Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 44 Lu Bu and Chen Gong

Chapter 44 Lu Bu and Chen Gong

All 15 people quickly boarded the city wall.

Zhou Cang asked: "What should we do now?"

Feng Yao said: "Let's go, let's attack the city gate tower!"

"Dai Ling, Zhang Shi, you both have shields, stay close to me, and open the way in front! Third brother, you delay! Go!" Feng Yao quickly ordered 15 people to line up in a small formation and head towards the city. Go to the gatehouse.

The city gate tower has two floors, and it is only more than 300 steps away from the place where Feng Yao ascended the city. When Feng Yao and others walked to the gate tower and only [-] steps away, they were about to break in, when suddenly there was a shout , "Who is outside? The password!" Then there was only a burst of noise, and dozens of people rushed out with a young general in their arms!
Feng Yao waved his hand, without answering, he held the shield in one hand and the sword in the other, and rushed straight at the general!The general was terrified. He stretched out his hand to a soldier beside him to stand in front of him, and shouted loudly: "Enemy attack——! Enemy attack! Get up!!"

Feng Yao stabbed the soldier to death with a sword, and shouted: "Brothers, success or failure depends on one move!" While speaking, he struck another sword with his backhand, piercing the throat of an enemy soldier.

"Kill!" At this moment, Zhou Cang let out a roar, rushed forward, and swung the 48-jin Black Dragon Devouring Sun Knife in his hand. With just one blow, he cut an enemy soldier obliquely in two from shoulder to chest. cut!

Dai Ling was even more mighty. With a fierce wave of the big shield in his hand, he swung an enemy soldier who was attacking Feng Yao to the bottom of the city. There was a scream, and with his right hand he raised the Potian Mace, facing the enemy in front. The soldiers smashed down, and three enemy soldiers had their heads smashed before they could scream.

Feng Yao was almost spattered with blood, but luckily blocked it with his shield in time, but the horror of the enemy soldiers was unbearable to witness.

The enemy soldier was stunned all of a sudden, and retreated back with a horrified expression, not daring to confront Feng Yao and others.

"Don't run away! Let me kill you! Kill you!" Zhou Cangcai slashed an enemy, and was enjoying the kill, when he saw the enemy retreating, he immediately yelled!

"Master, be careful!" Dai Ling shouted suddenly, and put the shield on top of Feng Yao's head, "Dang Dang!" With two sounds, the two arrows were blocked by the steel shield and fell in front of Feng Yao.

In the second floor window of the city gate tower, several short archers were drawing bows and shooting arrows, attacking Feng Yao.

"How long! Huang Zhao was hit by an arrow and died!" At this moment, Wang Ba's mournful and indignant cry came from behind.

"Rush in! Kill them for revenge!!" Feng Yao glared angrily at the archers above.

If these archers are not removed, how can they be blocked by more than a dozen people with six shields?These dozens of people are the team that Feng Yao cultivated with all his heart, Feng Yao would not want to see any of them die!

The adjourned Chen Dao and others took out their crossbows and shot several times, killing three archers and temporarily suppressing the enemy's archers so that they dare not show their faces.

"Kill!" Feng Yao cut down several enemy soldiers guarding the door with his sword and shield, and rushed into the first floor of the gate tower. Just after stepping into the gate tower, before he had time to see the situation clearly, more than a dozen soldiers greeted Feng Yao. Sharp arrows.


Puff puff……!
All the arrows hit the shield and were nailed to the front of the upper shield.

The successive impacts made Feng Yao take a step back before he stood still!

The hall on the first floor was several feet in size, and the torches on all sides flickered on and off. Although it was not very bright, the expression on each enemy's face was clearly visible.


Fear! !
It was almost written on the faces of all the enemy soldiers in the hall.


A rapid and thick horn sound spread from the second floor of the city gate building to the surroundings.

"Boss, our people have begun to attack the city!" At this time, Chen Dao, who was at the back, also broke in and shouted excitedly.

Feng Yao nodded, and pointed the long sword in his hand at nearly a hundred enemy soldiers in the hall, "Destroy them for me! No matter what, we must capture the city gate as soon as possible!"

