Chapter 43
Lu Bu said: "Wen Yuan, hurry up and send the order, and start the siege immediately! You can carry out the specific matters with the public platform, and if necessary, you can cut it first and then play it!!"

"No!!" Zhang Liao took the order.


Speaking of which, Feng Yao and his party cheerfully led a few wounded war horses, each carrying heavy weapons, armor, flags and other spoils of war on their backs. As soon as they returned to the camp, before they could sit down to take a breath, the call came. Immediate siege orders!

"What——? Siege!! Marquis, did I hear you right?...Oh, my God, you better take me back!!" Feng Yao frantically patted the top of his head.

Cao Xing already knew Feng Yao's character clearly, so he laughed off Feng Yao's exaggerated reaction.

"All the soldiers heard it clearly. This is the bounty promised by the lord himself. The first person to climb the city wall will be rewarded with 50 taels of gold! 50 taels is pure gold!! Also! The first person to open the city gate The gold reward is, 100 taels!!! 100 taels, even if you don’t get this bounty in the end, the lord promises that after the city is broken, everyone in the army will reward you separately!"

"What? 100 taels! Gold!! Wait, Junhou, say it again, did I get it wrong?" Feng Yao rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked at Cao Xing.

Cao Xing nodded and said, "The first one to open the city gate will be rewarded with 100 taels of gold, you heard me right!"

Feng Yao took a deep breath and said to himself: "100 taels of gold!! Let me do the math, one tael of gold can be exchanged for ten taels of silver, and 100 taels can be exchanged for 1000 taels of silver, heck...!" Feng Yao His eyes widened, and he calculated again: "One tael of silver can be exchanged for one thousand copper coins, and 1000 taels of silver can be exchanged for one million copper coins!! I sell steamed buns for two pennies each, and this one is going to sell... 100!!!! !"

"Marquis Jun, I have two things I want to borrow!" Feng Yao immediately came to Cao Xing and said loudly.

"Feng Shichang, what do you want to borrow?" Cao Xing asked

"Marquis Jun, first, I would like to borrow a pen, and second, I would like to borrow a flag of ours." Feng Yao said.

Cao Xing stared at Feng Yao curiously for a while, and saw Feng Yao's serious expression, he didn't seem to be joking, so he said, "I can lend you these two things, but you can tell me what you want to borrow these two things for?" Is it of any use?"

"Marquis Jun! Thank you!" Feng Yao stood up straight, cupped his hands and bowed to Cao Xing.

"I want to take some of my brothers to be the first to open the city gate!! So I want a banner. When we occupy the city gate, we can immediately put our banner on the gate tower Come on! Let our soldiers see it immediately, we have taken down the city gate!!"

"But I know, I can't guarantee that every brother who follows me will be safe and sound, so I want a pen, and I want to use it to write down the name of every brother who came with me to seize the city gate. I want to know, Where are their families, if unfortunately they die in battle, their families will be my family in the future!"

Although Feng Yao's words were not very touching, they were all from his inner voice. After hearing this, Cao Xing was moved with compassion, and ordered his men to go down to fetch a small flag with the character A and a writing brush. Hand it over to Feng Yao.

"You only have a quarter of an hour! The army is about to assemble!" Cao Xing said.


At the foot of a city wall to the south of Puyang City, Feng Yao led fifteen of his subordinates to lie quietly in the darkness, motionless. Feng Yao held a temporary self-made flying claw in his hand. The long rope, Feng Yao just wanted to use this flying claw to sneak up on the city wall, take advantage of the unsuspecting enemy guarding the city, and capture the south gate of Puyang city! !
At this time, nearly half of the fifth watch has passed, and it is also the moment when the guards are most sleepy!Lu Bu set the siege time at Yinzhong, and Feng Yao's plan was to sneak around the city gate just before the siege, waiting for the opportunity to seize control of the city gate.

Behind Feng Yao, in addition to soldiers from Zhoucang Chen to the Second Army, there were also four handymen including Liu Shun who also volunteered to join the team!
"It's almost there, are you ready?" Feng Yao guessed that the time was up, so he whispered.

Zhou Cang and the others nodded. Feng Yao untied the rope of the flying claw and was about to throw it upwards when Chen Dao suddenly pulled Feng Yao and said, "Slow down! There are people!"

Feng Yao quickly leaned down in the darkness at the foot of the wall, holding his breath.

On the top of the city wall, a five-member patrolling enemy soldier walked over, yawning.

When the enemy soldiers were far away, Feng Yao took out the flying claw again, aimed at the top of the city wall, swung it violently, and the flying claw was attached to the rope and drew an arc in mid-air, with a soft "ding" sound, it fell off. On the top of the city wall!Although the sound was extremely soft, it was still clearly audible on such a quiet night.

Feng Yao was startled, and quickly hid in the dark again. After a while, after confirming that the enemy hadn't noticed anything abnormal, he breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled the rope down slowly. After two pulls, he felt a tightness in his hand, and then pulled hard again. After a few times, after confirming that Fei Claw was firmly grasping the wall, he was overjoyed and secretly thanked himself: "It's lucky, I didn't expect to succeed with this thing for the first time!"

"Are you ready? Check the weapons on your body again!" Feng Yao asked in a low voice.

While giving instructions to everyone, Feng Yao touched the banner in his arms, the shield on his back, the longbow, the long sword on his waist, the arrows in the quiver, and the small copper brass straps tied to his legs. The crossbow had already been wound, and after confirming that everything was correct, Feng Yao tightened the iron armor on his body. This set of armor was taken from Cao Hong, and the original set was given to Zhou Cang.

"As soon as you climb the city, you have to go up one by one. After the person in front goes up, the people below will go up next!" Feng Yao urged.

Everyone nodded, expressing their understanding. Feng Yao looked up at the top of the city wall to make sure that no one was passing by, so he pulled the hanging rope and came to the top of the city wall after a few clicks.

The top of the city wall was only more than one foot wide, and about three people could walk side by side. Feng Yao looked around and saw that there were no enemy soldiers nearby. Sure enough, as Cao Junhou said, there were very few guards in Puyang City!Feng Yao waved to the bottom of the city wall, motioning for everyone to come up.

Zhou Cang was the second to climb the city wall, Dai Ling was the third, followed by Xu Xian and Chen Dao, "Five people have come up!" Feng Yao was secretly delighted. At this time, there was another group of five patrolling the city in the distance. The enemy soldiers walked over unhurriedly. When they got closer, they saw the weird equipment of Feng Yao and the others, so they stopped in their tracks, pulled out their machetes and shouted, "Password!"

Feng Yao's heart tightened, he knew that something was wrong, if he couldn't answer the password, the enemy soldiers would attack immediately!
"Use a crossbow arrow!" Feng Yao yelled lightly, quickly took off the copper crossbow from his leg, aimed at the enemy soldier's throat, and shot and killed an enemy soldier with one pull of the trigger. The copper crossbow was activated, and two enemy soldiers were shot in the throat, and fell to the city wall and died.

At this time, the remaining two enemy soldiers had just reacted, shouted "Ah!", turned around and wanted to escape.

Feng Yao and the others quickly pulled the handle to tighten the string of the crossbow, and fired again. The two enemy soldiers also fell on the city wall within ten steps.

"Hurry up, the rest of the people should come up quickly, I'm afraid the enemy soldiers defending the city have been alarmed!" Feng Yao said to Xu Xian, and then went to pull out the crossbow arrows that had been shot in the enemy soldiers' throats.

(End of this chapter)

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