kill!" The sword and shield soldiers of Xuanwu Banner roared again!Nearly a hundred Yellow Turban soldiers died together.

Feng Yao's heart beat violently, he couldn't believe his eyes, he saw that whenever the sword and shield soldiers on the front line drew their swords, they would be full of blood, and in a short time, their arms and limbs were broken, and their heads flew into the sky, There are also high jets of blood plasma, all of which make people feel chilled!
The charge of more than 2 yellow scarf thieves was abruptly blocked by a mere [-] sword and shield soldiers! !
At this moment, Shichang Li Jin suddenly patted Feng Yao's shoulder excitedly, "Look, it's the White Tiger Banner! Our cavalry has finally dispatched!! This victory must belong to us!!"

Feng Yao looked, but saw the banners of Lu Bu's army waving again and again, followed by the sound of war drums, the neighing of war horses, and the sudden sound of hooves, Feng Yao could even feel the ground under his feet vibrating!
A moment later, a group of cavalry appeared on the side of the Yellow Turban Bandit, and a huge blue white tiger flag roared in the wind first!Wherever the two hundred cavalry went, they were like a broken bamboo!The two hundred spears are like the King of Hades who is demanding his life, harvesting the lives of the yellow scarf thieves along the way!

kill!kill!kill! !
The frontmost general of this cavalry used a long-handled broadsword to fly up and down, and there was no general under his command! !It was Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan, the cavalry governor of the White Tiger Banner!

Following Zhang Liao's charge, it was as if a river of blood had been plowed through the army of the Yellow Turban Thieves, and behind him were sprayed blood and broken corpses!

Just when the Yellow Turban bandits were about to collapse, a group of more than ten Yellow Turban cavalry rushed out of the woods and headed straight for Zhang Liao!The drums of the Yellow Turban Army beat again.

"Commander! Commander!!" When the yellow scarf bandits saw the cavalry rushing out, Gao Mi's morale was revived, and they recklessly charged again.

"I am He Yi, commander of the Yellow Turban Qu! How dare the enemy general in front of you fight me!"

That Yellow Turban Cavalry General turned out to be a Chief General! !

Just as Feng Yao was distracted, there was a sound of hurried hooves coming from the left side.

Feng Yao was shocked, only to find that there were about 20 yellow turban riders rushing straight up holding their sabers high!
"Shoot quickly!" Cao Xing was also shocked when he found out the enemy's situation.

"Marquis! We have no more arrows!" Several elders replied in horror.

Feng Yao looked down, fortunately, there were still three arrows in his quiver, so he quickly pulled it out, aimed at the leading cavalry general, and shot straight away!


The Yellow Turban Cavalry General shouted loudly, swung his saber, cut the arrow in two, and then laughed loudly: "Huang Shao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Qu, is here! You can surrender quickly!" As he spoke, he rushed in again After a few zhangs, he had rushed to the opposite bank of Qianshui River, only a few zhangs away from Feng Yao and others.

Longbowmen without arrows want to use daggers to fight against cavalry, it is simply courting death!So without waiting for the director of the trilogy, Hao Meng, to give orders, some longbowmen began to retreat in panic!
Feng Yao took a deep breath, threw the long bow in his hand to the ground, took out the long sword, and prepared to fight.

It's not that Feng Yao wants to die, but Feng Yao understands that as long as he backs down, the entire Longbow Battalion will collapse, and the result of the collapse is that these 20 riders will be killed as easily as mowing grass!A man cannot run a horse!
"Second brother, third brother, Dai Ling! Today is the time for me to be famous!" Feng Yao said in a deep voice.

Feng Yao took his own shield again, holding the shield in his left hand and the long sword in his right, and faced Huang Shao who was about to rush across the river!
"Brother! I, Zhou Cang, are here!"

Zhou Cang yelled, he had already changed his sword, and stood upright on Feng Yao's left side!
"Chen is here!"

Chen Dao stood with his gun, standing on the right side of Feng Yao!
"Dai Ling swears to protect Master to the death!!"

Dai Ling held a large shield in one hand, and held up a sky-breaking mace in the other. He stepped past Chen Dao and stood in front of Chen Dao and Feng Yao!
Huang Shao's more than 20 riders rushed ashore in a blink of an eye, and several longbows who had no time to escape on the bank had to come and scream, and were cut in half by Huang Shao's saber!
"We can't let them go ashore! Brothers, come aboard!" Feng Yao roared angrily, and rushed towards the nearest Yellow Turban Cavalry General.

The Yellow Turban Cavalry General was taken aback, he didn't expect that Feng Yao was just an infantryman, he dared to charge back and fight against the cavalry, in desperation, he stepped off his horse and slipped suddenly, and got stuck in the water.

Feng Yao was overjoyed, how could he miss such a good opportunity, shouted, and stabbed the yellow scarf cavalry general with his sword.

"court death!"

Just when Feng Yao's long sword was still half a foot away from the yellow turban cavalry general, Huang Shao suddenly shouted, and the leaping horse rushed over, raised his saber and slashed at Feng Yao's back! !Feng Yao was shocked, and took a few steps back!But that Huang Shao was fast, and the saber followed like a shadow, cutting towards Feng Yao's neck again!
(End of this chapter)

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