"Construct a shield!" Feng Yao ordered, Dai Ling first put the shield in the center and pushed it forward, then Zhang Shi, Wang Ba's two shields were separated to the left and right, He Tong and He Tie leaned down and sealed the lower path with the shield, the five shields were tight Close together, blocking all frontal attacks.

"Crossbow arrow shooting!"

The closest distance between the two sides is only two to three feet away. Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling are all equipped with ten-shot copper crossbows. The firing speed of the copper crossbows is very fast and very accurate. The four shot all of them. After crossbow arrows, the archers with longbows in the back row each shot an average of two arrows.

"Withdraw!" The enemy soldiers finally broke down psychologically after throwing down more than 30 corpses, and more than 50 people turned around and escaped through another door.

"Kill to the second floor!" Feng Yao shouted.

On the second floor, there was only one enemy bow and arrow who hadn't had time to escape. Suddenly seeing Feng Yao and others rushing up, he jumped out of the window in fright.

Seizing the city gate tower is only the first step. Only when the city gate is opened can the mission be truly completed.

"Xu Xian, Liu Shun, you two stay here and hang up this flag!" Feng Yao took the Jia character flag from his bosom and handed it to Xu Xian.

"The others follow me to seize the city gate!" Feng Yao shouted.

In the city gate, there were only ten or eleven spearmen guarding the city. After seeing the longbow and arrows in the hands of Feng Yao and others, they immediately chose to surrender.

Puyang City is broken! !

Lu Bujun took Puyang City lightly with only a small price!
When Lu Bu's army poured in from the south gate, the guards at the gates either surrendered or abandoned the city. I chose to surrender! !

It's not their fault!When Xia Houdun took all the elite soldiers away from Puyang City, these surrendered soldiers guessed this moment. Most of them had families in Puyang City, supported their families with meager military pay, and were able to survive. No one wants to die in vain!And it was under the condition of being abandoned by the master.

"Success!" Feng Yao excitedly clapped hands with all the brothers to celebrate each other.

Not only did he get the first board reward, he also got the reward for being the first to break through the city gate!These two items add up to a total of 150 taels of gold!

"That's right! We can get a total of 150 taels of gold, exactly [-] people, each of whom can get [-] taels of gold!" Xu Xian looked excited, "It's so long! I've thought about it, I want to buy it after I receive the bounty A servant, buy another piece of land, so that the servant can farm in the future, and there will be endless food every year!"

Zhou Zheng also seemed very happy, "I want to buy a house in the city, and then marry a wife and have children. It's time to live a stable life for a few days!"

Almost everyone is wondering how to spend the unearned bounty.

After being happy for a while, Feng Yao sat down silently in the city gate. Through the city gate, the sky outside had turned slightly pale, and teams of soldiers could be seen everywhere in Puyang City searching for suspicious persons.

"Brother, I know you have a lot of ideas. If we get the bounty, I will give you my share!" Chen Dao sat beside Feng Yao and leaned the spear against his body.

"Me too, I trust my elder brother the most!" Zhou Cang said.

Dai Ling has never been within three feet of Feng Yao. Hearing what Zhou Cang and Chen Dao said, they cupped their hands and said, "Master! Dai Ling's is the master's! This time, I don't need to share the bounty!"

After sitting for a while, Feng Yao suddenly stood up, "Second brother, third brother, you two guard the city gates, I will come as soon as I go!"

"Brother, where are you going? I want to go too!" Zhou Cang also stood up.

"Listen to me. Now that Puyang has just been captured, someone will come to take over the city gate immediately. You all guard here carefully, and no one is allowed to leave without my order!" Feng Yao didn't have a trace of a smile on his face. Looking at his subordinates, he sighed and said, "Huang Zhao is still on the city wall, I'll go pick him up!"

Climbing up to the city wall again, Feng Yao's heart was extremely heavy. There was no one in the city gate, except for the corpses all over the floor, the early morning air was humid but mixed with the smell of blood!Huang Zhao is dead!Quietly fell down only a few dozen steps away from the city gate tower, with an arrow stuck in Huang Zhao's throat, his eyes that had long lost their spirits were still wide open.

"Brother, go away! May you be born in a peaceful and prosperous world in your next life! A lifetime of happiness! We have captured the city gate, and I will take you to see it in a while. I will take care of your family!" Feng Yao finished speaking. , gently closed Huang Zhao's eyes, pulled out the arrow stuck in his neck, carried Huang Zhao on his back, and walked down the city wall step by step.


