Chapter 37
This is what Hao Meng, the director of the trilogy, said to Feng Yao, "Feng Shichang, you are now a celebrity in our Longbow Battalion! Do you know how many corporal leaders want to be under your command?"


"I refused, and even promoted your soldiers to be captains. The most important thing is that they are all under your command!"


"And that big soldier of yours is called Dai Ling, right? General Cheng of the Xuanwu Banner said to give it to him, and he would immediately be promoted to Shichang, but how can I agree?"


"Feng Shichang, I really don't understand where you found these good soldiers. I specially assigned six new longbowmen to you this time. Although they just surrendered, I believe you have the ability to be able to Quickly train them to become the best longbowmen!"

What else could Feng Yao say, he kept nodding his head.




"Yes!!! Uh...? No, General!...General, can you reduce the number of Yellow Turban soldiers?"

Feng Yao's face was full of depression, and he thought to himself: "Dizzy, I've been tricked! The promise is too fast, I only count as one of the eleven regulars, and now I'm stuffed into six Yellow Turban soldiers plus five!" A yellow-turban handyman, if he rebels in my sleep in the middle of the night, wouldn’t he lose his head?”

Hao Meng said in a novel with his ears: "Oh, Feng Shichang, I actually don't want to. Look, everything is mixed with at least three yellow scarf soldiers. Your stuff is in full view of the public. Compared with others There are only three miscellaneous servants, if I don’t put three more yellow scarf soldiers to cover everyone’s mouth, I’m afraid they will be jealous of you, now that the army has just recruited surrendered soldiers, the most important thing is to stabilize the morale of the army!!”

Feng Yao could only nod his head and said: "General, this subordinate understands!"

"Feng Yao, a man keeps his word, I trust you!" Hao Meng said.

In this way, Feng Yao returned to his barracks with his ten regular subordinates, fourteen handymen, and the rewards he had received. After sorting out all the sundries, all the people were ordered by Feng Yao to wait in front of the barracks. They lined up in two rows outside, waiting for Feng Yao's lecture.

"Brother, what are you doing! What are we going to do? Why are we queuing up? We can also do it in the camp!" Zhou Cang asked curiously.

Feng Yao smiled lightly. This idea was actually a temporary idea. Although no one had ever done this before, Feng Yao thought to himself, since he has become a senior, he must take up this responsibility and clean up all these things. It fits perfectly!

Among the twenty or so people, Zhou Cang and others don't have to worry about their loyalty at all, but the eleven yellow turban surrenders must be treated with kindness and power, so that they can realize that they are also a member of this group, and they must have a family. I feel that only after such an effect is achieved, can Feng Yao sleep peacefully at night, and not have to worry about people around him chopping off his head in the middle of the night.

"Yuan Ping!" Feng Yao shouted.


"Go and get my bounty, as well as the five shields and saber!" Feng Yao said.

Yuan Ping left in response, the rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Feng Yao's gourd.

After a while, Yuan Ping prepared everything Feng Yao said.

Looking at 24 pairs of curious eyes, Feng Yao knew that he had succeeded in the first step, at least attracting everyone's attention, so he drew out the dagger with a smile on his face, picked up a bunch of copper coins, and then split the copper coins in two, About five hundred dollars each.

"Yuan Ping! Come here! According to my method, divide each string of money into five hundred pieces and prepare them!" Feng Yao said.

Yuan Ping came over suspiciously, but didn't ask why, and just quietly started to do what Feng Yao said.

Feng Yao picked up the five hundred coins, walked up to Zhou Cang, and said, "Second brother, although you and I are as close as brothers, and your money is mine, I still ask you to accept the five hundred coins. You deserve it!" Feng Yao put the five hundred coins in Zhou Cang's hands.

Zhou Cang's head was full of confusion, but in front of so many people, it was not easy to embarrass Feng Yao, so he had to accept it, "Brother..."

