Chapter 333
Hearing Man Chong's praise, Feng Yao felt relieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

Man Chong said with a stern face: "My lord, regarding the matter of marching, my subordinates already have a proper plan!"

"That's great! Bo Ning, tell me quickly!" Feng Yaoxi said.

"Obey!" Man Chong replied respectfully.

At this time, when the generals in the entire conference hall heard that Man Chong had a proper strategy, they turned their heads in surprise and looked at Man Chong, eager to know what kind of strategy Man Chong would say.

Xu Shu smiled and said nothing, stroked his growing beard.

"My lord, speaking of it, this is not the idea of ​​one of my subordinates, but the conclusion of my subordinates after listening to various suggestions from the generals!"

"We can divide the army into three groups! The first route will be complemented by the fastest-moving light-armored tiger guards and tiger cavalry, as well as some fast-moving handymen. They can start immediately and choose the relatively easy Xuzhou route to return to Runan. This will further strengthen Runan's strength and put pressure on Liu Biao!"

"The second route will be composed of the people of Qingzhou and handymen, as well as heavy armored infantry and baggage vehicles. This will be the largest team, and the movement will become slower. My lord can formulate detailed action steps. Don't worry, the marching route of this road is also returning from the direction of Xuzhou!"

"The third route is for the lord to lead elite soldiers and handymen in person. Fifty thousand people are enough, but you need to bring more banners to give more power to the thieves lurking in the mountains! Let me speak again, my subordinates I believe that as long as the Taishan bandit soldiers have a little heart to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, they will definitely come to vote under the inspiration of the lord!"

Man Chong took his time and told his plan in an orderly manner.

There is nothing profound and difficult to understand about this strategy, it's just that everyone was limited in it before and couldn't think of it for a while, but now hearing Man Chong's words, they all suddenly realized it!I sigh secretly that I didn't think of it sooner! !Even so, all the generals admired Man Chong's steady and methodical analysis.

It is also because of Man Chong's words of approval to Feng Yao before that all the generals have a good impression of Man Chong.

To praise Feng Yao is to praise the generals!

Even Chang Xi, who was born as a Taishan thief who was always rude and rude, gave Man Chong a thumbs up, and praised: "Man Boning, Chang Xi seldom convinces others, the lord is the most obedient person in Chang Xi, Zang Xuangao It is the person who served Changxi second, and the third person who served Changxi is you, Man Boning! I would like to say to you first for the heroes of Mount Tai, thank you!"

Feng Yao was very satisfied with Man Chong's scheme, he reached out and patted Xu Shu's back secretly, and said softly: "Yuan Zhi, today I can make Man Boning serve my life wholeheartedly, it is inseparable from your large number!"

Xu Shu chuckled lightly and said, "My lord, Man Boning's talent is enough to be of great use, but it's just because of his temperament that he would rather bend than bend, and because of his stern face every day, his popularity is not very good, so there is no Cao Cao's subordinates." The other generals are so famous!"

Feng Yao nodded. Although Man Chong is not as famous as Xun Yu, his talent is definitely not inferior to Xun Yu!Moreover, Man Chong is tall and strong, with powerful Kongwu. I heard that when Man Chong was defending the city, he even personally killed the enemy with a weapon on the city wall. In history, Man Chong gradually showed his great talent in the later period !
"Yuan Zhi, which position should Man Chong be used for?" Feng Yao asked.

"My lord, please let him do his job first. If you can be sure of his loyalty, you can be appointed as the prefect of a county!" Xu Shu said.

At this time, Man Chong had already returned the salute with all the generals one by one, and cast his gaze over again, waiting for Feng Yao's reply.

Feng Yao praised: "Bo Ning, your strategy is great. To solve the major issues we have encountered, I hope to help manage this march! If there are no talented people to manage this hundreds of thousands of troops, chaos will easily occur. !"

"This is exactly the position I want to take!" Man Chong couldn't see any expression on his face, but he could see an excited light flashing from his eyes.

The plan was confirmed, all the generals were relieved, and Chang Xi was very happy because half of the strategy was adopted this time. Wei Yan, Dai Ling, Liu Shun, and Guo Zu, except Guo Zu, still didn't like Chang Xi. , the other three generals all congratulated Chang Xi, and did not leave any impression of discord.

Chang Xi had a straightforward temper, and what he cared most about was the practical benefits, and soon he talked more with the generals.

Feeling a little unfamiliar.

The generals are again full of favors in the strategy, and soon you have a word, and I have a word, and the detailed strategy is finalized.

After the discussion was over, Feng Yao announced the order.

Xu Chu leads 1 tiger guards and [-] cavalry, plus [-] miscellaneous servants, about [-] people will be the first route. Prepare immediately today, and set off as the first route at five o'clock tomorrow!
Dai Ling led two thousand bear guards and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians returned from Xuzhou, assisted by Xu Qian, Man Chong, Li Dian, Zhang Da, Che Zhou, Zhao Wang, etc. After arriving in the East China Sea, Li Dian led Long Teng's army to Qu Yuzhou Mountain in the county, with the cooperation of Yuan Ao, set up a navy army camp, two days later, two days later than Xu Chu, and counting the remaining half day today, it is enough to dispatch dozens of soldiers and civilians one by one Finish.

The other [-] bear guards, [-] cavalrymen, and Yang Wu, Xu Shu, Wei Yan, Wang Cheng and other generals were led by Feng Yao himself, and a total of [-] troops returned from Mount Tai!

However, this will be the last army to return. Although it will start one day later than Dai Ling's army, it is estimated that it will return to Runan at least three days earlier. It happened to allow Feng Yao to be fully prepared to accept such immigrants all at once.

Originally, Feng Yao meant to bring only [-] elite soldiers, but thinking about it, many of the newly recruited soldiers are just mobs. Although they are already the strongest among the recruits, in Feng Yao's view, the combat power Very low, this time I brought it to Mount Tai, just to take advantage of the opportunity to climb Mount Tai to train.

The suggestion given by Man Chong is exactly [-] yuan. If there is more, it will be difficult to manage in the mountains!

As soon as the order was issued, all the generals followed the order and left.

Xia Houlan also wanted to resign, but was held back by Feng Yao, and invited to a secret room, only Xu Shu and Yang Wu were with her.

"My lord, could it be because of my elder brother's business?" Xia Houlan had already had such doubts, and immediately asked as soon as she entered the secret room.

Feng Yao smiled and ordered several people to sit down, and said: "Brother Xiahou can tell at a glance, but this time it is not just about your brother, there is another person who is your acquaintance, I hope you can share your Bring back brother and him together, and at the same time, move your family in Changshan County to Runan!!"

Xia Houlan was astonished, and asked in surprise: "Could it be that you are talking about Zhao Zilong!"

"Hmm! I heard that he used to be Gongsun Zan's Baimayi Cong, so he must be an extraordinary person! It would be the best if he could vote! Actually...!" Feng Yao sighed at this point , stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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