"Brother! Someone is looking for you! Brother——"

Feng Yao had just returned to the camp and was about to take a nap when Zhou Cang yelled.

When I went out of the barracks, I saw Li Jin and a secretary walking over.

"Brother Feng!" Li Jin saw Feng Yao from a long distance, with a smile on his face.

"How long!" Feng Yao approached, and bowed his hands respectfully to Li Jin.

Li Jin patted Feng Yao's shoulder and said, "What's your name, Shichang, aren't you also Shichang now?"

Feng Yao said respectfully: "What a master, one day is Feng Yao's master, and in Feng Yao's heart he will always be a master!"

"Brother Feng! It's rare for you to have such a heart!... Alas!" Li Jin shook his head, nodded again, and finally sighed, then took Feng Yao's hand and said, "Brother Feng, how old am I? If you don’t dislike it, Brother Feng will call me brother! It’s so long and so long, it sounds awkward, doesn’t it?”

Li Jin still didn't change his elder brother's tone. He often reprimanded Feng Yao severely before, but in fact he had a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. He gave Feng Yao and others all sincerity. Realizing a very difficult problem, it really takes a lot of effort, from eating and sleeping to marching and fighting, there is nothing to worry about.

A Shi is like a big family, and Shi Zhang is like the eldest brother in the family!

"Brother Li! I don't know why Brother Li is looking for me...?" Feng Yao said.

Li Jin slapped his forehead and said with an embarrassed smile: "See, I've forgotten the business after talking about you. Brother Feng, this is Geng Liang, the assistant official in the lord's mansion. He came to the camp to find you, how would you know? No, I guessed that you might be near the south gate, so I came here."

Feng Yao hurriedly bowed his hands to Geng Liang, "Geng Zuoli, forgive me!"

Geng Liang said with a smile: "Master Feng, the lord has something to call! Come with me, I have brought the pass!"

Seeing Geng Liang's smile, Feng Yao was in a good mood, and thought, "Lv Bu actually took the initiative to invite me to meet, could it be because of my meritorious service in attacking the city?" So he happily went with Geng Liang, and at the same time brought Chen Dao with him, just in case There is nothing to be in a hurry!
"Second brother, please wait here for a while. If I come back late, I will let the second brother notify you." Before leaving, Feng Yao solemnly told Zhou Cang.

After a while, Feng Yao saw Lu Bu and asked Chen Dao to wait outside the door.

There is no one else in Lu Bu's mansion except Lu Bu, and there are only two guards outside the gate.

Maybe it was because of the meeting alone, Lu Bu no longer had the previous superior attitude, but when he saw Feng Yao, he smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Feng Yao to sit opposite him.Although it was the last seat, they were sitting on the same square table with Lu Bu, kneeling opposite each other, and the distance between them was no more than three feet!The meaning of this shows that Lu Bu no longer regards Feng Yao as an outsider at this time.

After seeing Feng Yao sat down, Lu Bu picked up a small wooden box from his side, put it on the table, and said, "Open it and have a look!"

Feng Yao opened the wooden box and took a look. He took a deep breath and almost exclaimed: "Gold bars!", only to see the golden light shining in the wooden box, and ten golden gold bars lay attractively inside.

"You deserve it!" Lu Bu said with a smile.

"Master Hou! Is this really for me?" Feng Yao's eyes widened.

"You were able to take Puyang lightly this time, thanks to you!" Lu Bu said.


After Feng Yao left, Lu Bu's smile gradually disappeared, and he sighed sadly: "Two years! Where are you?"

Two years ago, in April, Lu Bu killed the tyrant Dong Zhuo and took charge of the government together with Wang Yun. In June, Dong Zhuo's subordinates Li Jue, Guo Si, and Jia Xu besieged Chang'an City. The old soldiers in the city rebelled and opened the city gate to welcome Xiliang soldiers. , Wang Yun was killed by the rebels, Lu Bu hastily ordered his subordinate Qin Yi to lead his family to hide in the city, and then only had time to lead more than 100 cavalry from Chang'an City to join Yuan Shao.

