Chapter 36

Feng Yao raised the shield in his hand and went up to him. He felt his arm vibrate suddenly, his shoulders were numb, and his wrist was sore. Looking at the shield again, it had been shattered by the saber, and his tiger's mouth was also painfully shaken!

"What a force!" Feng Yao secretly exclaimed.

Huang Shao missed a hit, let out a light sigh, and slashed again!

Feng Yao was about to dodge, but Dai Ling had already seen it, and took a big stride to block Feng Yao, only to hear a loud "Dang-!", Huang Shao's saber was unexpectedly smashed by Dai Ling's fine steel The shield bounced back, almost hurting Huang Shao's horse!
"Thief! How dare you hurt my master! Give me a stick!!" Dai Ling swung the Potian Mace with his right hand and threw it at Huang Shao! !
Huang Shao was shocked, he slapped the horse's belly with both feet, and jumped to the side to narrowly avoid Dai Ling's attack.

Feng Yao raised his right hand and was about to strike Huang Shao with a sword, but Huang Shao's face suddenly changed, he turned his horse's head, and ran back towards the way he came, shouting: "Back! Back!"

At this time, the yellow turban rider who was knocked down by Feng Yao in the water had just stood up in the water. Seeing the leader Huang Shao retreating, he hurriedly climbed on the horse and wanted to escape, but was caught by Chen Dao. Then he knocked down the yellow turban rider's saber into the water, and Zhou Cang stepped forward to make up for it, and chopped off the yellow turban rider's head.

Seeing that Huang Shao was about to run away, Feng Yao couldn't help feeling sorry for what he got, "Huang Shao's expression changed a lot just now, as if he saw something...?"

Suddenly, Feng Yao only felt a red shadow flashing in front of his eyes, a general jumped up like a flying horse, and when he looked again, the general flew across the river and landed steadily on the opposite bank, and then waved his halberd in his hand, It was a yellow turban rider screaming and falling off his horse! !After chasing after the horse, another four yellow turban riders were chopped off their horses one after another.

Chi free!Fang Tian painted a halberd!Unstoppable momentum! !

Feng Yao suddenly took a deep breath.

Parachutist Lu Bu! ! !
It turned out to be Lu Bu! !This is the first time since Feng Yao followed Lu Bu, he saw Lu Bu make a move with his own eyes!Long before that, Feng Yao had already imagined Lu Bu's bravery very highly, but now Feng Yao really understood the horror of Lu Bu! !

"Fighting!! He really deserves to be the most powerful general in the Three Kingdoms!!!" Feng Yao secretly admired Lu Bu's bravery, and secretly rejoiced that Lu Bu was not his enemy! !
Zhou Cang jumped into the water, pulled the war horse ashore, picked up the lost saber, and handed it to Feng Yao.

At this time, the battle was still indistinguishable, but it was obvious that the defeat of the Yellow Turban Bandit Soldiers had already appeared.

However, after Zhang Liao and He Yi, commander of the Yellow Turban Qu, fought for ten rounds on the battlefield, He Yi knew that he was invincible and could not save the Yellow Turban Army's defeat, so he hit his horse and wanted to escape. The knife picked up He Yi's head, and shouted loudly: "Your general is dead, surrender quickly!!"

Seeing this, the rest of the yellow scarves coaxed them away from each other, turned their heads and fled into the dense forest, while the others raised their hands and surrendered!
Seeing that Huang Shao had fled far away, Lu Bu had no choice but to let him run away. After collecting five horses, he turned back and passed Feng Yao. The horses stopped for a moment and looked directly at Feng Yao.

Feng Yao hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted, shouting neither humble nor overbearing: "Master Hou!"

Lu Bu nodded, and after a long time, he said: "You really didn't disappoint me!", handed over the five horses to his subordinates, and returned to the Chinese army!

Regarding Lu Bu's feelings, Feng Yao's heart is full of contradictions. Although he joined Lu Bu to serve him, in Feng Yao's heart, Lu Bu is just a legend, a leader of power, and sometimes like an elder!But not the lord. The title "Master" has been cherished by Feng Yao since the first day he came to this troubled world.

Looking at Lu Bu's back, Feng Yao secretly said in his heart: "Lu Bu! You must trust me! Maybe I, Feng Yao, can change your fate in this world!"

The entire battlefield, following Lu Bu's return to the central army and blowing the horn of victory, erupted in joy. Those who escaped from the battlefield celebrated each other's luck in life and the joy of victory! !For the vast majority of people, this is the first battle in their life and the first victory of their fighting career! !

Different from the excitement of Lu Bujun, the more than 5000 captured Yellow Turbans silently knelt on the ground, kneeling among the corpses of countless Yellow Turbans who died in battle. What surrounded them was not the joy of victory, but the pain of defeat. They are waiting for their possible fate!
After the cheers, Lu Bu ordered the army to stay where they were, clean up the battlefield, and bury the corpses!More than 1 people were killed and injured in the battle between the two sides, and more than 5000 people were shot to death by arrows!Lu Bu's army had more than 300 elite soldiers killed and wounded, and more than 800 miscellaneous soldiers!

In this battle, Lu Bu's army seized a total of more than 800 million copper coins, more than [-] taels of silver, and a small amount of gold jewelry.There were more than [-] stones of various grains, twelve horses, and countless swords and armors. These things were packed into more than a dozen baggage carts. Among these trophies, Lu Bu cared most about the twelve horses. Including the war horse that Feng Yao got.

Originally, Feng Yao wanted to keep that horse and ride it by himself, but the Longbow Battalion hardly used horses. If it was used for riding instead of transportation, it would be a waste. Moreover, Feng Yao thought that the entire Longbow Battalion only had six war horses. , respectively, only the governor of the trilogy, Hao Meng, and his five Qu Junhous are eligible to ride, and a small corporal himself can also ride a horse, isn't it a bit too ostentatious?
Under Cao Xing's persuasion, Feng Yao "presented" the horse. As compensation, Cao Xing personally rewarded Feng Yao with a set of iron armor and [-] rewards, and let Feng Yao freely choose from the spoils of war. Among the five weapons, Feng Yao unceremoniously chose five medium-sized wooden shields inlaid with leather. After this battle, Feng Yao deeply understood the role of shields, although in battle, swords and shields are usually used to cooperate with archers , but Feng Yao wants to take this initiative in his own hands.

The more than 5000 Yellow Turbans were very lucky. Lu Bu did not kill them after the war, but persuaded them with good words, which moved the Yellow Turbans to surrender and vowed to follow Wen Hou Lu Bu to the death!Lu Bu selected a thousand strong men from among them to supplement the various armies, and selected two thousand strong men as miscellaneous servants.The other old and weak yellow scarves were given [-] copper coins each to return to their hometowns.

How tall is Feng Yao! !
And it's the second boss of Zuo Tun!All the soldiers and handymen in Feng Yaoyuan's army were transferred to the second rank. The personnel included Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, and Xu Xian, and the handymen included Yuan Ping, Chen Ren, Zhao Wang, and Liu Shun. Two people were killed by the arrow. This time Feng Yao was promoted to be a superintendent, and eight more came in. Among the eight handymen, only three had been with Lu Bu all the time, and the other five were all Yellow Turban soldiers.

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao were also promoted to corporal leaders because of their military exploits.

(End of this chapter)

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