Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 41 Cao Bing Robbery Camp

Chapter 41 Cao Bing Robbery Camp
Seeing Feng Yao came back, Zhou Cang was about to open his mouth to speak, but Feng Yao suddenly covered Zhou Cang's mouth, and whispered, "Shh! Be quiet! There is an enemy!"

On the dirt road more than 100 steps away, a group of Cao soldiers suddenly appeared, walking slowly and softly. The army could only see its head and tail, and it was impossible to guess how many people there were. Feng Yao held his breath and did not dare to move.

"What are you doing?" Feng Yao suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhou Cang's movement from the corner of his eye, and asked in a low voice in fright, "If the enemy soldiers find out that there is an ambush and destroy the ambush plan set by Lu Bu, Chen Gong and others, that will be a big deal. But it’s a big crime to lose your head!!”

Zhou Cang took off the bow, held it in his hand, and replied nervously in a low voice: "Brother, I can't help but want to kill when I see the enemy."

"Second brother, don't move around, if the enemy finds out, I'm afraid we will be killed!" Feng Yao hurriedly held Zhou Cang down with one hand to avoid his impulsiveness.

Cao Bing's movements in the distance were very quiet, and no sound could be heard at all. If Feng Yao hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that an astonishing number of enemy soldiers were about to take advantage of the darkness to steal the camp.

After about a quarter of an hour, all the infantry of the enemy soldiers had passed by, followed by a large number of cavalry! !However, these cavalry did not ride on their own horses, but led their own horses on foot as cautiously as the infantry.Feng Yao guessed that these cavalrymen should have wrapped the horseshoes with cloth and tied the horses' mouths with ropes, otherwise it is impossible that so many horses could not hear the sound at all.

Soon, the cavalry also passed by. After waiting for a while, no enemy soldiers appeared behind. There are only more than 3000 elite soldiers among the handymen, and they marched in a hurry for three consecutive days, and they were exhausted. After midnight, they must have slept soundly for a long time, and their lives were lost in their sleep!"

Let's say that these three thousand Cao soldiers quietly touched the vicinity of Lv Bu's stronghold. The chief general saw the darkness of Lv Bu's camp, and he was overjoyed. Weary from the march, you must be sleeping soundly, look at the door, those sentry guards are sleeping to and fro, after I defeat Lu Bu, what will the military commander have to say!"

This general is none other than Cao Cao's famous general Xiahou Dun!
Xiahou Dun ordered five hundred cavalry to go up to the army, shouted, and led the army directly into Lu Bu's camp.

"I am Xiahoudun, the general under Cao Yanzhou's command! Lu Bu, come out and die soon!!" Xiahoudun stood on the horse and shouted.

At this time Cao Hong, a general of Xiahou Dun's department, hurried over and said loudly: "No, General, we have been tricked, those sentinels at the gate of the camp are all fake!!"

Xiahou Dun was shocked, and the secret path was not good, he shouted: "Retreat, retreat!!" He turned his horse's head and was about to charge out.

Before he had taken two steps, the sound of the drum suddenly rang loudly, and there was a sudden sound of killing all around, the torches were all lit, and the ambushes were everywhere. Before Xia Houdun could react, a rain of arrows came from Lu Bujun, and Cao Bing suddenly screamed A piece fell.

Cao Hong raised his knife and slapped down a short arrow, shouting loudly: "The infantry quickly formed the formation!" The remaining infantry suddenly woke up amidst the shout, and quickly formed a square formation around Cao Hong, with shields facing each other. Hold it up high to defend against the bow and arrow attacks of Lu Bu's army.

At this time, a sword and shield soldier rushed out from the left. The leader of the army was holding a sword and dressed as a scribe. His surname was Chen Minggong. On the right, Song Xian each led a step towards Cao Hong and Xiahou Dun.

A cavalry rushed out from the right, it was the famous Bingzhou iron cavalry, Zhang Liao jumped out and said, "Don't let the thief general Xiahou Dun go!!"

Xiahou Dun was furious when he heard the words, and cursed: "Where did you come from, dare to be brave in front of this general!!", ignoring the rescue of Cao Hong, he turned around and fought with Zhang Liao.