In order to be recognized by the imperial court and return to Chang'an in a legitimate way, Lu Bu had to fight to the death with only one hundred cavalry of his own and tens of thousands of Black Mountain troops!Every time he returned from killing the enemy, Lu Bu brought back not only a large number of enemy heads, but also the bodies of his brothers who died in battle!What Lu Bu wanted was for Yuan Shao to grant him a position in the name of the Son of Heaven and give him a place to settle down, so that he could reunite with his family!

However, Lu Bu did not expect a scene: Yuan Fuzhong
report!Lu Bu led Cheng Lian, Wei Yue defeated the Black Mountain Army with a hundred cavalry, and beheaded more than [-] ranks!

Yuan Shao couldn't believe his ears! "Is this possible? The Montenegrin Army has thousands of cavalry, and there are over ten thousand elite troops!"

report!Lu Bu returned with ninety horsemen beheading three hundred enemies!

Yuan Shao was shocked, "Lü Bu is also a fierce tiger, I have to guard against it!"

..., report, Lu Bu's sixty cavalry defeated the Black Mountain Army Zhang Yan, and the Black Mountain Army retreated to the depths of the Taihang Mountains, not daring to come out again! !Lu Bu's general Wei Yue died in battle!In this battle, over a thousand heads of enemies and dozens of generals have been beheaded!And seized more than 350 war horses!
Yuan Shao's face was pale, his legs were trembling, and he said, "Quickly tell the counselors, I have something important to discuss!"

When Lu Bu learned that Yuan Shao was going to assassinate him, he took the remnants of more than 300 riders and more than 200 and [-] horses overnight to Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi.And exchanged half of the captured horses for the same number of troops, Zhang Yang ordered two of his Qu Junhou Hao Meng Gao Shun to transfer more than [-] people to Lu Bu!

Then Yuan Shao secretly ordered Zhang Yang to kill Lu Bu, so Lu Bu had to leave Zhang Yang and come to Chenliu County.


"Two years!" Lu Bu sighed.

In the past two years, Lu Bu ordered people to sneak back to Chang'an many times to find out the whereabouts of his wife and daughter, but they found nothing.

If it weren't for Chen Gong's vigorous lobbying of Zhang Miao, Lu Bu would continue to live under the fence.

Chen Gong is very kind to Lu Bu!How could Lu Bu forget? ?But after Lu Bu recruited troops and returned to Chenliu, what Chen Gong said made Lu Bu tremble with chills! ! !

——"Don't worry about this Marquis, I will lead the elite soldiers from this county to attack Puyang!"...

Chen Gong is attacking Puyang, and wants Lu Bu to go to the mountains of Mount Tai to fight Cao Cao to the death?

Yuan Shao had already used this tactic of driving tigers and devouring wolves back then, and Lu Bu had been holding on to it for the past two years. Now Chen Gong wanted Lu Bu to fight Cao Cao again, and then Chen Gong went to fight Puyang to break Juancheng, and finally took over the entire Yanzhou? ? ?

But even if Lu Bu saw through Chen Gong's intentions, he had no choice but to cooperate with Chen Gong! !

Out of gratitude to Chen Gong, out of fear of Chen Gong, he must use Chen Gong's influence among the gentry, as well as the financial resources of the Chen family and Chen Gong's personal ability!Lu Bu can only compromise!This road is too difficult, except for the Chen family, no one in the world can give Lu Bu another better way out!

In Puyang City, after a day of house-to-house searches, Chen Gong brought good news to Lu Bu.

The family members of important officials in Dongjun County were still in Puyang City. Xiahou Dun did not have time to evacuate these people when he hurriedly withdrew his troops, and the family members of Le Yun, the magistrate of Fan County, which Lu Bu had been looking for, were also found.

"Are you Le Yun's family?" Lu Bu stared in astonishment at the dozen or so men, women and children who were in a panic.

This is a dilapidated and abandoned workshop, which was temporarily used as a place of house arrest. There was a soldier guarding every two or three steps around the workshop, and the family members of several county magistrates who did not actively respond to Lu Bu were detained inside. !As long as these people can cooperate well and agree to persuade the county magistrates to surrender, they will immediately change to live in clean and tidy houses. If the county magistrates can surrender, their family members will regain their freedom and live a normal life like other residents in the city!

"I am Le Yun's wife." A woman in her 30s stood up with a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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