Feng Yao pulled Zhou Cang out of the queue with a smile, and said to everyone: "This is my sworn brother. His surname is Zhou, his name is Cang, and his character is Yuanfu. From now on, he will be the former Wuchang of Benshi!"

Zhou Cang was a little embarrassed, with a dark face, smiled, and retreated.

"This is also my sworn brother. His surname is Chen, his name is Dao, his style name is Shuzhi, and he is the head of the Empress Wu!" Feng Yao gave five hundred coins as usual.

After introducing Zhou Cang and Chen Dao, Feng Yao ordered them to stand aside and said, "The soldiers and handymen I have assigned below, please line up again according to their respective ranks!"

"Former soldier, Xu Xian!"

Xu Xian said loudly: "Here!" Feng Yao took the five hundred reward and handed it over, Xu Xian just wanted to leave, Feng Yao pulled Xu Xian, "Xu Xian, wait a minute, this saber is for you to use as your loyal weapon. reward!"

"Brother, take it!" Feng Yao stuffed five hundred copper coins into the hands of a yellow scarf soldier.

This Yellow Turban soldier was much older than Feng Yao, about 40 years old, with a short black beard mixed with a few white beards, and his face was weathered, but his eyes were exceptionally bright. Although he was only seven feet tall, But it looks very strong.

The Yellow Turban Jiangbing looked at the copper coin in his hand in a daze, as if he couldn't believe it was real, "How long! This? This? Is it for me?"

Not only the Yellow Turban soldiers couldn't believe it, even Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, etc. stared at Feng Yao in astonishment, Zhou Cang thought: "Brother, did you just become a senior officer, and your mind is a little unclear? If you say give us a reward This makes sense, but how can the yellow turban soldiers get half of the credit? How can they distribute rewards, and the amount is as much as my brothers?"

Then Zhou Cang thought again, "Brother fell from the world, so it's normal to think strangely! Anyway, we just need to support you unconditionally!"

Feng Yao patted the Yellow Turban Jiangbing on the shoulder and said, "Brother, of course this is for you! Everyone is the same! But, can you let me know your name?"

The Yellow Turban Jiangbing's eyes were red, and he couldn't help crying, and his voice was excited, "Neng Neng! My name is Zhou Mingzheng."

Feng Yao nodded, and announced loudly in public: "Former Wu soldier, Zhou Zheng!"

Zhou Zheng wiped away his tears, and walked towards Zhou Cang's queue with the copper coins in his hands. Just as he walked past, Zhou Zheng suddenly turned back, looked at Feng Yao with a look of surprise, and murmured: "You are... ...Forget it, I may have identified the wrong person!" Zhou Zheng stood beside Xu Xian again.

Next, Feng Yao distributed a reward of [-] Wen to everyone!Including Yuan Ping and thirteen miscellaneous soldiers.Finally, Feng Yao picked up the shield again, each team gave two sides on average, and gave the Yellow Turban soldiers He Tong, He Tie brothers and Wang Ba Zhang Shi respectively, and kept the last side for himself.

At this time, there were two neatly lined up in front of Feng Yao, and everyone looked at Feng Yao respectfully.

Feng Yao glanced at the crowd again, and secretly wrote down their names.

At the front of the front group is the second younger brother Zhou Cang, followed by Xu Xian, the Yellow Turban surrender soldier Zhou Zheng, and the two brothers He Tong and He Tie, followed by Zhao Wang and other handymen.

In the back group are the third brother Chen Dao, servant Dai Ling, Huang Zhao, Wang Ba, Zhang Shi, and the last ones are the servants Chen Ren, Liu Shun and others.

Yuan Ping was in charge of the catering, commanded the miscellaneous servants, and served as Feng Yao's personal entourage.

Seeing this result, Feng Yao is very satisfied. Feng Yao now believes that as long as he issues an order, everyone will carry it out without hesitation, and those newly recruited soldiers of the Yellow Turbans are also meek and respectful, even excited And admiration, anyway, there is more or less intimacy in the eyes looking at Feng Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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