Chapter 330: Taishan bandits

All the generals were thinking, while Feng Yao was waiting, he began to observe the expressions of the people. He was already familiar with Xu Shu, Wei Yan and other generals, so he glanced slightly, without paying too much attention, but stopped at a 20-something year-old scribe.

He is the favorite of Shanyang people who just voted because of Li Dian's lobbying.

Although Man Chong is only a few years older than Feng Yao, he rarely sees Man Chong smiling. He always has a straight face and gloomy eyes. If Li Dian hadn't explained that Man Chong has always been like this, Feng Yao would have thought Man Chong was Don't let your heart down.

In Man Chong's hometown of Shanyang, although the Man family is not the most popular surname, the Man family's influence is not small. Yu pressed on his head, but he was still reused by Cao Cao. When Cao Cao led his army to conquer, he asked him to guard the city of Linzi in the rear.

This is the first time Man Chong participated in Feng Yao's discussion as a counselor, and Feng Yao wanted to know more about Man Chong's talent.

Feeling Feng Yao's attention, Man Chong raised his face, expressionless, bowed to Feng Yao, his brows furrowed deeper, and continued to meditate.

Feng Yao smiled lightly, nodded, and said in his heart: "It's really as Man Cheng said, Man Boning is young and mature!"

Xu Shu, who had been by Feng Yao's side all the time, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, Feng Yao noticed, so he asked, "Yuan Zhi, do you have a good plan?"

"My lord!" Xu Shu replied in a low voice, and then whispered in his ear: "Although I have a plan, I want to give the opportunity to the new generals, so that it will be more conducive for them to think actively in the future, instead of feeling hopeless. , become only follow orders!"

Feng Yaoxin nodded happily, he never thought that Xu Shu would have such a mind, always thinking of himself, instead of coveting personal credit and fame!

"Yuan Zhi, if I can win the world, it must be because of you!" Feng Yao said.

Xu Shu smiled and gestured with his eyes. Feng Yao turned his head and saw that several people in the audience had already made up their minds. They clasped their fists and cast their gazes over.

They are the four generals Lu Chang, Xia Houlan, Che Zhou and Chang Xi.

Seeing Feng Yao turn around, the four generals looked at each other, and finally Chang Xi spoke first.

"My lord, my subordinates have been fighting in Mount Tai all the year round, and they are well aware of the situation inside Mount Tai. The three prefectures of Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou surround Mount Tai. It seems that they are all pacified, but in the deep mountains, there are still many bandits from Mount Tai. But they I didn't come to vote for the lord, and my subordinates were once thieves in Mount Tai, so I know their thoughts well..."

When Chang Xi said this, he stopped, and looked around the generals with some embarrassment, worried that they would laugh at his background, but after looking around, all he saw was encouragement and admiration, and Feng Yao's demeanor of nodding and listening carefully made Chang Xi feel more at ease.

Chang Xi was a little moved. Before this, he had always felt inferior because he was a bandit soldier, and among the generals, his contribution could not be compared with theirs. So Chang Xi was eager to make meritorious service, get recognition, and rush To offer advice to the lord Feng Yao.

Thinking that Chang Xi is now an officer and soldier serving Feng Yao, and not the bandit soldier he used to be, Chang Xi's tone became firmer.

"My lord, what these bandit soldiers are afraid of is not being recognized by the government, and what they like is the unfettered freedom in the mountains, because in the past, although the government clearly wanted to recruit security, it was actually one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. Bandit soldiers rarely get a good ending in the end."

"Handing over the military power and becoming an ordinary civilian is already the best result, but many of them, because they were scrupled by the government, were often framed and plotted after being recruited, and they could not escape death!"

"If the lord leaves Mount Tai this time, those bandits who were hesitant will think that the lord will not pay attention to them anymore, and they can continue to be bandits!"

"Therefore, this subordinate suggests to the lord that this time we must let the army pass through Mount Tai, and make a big show of momentum to deter the bandits, so that the bandits can see the mighty appearance of the lord's army with their own eyes, especially the subordinates. He also has the prestige and prestige of being reused by the lord, and then sent someone to release the news. If there are bandits who don't come to vote, they will lose the opportunity to vote permanently in the future, and the bandits who come to vote will be reused, regardless of any previous crimes! No matter how serious the crimes they have committed before, they will be forgiven one by one!!"

Chang Xi's voice became louder and louder, and he became a little excited, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, staring at Feng Yao with infinite anticipation in his expression.

"..., my lord, if you can follow your subordinate's advice and dare to pledge your life as a guarantee, you will definitely not be disappointed!!" Chang Xi said loudly.

Before Chang Xi finished speaking, several generals frowned, they couldn't agree with Chang Xi's words, and some rude words and deeds towards Chang Xi, showing a cold light in their eyes!However, out of the most basic politeness, he didn't attack immediately, but suppressed his anger, and after Chang Xi finished speaking, he immediately got up at the same time and clasped his fists towards Feng Yao.

"My lord!..."



"My lord, listen to me!"

Feng Yao was secretly taken aback, only to see that it was Wei Yan, Dai Ling, Liu Shun, and Guo Zu!
Several other generals also wanted to get up, but when they saw the four standing up, they thought that they were not as good as the four generals, so they sat back, their eyes full of loyalty.

Chang Xi's pupils shrank sharply, his eyelids narrowed slightly, and he had already sensed the enemy generals of the generals, so he bowed to Feng Yao again, hesitant to speak loudly: "My lord, I...!"

At this time, Xu Shu, who was beside Feng Yao, let out a soft cry of pain, and tore off a few beards in shock!
Xu Shu was stroking his beard leisurely, wanting to see the generals actively offer advice, but unexpectedly, such a thing happened suddenly, which was beyond Xu Shu's expectations!Looking down at the torn beard, Xu Shu sighed with some heartache, and reluctantly hid the beard in his arms.

This scene happened to be seen by Feng Yao, Feng Yao couldn't laugh or cry, he could only lift his head up, as if he didn't see Xu Shu's movements, but his face suddenly became majestic, his eyes looked straight, from the faces of the four generals one by one Swept, and finally landed on Chang Xi's face.

"Changxi, I have heard your suggestion, very good! I will seriously consider it! Sit down first!" Feng Yao nodded.

A gleam of joy flashed in Chang Xi's eyes, and he sat down as he said, but his chest was a little higher, and he looked at the four generals who stood up unconvinced.

Seeing this situation, the faces of the four generals became even more gloomy, and among them, Wei Yan snorted softly, and the flames of war between them broke out at the first touch! !

Feng Yao was also very cautious, he didn't dare to show anyone's bias on his face, but he was more majestic, even with a cold light, this cold light made all the generals who knew Feng Yao tremble, although Feng Yao was usually more amiable, But once there is such a gaze, it must be angry!

"Wei Yan, you go first, Dai Ling, Liu Shun, Guo Zu in turn!" Feng Yao ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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