Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 389 How Did Big Brother Know?

Chapter 389 How Did Big Brother Know?
"Well, I'm so sleepy, I haven't woken up yet, I'll talk about it when my brother sleeps for a while!" Feng Yao yawned and wanted to pretend to be asleep.

Where did Zhou Cang and Chen Dao agree to, and they kept urging Feng Yao to speak quickly.

"No, big brother, it doesn't matter like this, what else can we brothers not talk about!"

"Yeah, the brothers have been miserable these past few months. They are fighting hard every day. They can't take a bath for several months. They sleep on the corpse of the dead every day. It's not like a big brother. I heard there is something wrong. Zhu'er, Xing'er, Yao'er, and..."

"Stop, stop!! I surrender! I'll tell you right now!!" Feng Yao had no choice but to beg for mercy, or Zhou Cang and Chen Dao and the two of them would have to expose his old background in a short while.

Feng Yao looked left and right, and saw two maidservants covering their mouths and giggling at the door, seeming to hear the conversation between the three, he was even more embarrassed, and hurriedly retreated left and right.

"Second brother, third brother, I believe it goes without saying that you all understand the current troubled times!" Feng Yao said seriously.

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao also put away their joking attitude. Although Feng Yao is the elder brother, he is also their lord, and they didn't dare to be too rude. They surrounded Feng Yao and sat down on their knees. Their expressions became serious. What they had experienced in the past few months made both of them more mature.

Although the actual age is only 17 years old, his mind has already surpassed that of an adult!This is also in front of the elder brother Feng Yao, the two of them can show a little boyish mentality.

Seeing that the two of them sat down and got ready, Feng Yao went on to say: "Even if we protect Zhang so quickly, it took nearly a year to occupy a whole state! If you want to To defeat Yuan Shao, even if you win all the way, it will take two or three years. Jingzhou, Jiaozhou, and Yizhou are all places with high mountains and rivers, easy to defend and difficult to attack. After a while, it will take at least ten years to unify the whole big man!!"

"If it's just a plan like that, it doesn't take a lot of effort, but judging from the situation in the past few dynasties, this is just a temporary peace for more than a hundred years, and the world will still be in chaos!! Therefore, since we wait Raising troops, we must not stop here, the whole world must be unified to completely end the troubled times!"

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao nodded, but they had some doubts. When Feng Yao stopped, Zhou Cang clasped his fists and said, "Brother, even if it is to conquer foreign races, I don't think it is such a difficult task! It is nothing more than Nanman, Western Region, Xiongnu, Dongyi, etc., as long as we unite as one, I think in ten years, we will be able to dominate the world!! And create an unprecedented territory!!"

Chen Dao also nodded, agreeing with Zhou Cang's point of view, looking at Feng Yao with doubts in his eyes, and even in his heart, sometimes he thought that the elder brother was making a fuss out of a molehill?If he hadn't known about Feng Yao's mysterious origin, he would have wanted to find out a long time ago.

Feng Yao glanced at the eyes of the two, guessed Zhou Cang and Chen Dao's thoughts, nodded, showing an elusive smile, stood up, and took the map from the copywriter beside him , spread out in front of the two of them.

"Brothers, this map is the most comprehensive map today, as long as it is a place known to the world, it will be marked on this map!" Feng Yao said.

Zhou Cang and Chen Dao looked at it and nodded their approval.

"But!" Feng Yao's tone changed, becoming more solemn, "That's not all!!"

"Here, thousands of miles away from the big man, there is a continent here. Although this continent is not as big as the big man, it is similar!" Feng Yao said, pointing to a blank space outside the South China Sea. This piece of land is the future of Australia, but it is not yet known.

"This..., really?..." Zhou Cang and Chen Dao were both dumbfounded, obviously it would take some time to accept what Feng Yao said.

Feng Yao doesn't have so much time to explain now, the sky is getting brighter, and he has to rush to the state capital to discuss matters, so regardless of the surprised expressions of the two, he pointed to the place where "Africa" ​​is located, and said: "The legendary There are savages with skin like charcoal, this is true, but their culture is relatively backward, they live on this continent, and this continent is twice the size of the current territory of the big man!!"

"And here, tens of thousands of miles away from us, in the depths of the ocean, there are two connected continents, any one of which is bigger than the combined thirteen prefectures of Han Dynasty!" Feng Yao was referring to "South America" ​​and "North America" ​​that have never been known to the world.

"And here, this place is covered by ice and snow all the year round..." When Feng Yao introduced, he casually glanced at the two of them, and suddenly found that they were both staring at him blankly, not looking at the map.

"Second brother, third brother?" Feng Yao tried to call out, and the two of them were already stunned by what Feng Yao said, until Feng Yao patted each of them on the top of their heads, and they woke up with a sound of oops.

"Brother... Brother! do you know this? Could it be...!" Zhou Cang shook his head in admiration.

Chen Dao also suddenly realized, with a smile on his face, he pulled Feng Yao, pointed to the map and asked, "Brother, tell me again, where is this place?...?"

Feng Yao was speechless for a while, sighed, and said: "Two brothers, let's talk about it later, we have to pack up quickly and go to discuss matters! Uh, yes, second brother, I have some good news for you. I specially selected [-] Taishan soldiers from hundreds of thousands of troops, and formed an elite army called the Taishan Army, and I plan to let you lead it!"

Zhou Cang said happily: "Brother, this is great. You know, the third brother has trained a new army. The soldiers are all heavily armored and equipped with long spears and small shields. They are extremely powerful and have almost no weaknesses. They are not afraid of cavalry or bows and arrows." Hands, let alone infantry, except heavy crossbows can hurt them, no army can hurt them!! The third brother always brags in front of me, this time I have the Mount Tai army, so I will never envy the third brother anymore!!"

"Hmph!" Chen Dao snorted a little proudly.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Feng Yao couldn't help but feel secretly happy. It seemed that Chen Dao had indeed improved a lot. Although he was still serious compared to Zhou Cang, he was much more cheerful!

While the three of them were talking, they cleaned up, washed, drank porridge, dressed, and were served by maidservants, and they were done very quickly.

Feng Yao sat on the main seat, no longer like the previous days, there were many people around Feng Yao, besides Yang Wu, Xu Shu, there were quite a few state officials around him.

But in the hall, civil servants and generals are very orderly, and the officials who are usually away, those who can come back, basically return to the mansion, waiting for Feng Yao's order.

In the past two days, Xu Shu had already summarized everyone's combat achievements, wrote them down on the bamboo slips by name, and gave corresponding suggestions for Feng Yao to check and issue orders.

The first thing Feng Yao wants to do is seal the general!Although he hasn't got the right to open the mansion yet, Feng Yao doesn't care so much now! !
As for whether it can be recognized by the imperial court, Feng Yao's opinion is: "Whatever he is, if you don't give a name first at this time, wouldn't the hearts of the generals be chilled? As long as the generals gather together by my side!! Why? Don't worry about the big things!!"

(End of this chapter)

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