Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 38 The Doubt of Life Experience

Chapter 38 The Doubt of Life Experience
"Scattering so much money, and giving these Yellow Turban soldiers a high degree of recognition, I must be able to sleep peacefully at night!" Feng Yao thought, but it's just these, Feng Yao will not go to everyone They all pulled out their tents to carry out this ceremony, Feng Yao still has further dramas to perform.

"Do you know why I asked everyone to come out?" Feng Yao said.


"Look at the tent behind you, do you understand what it is?"

"..." Everyone shook their heads again, but they were thinking in their hearts: "Isn't this a tent?" But no one said anything, and everyone looked at Feng Yao with wide eyes.

Feng Yao pointed at the tent and said loudly: "There is a place where all of us cook and eat together! We sleep and wake up together!! We will spend many days together!!!"

"There is a home for us!! We fight the battlefield together, pack our bags together, but when the night comes, we will return to this home!! No matter who we were before! From now on, from everyone From the moment we step into this tent, we are members of this big family!! We are brothers!!”

Feng Yao paused, and said again: "Brothers! I will distribute the rewards equally to each brother, just to tell everyone one thing!!"

"I promise that as long as I, Feng Yao, have delicious food, my brother Feng Yao will have spicy food!!! But if it is my Feng Yao's enemy! Even if I chase him to the ends of the earth, I will take his head! !"

After the training, Feng Yao ordered everyone to enter the camp one by one to rest.

Although Feng Yao has worked hard, Feng Yao is still not very relieved. There are too many Yellow Turban soldiers recruited during the day. He rebelled at night, so he ordered Zhou Cangchen to Dailing and Xu Xian to watch the night secretly in groups of two, so that he could sleep peacefully.

That night, the three thousand yellow scarf soldiers recruited by Lv Bu had nothing to do all night, and they all slept until dawn, which made Feng Yao feel a little embarrassed, and these gossips are not to be expressed.

After Lu Bu's army successfully incorporated the Yellow Turban Army, the total strength reached about [-]. They marched all the way to the north, and soon entered Chenliu County in Yanzhou. The next day, they arrived at Chenliu City, the prefecture of Chenliu County. He also slaughtered chickens and sheep to reward Lu Jun's army, and spent millions of dollars to reward every soldier under Lu Bu's subordinates, and sent hundreds of official prostitutes to comfort the soldiers.

Entering Chenliu City, the most exciting thing for Feng Yao is that he has his own barracks.

"Finally you don't have to sleep on the ground!" Feng Yao sighed and looked at the big kang in the barracks.

At this time, Zhou Cang, who came in later, said: "Brother, don't worry about that kang, come, see what I brought?" Zhou Cang took out an oilcloth bag from his pocket and put it on the kang.

"What is this?" Feng Yao asked curiously.

Chen Dao, who had been following Feng Yao, also showed doubts, and said, "Second Brother, what did you pack here? It smells so good!"

Zhou Cang laughed loudly and said, "Brother, third brother, you all sit up!"

The three of Feng Yao sat around on the kang as they said, and opened the oil-wrapped cloth, and the bread inside turned out to be chopped cooked mutton! !

When the three of them were about to eat, another person came in from outside the barracks. Feng Yao looked and saw that it was Zhou Zheng, a soldier of Zhou Cangwu, and said, "Brother Zhou, all the brothers have just received their rewards and have gone out to have fun. Why are you doing this?" Are you back early?"

Zhou Zheng cupped his hands and saluted, and said: "Boss, I'm a bad old man, I've lost that kind of thought a long time ago, I think it's better to go back to the barracks to rest early, excuse me!"

Feng Yao hurriedly jumped off the kang, pulled Zhou Zheng to sit on the kang, and said, "They are all my brothers, so don't be too polite when you come back here, come, let's eat together!"

Zhou Zheng declined several times, but he had no choice but to sit next to Feng Yao. Feng Yao said, "Zhou Zheng, I have something to ask you. The day before yesterday, you said that you misidentified the wrong person. Could it be that you have met me before?" ?”

"Zhou Zheng, I may be dazzled, so please don't blame me!"

"It doesn't matter, there is nothing strange among my brothers! It's rare to be happy today, Brother Zhou might as well tell it as a story, so that I can wait for it." Feng Yao said with a smile.

Zhou Cang also said, "Zhou Zheng, just tell me, I'm curious too."

"Well, I'll just say it. In fact, this matter has been held in my heart for several years. I still remember that during the chaos, I followed the commander to fight around and met a good brother who was in trouble. His surname was Deng and his name was Cheng. He was ten years older than me. I am many years old, and he treats me like an older brother. I am very touched. Then one day, Brother Deng brought an injured and comatose child. He said that he saw that he was abandoned in a random graveyard, and he could not bear to save this child. My son, after a few days of recuperation, my son woke up later, but he no longer remembers what happened before he woke up, and he doesn’t know where his home is, who his parents’ names are, let alone his own name.”

"Brother Deng is old and has no heirs, so he adopted this child as an adopted son and brought him with him in the army. He also loved this child very much. Later, the child gradually grew into a young man, very smart and sensible, but the good times were not good. Long, a few years ago, in a war, we suffered an unprecedented defeat. Many people died, and those who survived fled in all directions. Since then, we have lost contact. Later, we heard that Big Brother Deng was also there. I died in that battle, oh!!..."

When Zhou Zheng said this, his eyes were reddish and his voice choked up.

Feng Yao patted Zhou Zheng's back and said, "Brother Zhou, the dead are gone, and the living are like this! I don't know what will happen to that boy in the end?"

Zhou Zheng sighed: "Brother Deng is dead, and that child must be more or less fortunate..., what a shame, I don't know what happened that day, but I suddenly said something like that!"



Chenliu County was named Chenliu State in the early days. Since King Chenliu became the current Emperor Xiandi Han, Chenliu State canceled the feudal state and became Chenliu County again. The current Chenliu prefect Zhang Miao has been appointed as the prefect of Chenliu. It has become the most influential family in the county.

At this time, when Feng Yao and others were sitting in the small barracks in Chenliu County eating meat and chatting, in Zhang's private mansion, five people sat around a small table and sat on the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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