Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 334 Xia Houlan was ordered to invite Zilong from Zhangxiang

Chapter 334 Xia Houlan Was Ordered to Return Home to Invite Zilong
Feng Yao suddenly felt that if the disclosure was too obvious, Xia Houlan might think that Feng Yao's goal from the beginning was Zhao Yun, not his two Xiahou brothers!
Although the truth is the same, but Feng Yao can't say it out, which can easily make Xia Houlan feel disheartened!
And now Zhao Yun's reputation is not as loud as yours. If it is very famous, it can be explained clearly, but it has no effect.

Just when Feng Yao was thinking about what to say next, Xu Shu who was beside him suddenly cleared his throat, which attracted the attention of several people.

"Brother Xiahou, the Lord is actually making plans for your future! Since you have pledged allegiance to the Lord, let me tell you a secret!" Xu Shu seemed very worried about Xiahoulan's situation.

"Ah...!" Xia Houlan's attention was immediately attracted, and she couldn't help exclaiming softly when she heard Xu Shu's words, her eyes widened.

Feng Yao also became curious, looked at Xu Shu, and wanted to hear what Xu Shu could say.

Xu Shu cupped his fists at Feng Yaolue: "My lord, my subordinate...?"

"Yuan Zhi, it doesn't matter what Zhi Zhi said, Brother Xiahou is now our own!" Feng Yao nodded.

Xu Shu's tone was cautious, before he said: "Brother Xiahou, do you know that we will go to war with Yuan Shao in a short time! Once the war starts, and you are an important general on our side, and your The elder brother and the best friend are Yuan Shao's people, wouldn't that cause a tragedy where brothers and friends meet each other on the battlefield?"

Xia Houlan was shocked!He asked anxiously: "Is this really the case? Are we going to war with Yuan Shao soon?"

Feng Yao was also taken aback, he didn't expect Xu Shu to throw out this not-so-secret secret, but it was obvious that it had played a very important role!

"Yes!" Feng Yao personally affirmed this time, and this is not such a secret.

Xu Shu continued: "Brother Xiahou, even if your relatives and friend Zhao Zilong are not used by Yuan Shao, I think Yuan Shao will definitely persecute your relatives and friends when the war starts. When we have a truce with Yuan Shao, you go home and move all your relatives and friends to our own territory!"

"In addition, this matter must not be known by more people, so as not to attract Yuan Shao's attention! What our army lacks now is a good and loyal general. I think your brother and your friend are the right candidates. We must bring them back and live up to our lord's expectations!" Xu Shu finally said emphatically.

So far, Xia Houlan was already impatient. As soon as Xu Shu finished speaking, she immediately became anxious, knelt down quickly, and said to Feng Yao: "My lord! If you want to go back to your hometown immediately! Please allow me, my lord!"

Feng Yao hurriedly helped Xia Houlan up, and said, "Aren't we just discussing this matter now? If it's something else, we would have already discussed it at the military meeting!"

Xia Houlan was so moved that her eyes filled with tears, she clasped her fists and asked, "Whether this subordinate is doing it for private or for the public, this time I will definitely not disappoint my lord!"

"Wait a minute, brother Xiahou, I think even if we have a truce with Yuan Shao, it is also possible that your clansmen will move too much at once, and you will be stopped by local officials. In the name of the state shepherd, I will give you a document, which you take with you, and if you are blocked, you can take it out, I think it will be useful, unless Yuan Shao wants to bear our anger now! Start the war immediately!" Feng Yao immediately pulled Xia Houlan back.

It would be best for Xiahoulan to leave now. The sooner she can bring Zhao Yun back, the sooner she will be able to avoid the long nights and dreams!
According to the latest information, Liu Bei has already settled down in Hanoi County, which is not far from Changshan. If Liu Bei or Zhao Yun's brain gets hot one day, they will remember that one will go to seek refuge and the other will invite him. To lose the general Zhao Yun in vain!

Because of the death of his elder brother, Zhao Yun had observed his filial piety for one year, which is in accordance with the etiquette, and he can go out to serve as an official!Before that, both Zhao Yun and Liu Bei were in Gongsun Zan's army, and had friendship with each other!The possibility of Zhao Yun going to vote for Liu Bei is very high, so Feng Yao must bring Zhao Yun to Yuzhou before Liu Bei or Zhao Yun act!

Soon, the document was ready, Feng Yao took the state animal husbandry seal, pressed it on the document, and ordered Yang Wu to fetch 300 taels of gold, and divided it into three parts and handed them to Xia Houlan.

"This is for you, your brother, and your friend Zhao Zilong, 100 taels per person, as your expenses on the road, if you can come to Yuzhou, I will also have another settling allowance, and I will never let anyone Life is not good! If you have other capable friends, you can also take this opportunity to bring them back. No matter what their background is, as long as they are capable, they will be reused by me! And you will also be recommended by me. And make meritorious service! Receive another reward!" Feng Yao instructed.

"By the way! One more thing, in order to avoid too many incidents, your friend Zhao Yun will try to accompany you as your servant, so that the local officials will have no excuse to stop you. Remember this! And when the time comes, I will order an army to prepare ships in advance to meet them at Baima Ferry!" Feng Yao confessed again.

Feng Yao's words sounded like instructions from relatives, and the action was even more bold, 100 taels of gold, which was wealth Xia Houlan had never owned before, holding the heavy 300 taels of gold in her hand, Xia Houlan choked up and said: "My lord! I have a request! I hope the lord can send a personal attendant to go back with me."

"Why? Are you afraid that I don't trust you? If I don't even have this trust, how can I possibly occupy the land of several states?" Feng Yao pretended to be angry.

"My lord, calm down, I don't mean that, I'm just thinking, if it's just my subordinate's words, my brother will definitely come with me, but for my friend Zhao Zilong and their friends, This is not enough to win their trust, and it is not enough to show the sincerity of the lord. Moreover, if the lord is accompanied by a person with high martial arts skills, the journey will be much safer. If something happens, someone can come back immediately with a letter! "Xia Houlan said hastily.

Feng Yao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Xia Houlan to mean this, but this was exactly what Feng Yao wanted, if he could go with his most trusted relative, I believe it would be more conducive to recruiting Zhao Yun!

"Okay! I agree with your request!! You go and prepare first, pack your luggage, and I will arrange it right away!" Feng Yao nodded.

Everyone was overjoyed, and after coming out of the secret room, Xia Houlan left quickly.

At this time Xu Shu said: "My lord, Xia Houlan has just come out of prison, and she must not have changed clothes. The war horse he was riding before is also sick now. My lord, please get ready."

Yang Wu didn't open his mouth all the time, and at this moment he also asked: "I don't know which person my lord wants to send to accompany me?"

(End of this chapter)

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