Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 46 Buying a Courtyard

Chapter 46 Buying a Courtyard

The next day was early in the morning, which was also the second day of the three days of Daqing, and Feng Yao had only two days left, so he had to finish what he wanted to do within two days.

Feng Yao took out the gold bars one by one and hid them in his bosom. The remaining wooden box was not big enough to hold even a piece of clothing, but then he thought: "Whatever it is, maybe it will be developed later, and it can be used to hold a piece of clothing." Jewelry seems to be pretty good." He threw it into the bag casually.

Then he called Chen Dao and was about to go to the market, when Yuan Ping just came back, and when he saw Feng Yao, he bowed and said, "Is the master going out?"

Seeing Yuan Ping's heart move, Feng Yao thought of Yuan Yi's entrustment, and thought: "Yuan Ping's martial arts are mediocre, why not let him stay and manage the store in Puyang City, so that he can bring his family back to reunite as soon as possible, and for the As far as I am concerned, I can also feel more at ease, believing that he will not do anything unfaithful to me."

"Yuan Ping, come with me too, I'm going to do something in the city!" Feng Yao said.

Yuan Ping was overjoyed, and hurriedly changed into clean clothes, and everyone went all the way to the busiest market in Puyang City.

There are many more pedestrians in the city than yesterday, and most of the shops are also open to welcome customers. Some shop owners have lost confidence in Puyang City, and are worried that the war will break into the city again. They are eager to sell their properties, and the prices they offer are low. It's amazing, but even so, few people care about it.

I walked through more than a dozen shops along the way. Although the prices were astonishingly low, Feng Yao didn't like them. At this time, a shop at the intersection came into Feng Yao's sight. Feng Yao's eyes lit up. It's an inn!Although there are few diners inside, the owner has not posted information for sale.

"Third brother, what do you think of this store?" Feng Yao said.

Chen Dao looked around and said, "Brother, the location here is good, but we have nothing to do if he doesn't sell it!"

Feng Yao nodded, and said: "I also think this store is good. It's not far from the county guard's mansion and the barracks, so the business can't be wrong! Let's go, let's talk to the owner!"

Walking into the inn, Xiaoer greeted him immediately with a smile on his face, and said, "Guest officer, please come inside!"

"We have something to talk to your shopkeeper, can you please ask him to come out?" Feng Yao said.

Xiao Er's face immediately changed, and he asked: "Aren't you guys going to eat?..." But before Xiao Er finished speaking, a large handful of copper coins was put in his hands, and Xiao Er immediately exchanged them back ten times more than before. He said with a smile: "Guest officer, please wait a moment, I'm going to invite the shopkeeper over right now! It's just that my leaving will affect the business..."

Feng Yao looked at the inside of the shop. At this time, there were only three customers sitting at one table eating, so there was no business. He smiled, understood Xiao Er's meaning, and didn't care, took another handful of change, Didn't count, put it directly in Xiaoer's hands, and said: "If the matter is successful, I will reward you with some more!"

Xiaoer was overjoyed, although he hadn't counted how many, but with his many years of experience, these two copper coins would not be less than two hundred coins, which is not less than Xiaoer's salary for a month, now Xiaoer looked at Feng Yao His eyes were filled with admiration, and after recovering, Xiao Er hurriedly put the rewarded copper coins into his arms, and bowed to Feng Yao repeatedly, "Thank you!" Then he happily ran into the back room.

Not long after, Xiao Er came out with a middle-aged man in his 40s with a calm temperament.

Xiaoer introduced: "The shopkeeper is these guest officials!"

The middle-aged man nodded, cupped his hands, and said, "May I ask why you are here?"

"I want to buy this store!" Feng Yao said.

The shopkeeper frowned, and said: "I'm sorry, this store is not for sale! Farewell!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. At this time, Xiao Er hurriedly grabbed the corner of the shopkeeper's clothes and said, "Shopkeeper, Puyang is in chaos. Let's go back to Donglai!"

