Chapter 388 Brothers Gather

"Thank you, my lord!" Xu Xuan was moved and thanked.

Just as the tiger guards were seated, three thousand bear guards had lined up and entered the school grounds.

The heavy footsteps of the boom made the school ground tremble, and Xiong Wei's mighty aura could be felt from a distance.

The bear guards are all in heavy armor, weighing more than [-] catties, plus weapons and shields, it is more than [-] catties, and each bear guard is a tall man, and those who are less than eight feet tall are generally not eligible to enter the bear guards. Guard's camp.

Its commander, Dai Ling, was nine feet tall and extremely powerful. He held a sky-shattering mace in his hand, weighing 120 kilograms. He killed countless fierce enemy generals under the stick!

"My lord! Dai Ling is back!!" Dai Ling shouted loudly as soon as he entered the arena, his excitement and joy could not be concealed!

Feng Yao treated the tiger guards the same way, ordered the handymen to toast, the bear guards cheered loudly, and they all knelt down to raise their glasses in celebration.

Xiong Wei returned to the right side of the school grounds, Dai Ling came to the stage to meet the lord, Feng Yao ordered him to stand behind.

Then, Wei Yan, Gan Ning, Ji Ling, Chang Xi, Guan Cheng, Wang Hu, Guo Zu, Zhang Da, Wang Cheng and other generals came to the school field one by one.

Lu Chang, Wu Hao, Lei Bo, Zhang Shi, Wang Ba, He Tong, He Tie, Du Heng, Wen Xun and other low-level generals also entered the field.

Feng Yao took a special look at Lei Bo, Lei Bo's expression was calm, not as resentful and indignant as Feng Yao imagined!Although Lei Bo has been an important general under Ji Ling since Feng Yao started the incident, he has remained in the position of Buqudu. Less than 1000 people voted for Feng Yao, and now he is a general in charge of the military alone! !

During the battle with Yan Liang, the common brother Lei Xu was killed by Yan Liang, and Lei Bo just put his hatred on Yan Liang without thinking too much about it, Feng Yao did it on purpose.

"Perhaps with the changes in history, Lei Bo is no longer the traitor in history? This time all the generals have made great achievements and returned. Even if they are suppressed again, Lei Bo should be promoted to the captain!  … "Feng Yao pondered.

At this time, Zhao Wang, Liu Shun, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and other generals whom Feng Yao trusted most also came later.

Because of his special nature, Liu Shun was Feng Yao's personal soldier. After entering the arena, he went directly to the stage and briefly reported the latest information to Feng Yao. Feng Yao nodded and ordered him to stand behind him first.

At this time, Feng Yao couldn't listen to these information anymore, his eyes fell on the two most familiar figures who were slowly walking into the school grounds! !

"Second brother!..."

"Third brother!..."

Feng Yao looked excited and called out silently in his heart.

Zhou Cang seemed to be darker than before, but also stronger. On his cheek, at some point, there was already a tiny scar about an inch long. Chen Daozheng was walking side by side with him. , Chen Dao also grew slightly taller, almost as tall as Zhou Cang.

The two of them also looked at the stage at the first time, and they were extremely excited when they saw Feng Yao's figure.


Zhou Cang and Chen Dao quickened their pace at the same time, walked to the front of the stage, and prayed loudly.

Feng Yao was overjoyed, he hurried down from the stage, helped the two of them up, and said: "Second brother, third brother, eldest brother misses you so much!!"

"Brother! We finally won!" Chen Dao was on the verge of tears.

"Brother!..." Zhou Cang sighed and looked at Feng Yao, not knowing how to speak.

"Brothers, follow me to the stage! Let the new generals get to know you!" Feng Yao said, holding the hands of the two brothers.

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao shook their heads at the same time, "No, my lord, we are all foreign generals, we cannot make an exception!"

Feng Yao had no choice but to go back to the stage, facing the eager eyes of the audience, he announced the opening of the banquet loudly!
In an instant, all the generals cheered thunderously, and Gong Du went down to direct the servants to deliver the food and drinks to the school grounds one by one.

Outside the city, the hundreds of thousands of troops also had banquets hosted by Man Chong, Jian Yong and others at about the same time.

The banquet went on for nearly an hour.

After the celebration banquet was over, Feng Yao ordered all the generals to go back to rest, and to report to the state capital early tomorrow morning.

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao were invited by Feng Yao as brothers to the Taolin Mansion. The two generals met Mrs. Feng and revisited the Taolin Mansion.

Who would have expected that the four people who met here that day would each have extraordinary backgrounds? ?
The three brothers Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, and Chen Dao set up wine alone in the front yard. After the brothers separated, they talked about what happened to each other until late at night, and all three of them drank well. When he was very drunk, he slept directly in the banquet room, each with his clothes on, and the attendants and maidservants did not dare to wake up the three of them, so they had to roll up quilts and cover the three of them one by one.

That night, Feng Yao was actually in his own mansion, so close to him that hundreds of beautiful maidservants stayed alone in the vacant room.

Sun Shangxiang prepared two beautiful maidservants for Feng Yao early on, sent them to his room, and waited naked until dawn.

The next day, when Feng Yao woke up, the maidservant who had been waiting all the time said: "Master, Mrs. Sun sent two girls to the master's room last night. Do you want to go and see now, master?"

"Now?..." Feng Yao was stunned for a moment, then laughed, seeing the haggard appearance of this servant girl, she must have stayed up all night, waiting for him to wake up, and then told him about it.

"Okay, I see, you go down and rest!" Feng Yao said.

Although the servant girl did not do well enough, Feng Yao couldn't bear to say anything because of her loyalty and conscientious attitude.

The servant girl nodded vigorously, breathed a sigh of relief, and took a small step to leave.

"Wait, come back!" Feng Yao's heart suddenly moved, and he felt that he should not be. Although this maidservant has a low status, she is still a member of his own mansion. It is rare to be so serious. Your sincerity must be commended.

The servant girl trembled, thinking that she had done something wrong, but she dared not disobey Feng Yao's order, she lowered her head, returned to Feng Yao, and said, "Master, what do you want?"

Feng Yao touched his bosom, took out an ingot of five taels of silver, and said, "Come here, this is a reward for you!"

The maid took the silver carefully, showing a puzzled expression.

"Don't worry, I see you are loyal, so I want to praise you. If you feel sorry, go and coax those two concubines for me! You know my situation best!" Feng Yao said.

"Yes, master, I'm going now!" The servant girl became overjoyed when she heard the words, and looked at Feng Yao with some strange eyes, and then left with the money in her hands.

At this time, one left, one right, suddenly two rough hands clapped on Feng Yao's shoulders.

"Brother! Be honest! What's going on!" Zhou Cang asked with a laugh.

"That's right, brother, we've only been separated for a few months, and there are quite a few rumors about you, third brother, I've wanted to ask about it a long time ago!" Chen Dao also smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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