Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 42 Cao Hong Don't Run

Chapter 42 Cao Hong Don't Run
Feng Yao quickly took out another arrow, aimed at one of the generals, and shouted: "Shoot the cavalry first!" He let go of his hand, and the long arrow flew out whistling, and then saw the horse the general was riding Trembling, fell to the ground, and before the horse fell to the ground, the general jumped up and shot a resentful gaze towards the place where Feng Yao was standing.

After a while, there were nearly a thousand Cao soldiers who were still standing, but in the end there were only less than 50 left, and Feng Yao and others had shot all the arrows in their quiver.


"Ben Shi long archer, follow me!" Feng Yao pulled out his dagger, led Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and the two soldiers chased after the deserters who were running away. For no other reason, Feng Yao took a fancy to one of them. The armor of the general, and that general seemed to be the slowest runner, falling far behind the other fleeing Cao soldiers.

"The enemy general in front, stop!" Feng Yao shouted while chasing.

"Brother, wait for me!" Zhou Cang panted after following Feng Yao several feet away.

Worried about Feng Yao's safety, all ten people in the second group followed Feng Yao closely, chasing the enemy general together.

Seeing that Feng Yao was running faster and faster, Chen Dao was worried that Feng Yao would be ambushed by the enemy, so he said anxiously, "Brother, don't chase after the poor, let him run away?"

Feng Yao didn't know the enemy general in front at all at this moment. If he had, Feng Yao would never have gone after him so boldly alone. The unlucky one would be none other than Cao Hong!
When Cao Hong heard that there were several people chasing him closely, he was furious in his heart, and said: "You little thief in the back! Do you know who I am? I am Cao Hong, the infantry captain under Cao Gong!", and ran for dozens of steps , Hearing the footsteps behind him getting closer, Cao Hong roared, turned around with a knife in his hand, and wanted to fight Feng Yao desperately.

"You...!" Cao Hong was about to show his power, when he suddenly found ten menacing soldiers behind Feng Yao, he was startled, turned around and fled again, but Cao Hong was wearing an armor weighing nearly [-] catties, and after repeated fighting Hard work, how can I beat Feng Yao.

When Feng Yao heard Cao Hong's self-reported name, he was also taken aback, but when he thought that there were Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and others behind him, he became even more excited, and thought: "Wow! Cao Hong! This is Cao Cao's senior veteran My general, I didn't expect to be ordered! If you catch him back,..."

"Cao Hong! Don't blame me, I don't want to chase you, I just blame you for being too famous and unlucky! This general needs to trade you for merit! Also, the armor on your body looks good, why don't you You can give up your money rather than your life, and you can leave the equipment to me."

At this time, Cao Hong suddenly took off the helmet on his head, and threw it behind him with a flick of his hand.

Feng Yao was startled, and dodged for a while. Cao Hong took the opportunity to extend the distance by more than ten steps. At this time, Cao Hong took off the armor on his body and threw it directly on the ground. I got up quickly, and disappeared into the night in a few moments.

Feng Yao cursed Cao Hong in his heart for a long time, so that he could get one right away, and the credit flew away like this. However, when Feng Yao picked up Cao Hong's armor and looked at it, his mood suddenly changed again. This is also a pair of iron cards A, but no matter in terms of the quality of the iron sheet or the workmanship, it is not comparable to the set I already have.

"Sure enough, it's better to be the soldiers of the Cao family. This armor is even better than the one worn by Du Qu!" Feng Yao looked at the armor, and the corners of his mouth raised.


Xiahou Dun escaped, and Cao Hong also escaped, but they did not flee back to Puyang, but returned to Juancheng, the state center of Yanzhou!
Xun Yu had already reminded Xiahou Dun not to underestimate Lu Bu!

Xiahoudun was the prefect of Dongjun, and the county of Dongjun was Puyang. Before Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, he handed one of the two most important cities on his territory to Xiahoudun and the other to Zhizhong Xunyu. When the magistrate of Juancheng handed over the documents, he immediately saw Lu Bujun's true intentions.

Although Juancheng is the state capital of Yanzhou, it is located in Jiyin County and is under the rule of Jiyin County. Therefore, after the prefect of Jiyin and Lu Bu made a plan to seize Yanzhou, he also issued a letter to the county magistrate of Juancheng. Fan Yi's original intention was to use such a document to create suspicion between the county magistrate of Juancheng and Xun Yu, the state official stationed in Juancheng, and break through the important city of Juancheng from within.

Xun Yu in Zhizhong saw this document, the first thing he did was to order Xia Houdun to quickly withdraw all the elite soldiers in Puyang City to Juancheng, and concentrate his troops to defend Juancheng. As long as Juancheng is not broken, Lu Bu cannot be regarded as truly acquired Yanzhou!
Puyang City, if you can abide by the rules!But Juancheng must not be lost! !
Outside Puyang City
In Lu Bu's big tent, it was already Yin time, and it would be dawn in another hour, but Lu Bu, Chen Gong, and Zhang Liao sat in the tent with serious expressions.

The battle outside has come to an end. The soldiers are cleaning the battlefield and are busy bandaging the wounds. The ambush was a complete victory. Xiahou Dun's more than 3000 elite soldiers were almost wiped out, while Lu Bu's army only suffered less than 140 casualties. , and more than [-] good horses were seized. If dozens of horses hadn't died on the battlefield, the spoils this time would have been even more impressive.

But these did not make Lu Bu happy.

"Gongtai, Xun Yu must have understood our strategy, and judging from the information obtained by the spies, there are not only no generals in Puyang City, but also old and weak soldiers defending the city, so our army must capture Puyang as soon as possible! Otherwise, Cao Bing Once I have time, I will definitely transfer the supplies, money and food in Puyang City, and more importantly, I am worried that Xun Yu will also think of using Le Yun's family to control Fan County." Lu Bu said.

Zhang Liao said: "My lord, many soldiers need to be treated for injuries, and the whole army has not closed their eyes for a day and a night. I am worried that morale will be low!"

Chen Gong said with a smile: "Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men! As long as Lord Hou passes down the order, the reward for the first one to climb the city wall is 50 taels, and the first one to open the city gate is rewarded 100 taels. People reward money consistently, and everyone in our army will risk their lives to advance! Morale will be unprecedentedly high!"

Lu Bu nodded repeatedly, and said, "Gongtai really knows me too!"

Lu Bu stroked Zhang Liao's shoulder and said, "Wen Yuan, I know you love the soldiers, but now is not the time for me to rest. Taking advantage of the fact that we have just won the victory and all the soldiers are still immersed in excitement, we will attack Puyang City in one go. , it’s never too late to rest!”

"Thank you, my lord, Wen Yuan understands!" Zhang Liao saluted respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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