"You—! Did you take another bounty!" The shopkeeper said angrily.

Xiaoer was so frightened that he quickly knelt down on the ground, with a sad face, "Shopkeeper, don't be angry! I don't dare to do it anymore, and they insisted on giving me the money! I'll pay it back right away!"

The shopkeeper heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Feng Yao: "I made you laugh, it's not that I don't want to sell the store, but I will never sell this store at a low price. It seems that the three of you are from the ranks of soldiers. I don't think you can sell it. Get the price!"

When Chen Dao heard this, his face became angry, and he said, "Don't judge people by their appearance! You don't even talk about the price, how do you know that my elder brother can't afford it?"

The shopkeeper was slightly startled, looked at Feng Yao for a while, nodded, and said: "In that case, please go to the back room to talk, it's not convenient to talk here!" Then he shouted to Xiao Er, "This time, it seems that these distinguished guests On the face of this, I won’t punish you, so get up quickly, so I can stay here!”

Feng Yao followed the shopkeeper through several gates, and found that the place was several times larger than it looked from the outside. Immediately behind the inn was a very large courtyard, with flowers, plants and trees in a well-arranged pattern, and nearly a hundred rooms of various sizes. The more Feng Yao looked at it, the more frightened he became, but at the same time he fell in love with this place more and more.

The shopkeeper led them all the way to a small secluded study room, and then invited Feng Yao and the others to sit down, and said, "I offended you just now, please forgive me! My surname is Wang Mingsheng, from Donglai, Qingzhou."

Feng Yao cupped his hands and said, "Shopkeeper Wang, you are being polite. My surname is Feng Mingyao, and my name is Zimou. I am from Runan, Yuzhou!"

He also introduced Chen Daodao: "This is my sworn brother!"

Chen Dao cupped his hands and said, "Chen Dao, named Shuzhi! From Runan, Yuzhou!"

After everyone got to know each other, the shopkeeper glanced at the surrounding courtyards and pavilions, and said slowly: "I believe you have taken a rough look along the way. The store in front is only a part of this courtyard. If you want to buy a store, you must buy it together with this courtyard." It’s fine, and I only accept silver, not copper coins! I wonder if Brother Feng can accept it?”

"It doesn't matter, please ask shopkeeper Wang to make a price!" Feng Yao touched the gold in his arms through his clothes, agreed, secretly worried, "I hope it will not exceed my tolerance, or I will be embarrassed!"

Seeing that Feng Yao agreed, Wang Sheng's face became more amiable, and he said: "Let me introduce first, this courtyard was originally a mansion. My master built this mansion when he was the governor of the local county many years ago. , let me take care of this place, so there is the inn in front, Brother Feng, you may not know, the location of this inn is very good, and you can make money every day!"

Feng Yao curled his lips, would you still sell Rijinqianjin?Isn't it just to sell a higher price by saying these words?But, then again, if what Wang Sheng said is true, it is indeed shocking. At first Feng Yao thought that Wang Sheng was a wealthy businessman, but he didn't expect that he was just someone's servant!

"Shopkeeper Wang, let's get straight to the point, how much taels do you want to sell here?" Feng Yao said.

Wang Sheng smiled, said hello, stretched out five fingers, and said loudly: "500 taels of silver! Don't scatter the silver!"

500 two!
Feng Yao and the others took a sharp breath of air-conditioning, it's too dark for me!An ordinary soldier's military salary is only 500 copper coins a month, and only 200 copper coins a year! 60 taels, it will take more than 600 years to afford it! ! !If you exchange 100 taels of gold for silver, you can get [-] taels of silver, but after buying this inn and courtyard, there are only [-] taels of silver left. If you want to open a store, the funds are a bit tight.

Seeing that Feng Yao was silent, Chen Dao said, "Brother, why don't we take such a big risk? Why don't we buy more cheap shops and open a few more!"

(End of this chapter)

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