Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 39 Zhang Miao's Hatred

Chapter 39 Zhang Miao's Hatred
Sitting in the main seat is Hao Ran, Marquis Wen Lu Bu, followed by Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu in Yanzhou, Zhang Chao, the prefect of Guangling in Xuzhou, Fan Yi, the prefect of Jiyin in Yanzhou, and Chen Gong, the prefect of Chenliu.

Zhang Miao's face was sad, and he took a glass of wine in his hand and put it to his mouth, but he didn't drink it for a long time. At this time, Zhang Miao remembered the scene a few months ago.


Cao Cao took Zhang Miao's hand and said, "Meng Zhuo, Xuzhou has plenty of soldiers and enough food. I have little chance of winning this battle. If I die in Xuzhou, you must take good care of my family!"

He said to his family: "If I can't come back, you can rely on Zhang Mengzhuo."


"Meng Zhuo! I'm back! You know, this time I finally solved the problem of the hundreds of thousands of Qingzhou yellow scarves. Now the food is enough to support the next summer harvest, and I have also captured nearly [-] women. With these [-] the woman, Qingzhou soldiers will settle down,..."

"Meng De! Tell me, how did you come here with [-] women? Did you massacre innocent Xuzhou people!! Tell me!" Zhang Miao said angrily.

"Meng Zhuo——! Do you know?" Cao Cao said in tears, "Do you know! How did I come here these few years? Although I am now called Yanzhou Mu, the court does not recognize me as a state shepherd at all. You and Chen Gongtai are fully supportive, Meng Zhuo, without you, maybe I would not be in this world now!!"

"Now I have hundreds of thousands of Qingzhou soldiers in my hands, so that the counties dare not refuse to accept, otherwise I would not be able to stand here and talk to you, but these people have to eat, and grown men have to start families. If I can't Fulfill the promise to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, I am afraid that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban will bring disaster to the world again, at that time, Meng Zhuo, can your mere county resist it?"

Zhang Miao shed tears, shook his head, and said, "Meng De, promise me that you will never do anything like massacre people again, okay? There is not enough food, so we can join hands with the imperial court and let the imperial court formally enshrine you." As the state herdsman, this way you can justifiably collect grain!"


"Meng De—! Why did you kill Bian Wenli!" Zhang Miao said angrily.

"Meng Zhuo, I have no choice but to. You also know that Bian Ren knows a lot of people. If I don't kill him, he will go around saying that I massacred the people of Xuzhou every day. How can I achieve my ideals like this!! All the people in the world The people are waiting for me to change their fate, and the overall situation cannot be affected by one person!!"

"It's fine if you kill Bian Wenli, why did you destroy his nine clans and behead all the more than 300 members of his clan in the city!!"

"A real man will do anything, if you kill him, you must get rid of the roots!"


"Report, my lord, Cao Cao's father was killed in Xuzhou!"

"Report, my lord, Yuan Shao sent a secret letter to Cao Cao, asking Cao Cao to harm my lord! Otherwise, I will no longer support Cao Cao!"

"Report, my lord, Cao Cao sent troops to avenge his father! Attack Xuzhou again!!"

"Report, my lord, Cao Cao was unfavorable in the battle on Mount Tai, and he slaughtered several counties in Xuzhou!"


Chen Liucheng

Zhang Miao recalled the previous scenes, almost lost his voice in pain, raised his glass and drank it down.

"Cao Cao, you have changed, you are no longer the Cao Mengde I knew before!!"

Zhang Chao, who was sitting beside Zhang Miao, quickly poured another glass of wine for his elder brother, and said, "I hate Bandit Cao, who is hard to get rid of, and slaughtered the people of Xuzhou one after another! Xuzhou Mutao envoy has always treated me kindly, but how can I still treat him now?" Go back to Guangling if you have the face!"

Chen Gong bowed his hands to the crowd, and said: "Your Majesty, the Cao thief dared to destroy Bian Wenli's entire clan, which means that this person is doing whatever he can to achieve his goal. If he wins, it's okay, he can break away from Yuan Shao's control, and he doesn't have to agree to Yuan Shao's wishes." Asking, but after successive defeats, Yuan Shao will definitely ask Yuan Shao to send troops. According to Cao thief's character, I am uneasy about Fu Jun. Even if Fu Jun doesn't think about himself, he still has to think about the lives of hundreds of relatives in the whole family?"

