Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 45 Young Li Dian and the 5 Mentors

Chapter 45 The young Li Dian and the five thousand guests

"How can people live in this place? Come and give them a better place to live!" Lu Bu said angrily.

Lu Bu visited a few more people and said, "Don't be afraid, I have ordered you to arrange a comfortable house. I hope you can live in Puyang with peace of mind in the future."

After pacifying these "hostages", Lu Bu ordered people to bring water and rice porridge. After a full meal, most of them took the initiative to ask to write family letters to persuade the county magistrates to surrender. This is not the first time they have done this Why don't you just surrender? It's no big deal. Even if you still don't agree with it, under Chen Gong's good words and persuasion, they put down their face one after another. If they don't agree, Chen Gong directly orders a few soldiers who look like menacing gods He took out the knife and immediately expressed his surrender.

Back in the mansion, Chen Gongxi said: "Master Hou, everything is going well now, with Le Yun's wife's family letter, I think that Le Yun's scruples and family members will definitely surrender."

Lu Bu said: "Gongtai, since this is the case, tomorrow you will lead your troops to cross the Yellow River to the north, take over the eight counties on the north bank of the Yellow River one by one, and use Dongwuyang as a base to attack Dong'e, and further restrain Fan County. All measures!"

Chen Gong said happily: "Dong'e is only a county, and I will destroy it with the soldiers of a county!"

Lu Bu smiled slightly, and said: "Gongtai, after you capture Dong'e, I will send troops to besiege Juancheng! So Cao soldiers can't help Dong'e! Well, and, tomorrow I will order Gao Shun to go out with you After receiving Dunqiu, order him to guard Dunqiu to prevent Yuan Shao from raiding Puyang!"

Dunqiu City is located on the north bank of the Yellow River, facing Puyang across the river. The distance between the two is only fifty miles. It is an important city in the northwest of Dongjun County. It is only fifty miles away from Liyang. Liyang is an important city in the south of Jizhou. Yuan Shao has a heavy army stationed here all year round. .

Chen Gong retreated under his orders. The next day, the generals Song Xian and Hou Cheng crossed the Yellow River from Yanjinkou in the west of Puyang City. , and stationed troops in Dongwuyang, successfully completed the scheduled goal, and then prepared to cross the Yellow River to attack Dong'e County for several days.

Counties such as Leping and Liaocheng in the east of Dongwuyang heard that Chen Gong had stationed troops in Dongwuyang, and they came to surrender one after another, and offered money, food and horses. The money and food did not need to be handed over to Puyang. Chen Gong is equivalent to half of the East County prefect, how can he not like it?
There is a natural barrier of the Yellow River in the north of Puyang City, and Dunqiu City on the north bank. Yuan Shao had to attack Puyang by crossing the Yellow River at the mouth of Yanjin, and then attack Puyang from Baima County in the west of Puyang. The sandy land and the unstable foundation are not suitable for building a city. After two days of consideration, Lu Bu decided to build a stronghold on the flood embankment of Baima Beach in the west of the city to guard the Yanjin Ferry.

Fan Yi, the prefect of Jiyin County, sent troops to the east, and within a few days he captured Changyi City, a heavy city in Shanyang County. Finally, without worrying about being cut off from the rear, the army went straight to Juye City, the county government.


In Juye City, Li Gan, the prefect of Shanyang, ordered his subordinates to fan him non-stop, and looked at the document in his hand in panic. At the bottom of the document, there was a date of inscription: May [-], the first year of Xingping.

The Central Plains area is not very hot in May, especially Juye City, which is near the mountains and rivers. It is only a few miles away from the west gate of the city, and there is Juyeze, which is more than [-] miles away, and Wenshui River, which is tens of feet wide, in the north of the city. The river meanders along the foot of Liangshan and flows into Juyeze.

"What should I do!" Shanyang prefect Li Gan kept wiping the sweat from his forehead, and shouted behind him: "Hurry up and fan! I'm going to die of heat!!"

"Uncle, why are you so panicked?"

At this time, a young man in brocade clothes came out from behind Li Gan with a smile, snatched the Chinese book from Li Gan and read it.

Li Gan was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Nephew Dian, stop messing around, and return Wen Kuai to me, this is not what you should read!"

Li Dian read with a smile: "The letter of persuasion,... Cao Cao went against the grain, slaughtered Xuzhou first, then killed and surrendered, and the scholars all over the world were shocked by it!..." When Li Dian saw this, he could no longer laugh, and He looked angry and said: "Uncle, who dares to disrespect my Li family in this Liangshan area? I think this Jiyin prefect Fan Yi dared to invade my Li family's territory! It’s really ridiculous to write a letter of persuasion without shame!!”

"Nephew Dian! How do I usually teach you? You must be diligent and studious, and guard against arrogance and arrogance! The governor of Jiyin, Fan Yi, has many soldiers and generals, so don't underestimate them!" Li Gan shouted.

Li Dian blushed, knowing that what he did was wrong, and said, "Uncle, I know I was wrong, but Uncle, you have raised five thousand customers on Xiaoliang Mountain in Juye Ze over the past few years, and now it is time to use them." When the time comes, why not send someone to summon him, as long as he, Fan Yi, dares to attack Juye, he will be ordered to attack Juye from behind, and he will be caught off guard!"

Li Qian slammed his fist and said happily: "I panicked for a while, why did I forget this, nephew Dian, it seems that your books over the years have not been in vain! When I see your father after I die, I will It can be regarded as a confession!"

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Uncle, how do you say such unlucky words!" Li Dian said anxiously.

Li Gan smiled awkwardly, and finally said with a serious face: "Nephew Dian, remember, our Li family is definitely not easy to bully! Tomorrow I will go to Chengshi County and take a boat to Xiaoliang Mountain to gather our people , I want them to remember the prestige of the Sanyang Li family!"

The next day, as soon as Li Gan arrived in Chengshi County, he was captured by Fan Yi's scouts. Li Gan refused to surrender and was beheaded by Fan Yi on the spot. Then Fan Yi led Xue Lan and Li Feng to attack with an army Under Juye City, it's a pity that only two sides of Juye City can attack. Li Gan's son Li Zheng led his father's trilogy and cousin Li Dian to escape from the north gate and defected to the magistrate of Shouzhang County, eighty miles north of Juye. Cheng Yu.

The prefect of Jiyin captured the heavy city of Juye with ease. He was overjoyed and sent someone to send Lu Bu the victory overnight!

Lu Bu appointed Xue Lan as Yanzhou Biejia to repay Fan Yi. At the same time, Biejia's status can also better manage the counties in Shanyang County. Finally, Lu Bu asked Fan Yi to be careful to prevent Cao Bing from attacking Juye, and ordered him to follow the plan as soon as possible. Take Shouzhang County and Fan County.


Puyang City celebrated on the 100rd, but Feng Yao didn't have much time to hang out. After burying the dead Huang Zhao, everyone, including the brothers who died in battle, shared the 50 taels of gold on average, which was 100 taels less than what was originally expected. But really, Feng Yao was not the first to climb the city wall, and it was pretty good to get the [-] taels of gold.

Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, Dai Ling, brothers He Tong and He Tie, handyman Chen Ren and Liu Shun chose to hand over the gold to Feng Yao for business, while Zhou Zheng bought a small courtyard in the city with the silver he got, thinking To marry a wife.Wang Ba, Zhang Shi and others also have their own uses.

(End of this chapter)

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