Chapter 331 tit for tat
Four will obey.

Wei Yan clasped his fists and said, "My lord, Chang Xi is not only rude, but the suggestion he made is not conducive to our army's actions at all! Now our army has 10 people here, most of them are old and weak, women and children, and they cannot pass through Mount Tai at all. The road in Mount Tai is difficult, and some strong soldiers will die accidentally. How can these people who take refuge in us pass through Mount Tai? Moreover, our army has to abandon a lot of luggage!"

"The subordinates believe that it is better for the army to detour slowly. Although it will be a few days slower, the current situation in Runan is not so critical. If the Lord is worried, you can send a cavalry back to help Runan first!" Wei Yan Again.

Feng Yao nodded. Wei Yan was very right. Many of those people were in extremely poor health. It was very difficult to cross Mount Tai!Not only may the downtime not be fast, but the march will be slow due to the drag of the people!If the people were left behind and the soldiers went first, this would go against Feng Yao's original intention.

From Feng Yao's point of view, these people are the root cause of Qingzhou's possible chaos. For Yuzhou, with their own strong support, they will bring benefits to the development of Yuzhou, and they can also recruit more troops from them in the future. !Therefore, Feng Yao, a commoner, will never abandon him.

"Master Wen! What you said is very true, the people and luggage cannot be abandoned!" Feng Yao said.

Wei Yan sat down happily, and immediately some generals raised their fists to express their support for Wei Yan.

At this time, Dai Ling cupped his fists respectfully at Feng Yao in sequence, and said loudly: "My lord! This subordinate doesn't have many strategies, but if the lord needs it, this subordinate is willing to lead the army to wipe out the entire Mount Tai!! Let there be no more in this Mount Tai. Bandit soldiers are infesting!! I don’t think anyone will dare to despise the majesty of the Lord from now on!!!”

Dai Ling didn't want to reject Chang Xi, but Chang Xi's ambition to destroy the prestige of his own army. It sounds like Feng Yao's army has nothing to do with the Taishan bandits!This makes Dai Ling not angry!For Feng Yao, Dai Ling followed Feng Yao loyally from the time when Feng Yao had not made a fortune, and watched Feng Yao's strength grow step by step. Dai Ling was the most clear about how much effort he put in.

Now, how many Taishan thieves still want Feng Yao to treat each other with "courtesy"?Want to talk about terms? ! ! !

Feng Yao also nodded, and praised: "Dai Ling, I know your loyalty, and your bravery is unmatched. If you go out to fight, the Taishan bandits will definitely be wiped out!! But to deal with these bandits, if you can't Wouldn’t it be better not to let the soldiers die or be injured because of this? My personal prestige is not a big deal, but the casualties of the soldiers are a big deal!... Let’s do this, if the Taishan bandits dare not come and surrender, I will immediately order you to lead the army to kill them. Enter Mount Tai, destroy Mount Tai, kill all the bandits without leaving one!!"

"Oh! This subordinate understands!" Dai Ling was touched and sat down too.

Liu Shundao: "My lord, if the Taishan thieves come to vote, of course we should welcome them, but to give them reuse, so as not to let the Taishan thieves feel that they are inhumane, but there is one thing, please pay attention to it, my lord, and inquire about it from the subordinates." According to the news, among the Taishan thieves, there are individual Taishan thieves who behaved extremely cruelly to the people around them. They not only robbed money, robbed and killed people, some of them even killed children!! And Not only that, there are many more hateful things happening!! The subordinates can’t bear to say it!!”

After a pause, Liu Shun breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "My lord, please don't tolerate these bandit soldiers! Small crimes and misdeeds can be forgiven, and according to Chang Xi's words, they can be exempted from guilt, but this kind of extremely evil people, They must be brought to justice to punish those evildoers! They cannot escape their lives just because they serve us!"

As soon as Liu Shun's words came out, Chang Xi, who had just sat down, was shocked, and suddenly thought that there were some people like this in his current army, and even he himself had killed some children because he couldn't hold back for a while. , if according to Liu Shun's words, wouldn't even he be punished?
Chang Xi was breaking out in a cold sweat. The reason why he suggested Feng Yao to get rid of all the bandits was because of Feng Yao's consideration. At the same time, he was secretly thinking about it, worrying that someone would expose his details in the future and make him unable to stand.

"My lord!..." Chang Xi wanted to get up to defend himself. Although Wei Yan and Dai Ling said something to him earlier, although he was a little angry with him, in fact, it would not hurt him very much. It's none of his business, but I feel sorry for those colleagues who are struggling in Mount Tai. Some of them are thieves, which Chang Xi admires very much.

Feng Yao nodded, stretched out his hand to signal Chang Xi to sit down, and comforted him: "Chang Xi, I know that you follow me sincerely, and understand your difficulties, please rest easy and don't get bored!"

Chang Xi was moved, his eyes turned red slightly, and he said in his heart: "The lord still knows my difficulties! He knows my loyalty! Only the lord can tolerate people like me in this world!!"

Seeing that Chang Xi had calmed down, Feng Yao turned his gaze to Liu Shun, and said with a smile, "Liu Shun, do you still remember the time when you followed me?"

"My lord, Liu Shun will never forget that moment in this life!! If it weren't for the lord, Liu Shun, a small handyman, would have died in battle! How could he have the status he has today!!" Liu Shun respected Said, and at the same time, the scene of that night appeared in his mind!

That night, Chen Ren, Zhao Wang, and him, the three of them took turns to use daggers, and each stabbed an evil handyman to a bloody mess, and his internal organs gushed out. It was the first time they killed people and they vomited, but they also remembered that it was from that moment that the three of them began to follow Feng Yao, who was only a corporal leader at that time.

Chen Ren, Zhao Wang, and Liu Shun, perhaps because of the excitement of that incident, now all three of them have a complicated psychology of not wanting to associate with villains.

Of course Liu Shun doesn't like those evil people among the Taishan bandits!

Feng Yao nodded and said: "Liu Shun, maybe you still don't understand that sometimes some of the goals you want to achieve can actually be achieved through other methods! Also, sometimes the evil deeds we have witnessed with our own eyes are not It must be their true heart! There are some villains whose crimes are [-] times worse than those who directly kill people with knives! And some villains are all in their bones and blood. Evil! That's why we sometimes have to use some extraordinary methods, methods that the world doesn't understand yet!"

Liu Shun half-understood, opened his eyes wide, and took Feng Yao's words into his heart.

Feng Yao said again: "Okay, Liu Shun, I understand your loyalty, some people will change, isn't there a saying like this, the prodigal son turns back and the money is not exchanged! Why don't we give some people who can't do it a chance? If someone dares to disobey my military discipline after this opportunity, I will punish them by making their souls tremble even in hell! Your scout battalion, if you find out such news , Just report to me!"

Liu Shun nodded, his eyes gleamed. Feng Yao's words not only affirmed Liu Shun's contribution and recognized Liu Shun's loyalty, but also increased Liu Shun's power! !The implication is to let Liu Shun secretly supervise those Taishan bandits who surrendered in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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