As soon as the ambush left and right came out, Xiahou Dun's five hundred cavalry were still calm. After all, they could pull out their horses and leave at any time. Cao Hong led the infantry. When they saw Zhang Liao's cavalry rushing out, the momentum was terrifying, and two soldiers panicked immediately. , turned around and wanted to escape. Seeing this, Cao Hong drew his sword and beheaded the two soldiers, shouting loudly: "Keep in formation! Fight and retreat! Those who don't obey orders will be killed!"

"Lu Bu is here!!"

I saw Lv Bu holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, straddling a good red rabbit horse, descending like a tiger, behind Lv Bu the 22 guard cavalry were even more like a pack of wolves, forming a sharp wedge, nailed tightly behind Lv Bu's horse, The 23 cavalry led by Lu Bu were like a huge sword, which only pierced Cao Hong's infantry phalanx.

"Whoever stands in my way will die!!" Lu Bu slammed his halberd through the shield wall, shouted loudly, and the halberd rolled over, only to see flesh and blood flying everywhere in Cao's formation!A gap was abruptly broken by Lu Bu!
Lu Bu didn't stop here, but rode his horse straight forward, a painted halberd like a dragon sailed out to sea, Cao Bing blocked the pimi, even if he escaped Lu Bu's halberd by chance, he would never be able to escape the 22 wolf-like guards behind Lu Bu Cavalry! !
"Lu Bu! It's the parachutist Lu Bu!! Run for your life!!!"

Cao Hong and his generals shouted furiously, raised their knives, and beheaded dozens of soldiers who took the lead in fleeing for their lives, but it didn't work at all! !

"It is better to be beheaded than to touch the cavalry, and to fight the cavalry than to touch the iron cavalry!!" This is the blood experience of many soldiers with battlefield experience at the cost of countless lives! !Lu Bu's 20 or so cavalry are not only cavalry, but also the world-renowned Bingzhou cavalry. They are also elite cavalry selected from thousands of Bingzhou cavalry. They have experienced countless times of baptism in the flames of war. An unparalleled Lu Bu! !How could these infantry not run for their lives?
The infantry wanted to fight the cavalry, so they had no choice but the pikemen, but the unlucky thing was that today they came to rob the camp. Cao Hong led all the soldiers with swords and shields. Just like chopping melons and vegetables, just harvest the heads, but Lu Bu not only stayed up all night, but also set up a net to wait for Cao Hong to come to his door.

Seeing that Cao Hong couldn't stop fleeing, he put away his sword and didn't cut anyone, thinking: "It's over, I fell here today!", and was about to raise his sword and go forward to fight for the Lord's death, when Xiahou Dun led the cavalry and rushed over , Shouted loudly: "Zi Lian! Withdraw quickly! I'll come back!!"

Cao Hong was overjoyed, and fought hard for a while, gathered hundreds of brave men, killed a bloody road, and then fled on the way back and forth, not far away. At this time, Xiahou Dun was also defeated, with only two hundred soldiers around him. Yu Qi escaped, and more than half of the five hundred riders were lost.

Xiahoudun found Cao Hong, pulled Cao Hong onto his horse, and gathered nearly a thousand cavalry again. Seeing almost all the wounded soldiers, Cao Hong felt great grief, and said, "Yuan Rang, more than half of our 3000 elites have been lost at once. , how to treat the master!"

"Zilian, keep the green hills here, don't be afraid of running out of firewood! Let's quickly retreat to Juancheng! Strengthen the defense, and wait for the lord to come back!" Xiahoudun said.

Feng Yao's Longbow Battalion had been lying in ambush for a long time. Seeing Cao's soldiers retreating, he shouted: "Shoot!" In an instant, the longbows sounded in the grass, and hundreds of sharp arrows suddenly fell from the sky!

puff!Puff! ...

The remnant soldiers that Xiahoudun had just gathered immediately fell down more than 100 people, and more than 200 cavalrymen were even more tragic. At least ten horses were pierced by long arrows and fell to the side of the road and wailed!
(End of this chapter)

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