Fan Yi, the prefect of Jiyin, said: "Mr. Zhang, the matter has come to an end. We will follow the previous plan. When I go back this time, I will immediately mobilize the county soldiers to advance along the east of Liangshan, take down Shanyang County with lightning speed, and then deploy If the army is on Mount Tai, the Cao bandits will have nowhere to retreat!"

Zhang Miao said loudly: "If I don't destroy Cao, Cao will destroy me! This time we can get the help of Marquis Wen, and with the reputation of Marquis Wen, we will write in various counties and counties, and they will surely surrender. But I am worried about Juancheng. , there are nearly a million Qingzhou men and women in Juancheng, and it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, how can it be broken?"

When Chen Gong heard this, he smiled, as if he had a plan in mind, "Masters, it's not difficult to break Juancheng! You just need to catch the turtle in the urn!"

Lu Bu looked at Chen Gong and said curiously: "Gongtai, tell me your strategy!"

Chen Gongdao: "Juancheng, as the center of Yanzhou's state governance, has a unique geographical location. There is a natural danger of the Yellow River in the north, Liangshan River is [-] miles away in the south, Liangshan Mountains stretching for hundreds of miles in the back, and Puyang, the big city of Dongjun in front. Even with ten times as many troops, it may be difficult to conquer!"

"There is a small county between Juancheng and Liangshan, named Fan County. If you can stand out and occupy Fan County quickly, and then capture Puyang City in Dongjun, Juancheng will be surrounded on all sides like a turtle in a urn. Die, those millions of Qingzhou men and women will face insufficient food and grass because of too many people and too concentrated, but in three or two months, they will starve to death!"

As soon as Chen Gong said this, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they quickly crouched down to carefully examine the terrain of Fan County.At this time, they were worried that it was not that Juancheng could not be broken, but that after taking Fan County, how would a small county town of Fan County resist Cao Cao's army who was eager to return!If Fan County cannot be defended, Juancheng will not die.Conversely, if Fan County is easy to defend and difficult to attack, as long as Fan County is taken, Juan City will be broken!
But at this time, one person didn't look at the map on the square table, but laughed, "Heaven's dead Cao thief!"

When everyone looked up, it turned out that it was Fan Yi, the prefect of Jiyin.

"Why is Mr. Fan Fu laughing?"

Fan Yi said: "I don't know about other places, but Fan County is Fan's hometown. I grew up there, and I know the topography of Fan County like the back of my hand!"

Then Fan Yi pointed to the map and said: "Look, gentlemen, this is Fan County! Fan County is adjacent to the Liangshan Mountains in the remnants of Mount Tai in the east. The mountain road is rugged, the waterway is confusing, and it is difficult for vehicles and horses. There is only one mountain road for vehicles and horses in the Liangshan Mountains for hundreds of miles. Therefore, as long as Fan County is captured, and [-] soldiers ambushes in the mountains on both sides of this road, it will count as him Even if Cao Cao has [-] soldiers, he will never pass through!!"

Lu Bu sighed, "I've heard that Liangshan is [-] miles away, and the mountains and rivers are dangerous. It's not bad! But since Fan County is easy to defend and difficult to attack, how can we take down Fan County as soon as possible?"

Fan Yi said: "You don't have to worry about Marquis Wen. Now, Le Yun, the magistrate of Fan County, and I are old acquaintances. As long as I write a letter of divorce, Chen Yili will be harmed, and the magistrate of Fan County will come to surrender!"

Lu Bu said again: "Even if they are old acquaintances, I'm afraid Na Leyun might not agree to it, right? This matter concerns our vital interests, so we must act carefully."

Fan Yi laughed again and said: "Marquis Wen, I have known Na Leyun for a long time, and Leyun will still give me this little face, and I know that although Leyun works in Fan County, his wife, children and other clansmen were killed by Cao Cao. Threatened in Puyang City, as long as Wen Hou can take Puyang and capture his relatives, I will persuade you with good words, and Le Yun will definitely surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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