Chapter 47 Dragon Inn
Wang Sheng's face showed displeasure, and he said loudly: "500 taels, no bargaining!"

With five pleasant sounds in succession, Feng Yao directly took out five gold bars each weighing twelve taels and placed them on the table!

"Ah! Gold bars!" The shopkeeper Wang looked excited, and he stood up, picked up a piece, stroked it, and after confirming that it was real gold, the shopkeeper Wang's eyes lit up, and said: "Brother Feng, are you sure you want to use it?" Do you want to trade such fine gold bars?"

"Yes, can't you?" Feng Yao asked curiously.

"Okay, of course, I just didn't expect Brother Feng to be so forthright! Alright! I'm going to get the title deed right now!" Shopkeeper Wang smiled.

When Shopkeeper Wang left, Yuan Ping, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Master, you may not be very familiar with the rules of gold and silver exchange."

Feng Yaoqi said: "One tael of gold is exchanged for ten taels of silver, and 50 taels of gold is exchanged for 500 taels of silver. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Yuan Ping said: "Master, this is pure gold that you have forged, and it can be exchanged for more than 500 taels of grain silver!"

When Feng Yao heard that this was the case, he smiled and said: "It's okay, since the words have been spoken, we must keep our promises, whether it is a person or a business, having a good reputation is the first step to success! "

"well said!"

At this time, shopkeeper Wang got the title deed and came back, just in time to hear Feng Yao's last words!

"Brother Feng, I can't tell you are young, but you have such a heart. It's really rare! Shame on you!"

Feng Yao was just talking hard, but in fact he still felt a little heartbroken. After all, all these golds were earned by the brothers with their lives!
Soon the two parties signed the transaction contract, and shopkeeper Wang put the five gold bars in his arms, presented the land deed with both hands, and said at the same time: "Brother Feng, I will not sell this inn and all other furniture and sundries in the room, and give them all as gifts." Here it is, I hope I can make you a friend!"

Feng Yao was overjoyed. You must know that many furniture in this mansion are made of high-quality red sandalwood. Even at that time, they were very valuable. If they were sold at a discount, I believe it would be easy to sell without more than 100 taels of silver!But shopkeeper Wang gave all of them to Feng Yao! !
"Treasurer Wang, thank you so much! I have made you a friend!" Feng Yao said solemnly.

"Okay! I'll pack up my things and leave now. From now on, this place is yours. I hope you can treat every plant and tree here kindly!!" Shopkeeper Wang stood up and said goodbye.

After shopkeeper Wang and the waiter packed their luggage and left, Feng Yao, Chen Dao, and Yuan Ping gave each other high-fives.

"Master, hit me to see, I'm afraid I'm dreaming!" Yuan Ping was so excited that he was about to cry.

Feng Yao was not polite either, he raised his foot and kicked Yuan Ping's butt, Yuan Ping groaned and said with a bitter face, "Master, you really hit me!"

It made the two of them laugh out loud.

"By the way, Yuan Ping, you should go home first tomorrow and bring your father, wife and children here! And if possible, bring more trustworthy people from your village here to help. Once the inn in front is opened , no one can do it!" Feng Yao said.

"Thank you master!" Yuan Ping's eyes turned red suddenly, thinking of the experiences of these days, Yuan Ping really wanted to see his family immediately, his old father, his gentle wife, and his babbling child.

"Brother, do you want to take Thirteen Righteousness over as well!" Chen Dao interrupted.

Feng Yao shook his head, "We are not sure how long we can stay here, Shisanyi is still young, it is not appropriate to come here now!"

The inn in front had already closed, and the three of them carefully checked the kitchen, warehouse, and guest rooms where guests could stay overnight, and got a general idea of ​​the inn.

"Brother, shall we continue to sell buns?" Chen Dao looked at Feng Yao who was looking left and right in the hall in doubt.

"Of course! If you don't sell steamed stuffed buns, you can make a lot of money!" Feng Yao threw a word from a distance.

"But, brother, isn't it a bit wasteful to sell a few buns in such a big place?" Chen Dao asked again.

"You're right." Feng Yao's eyes lit up as he walked upstairs, "Third brother, come over here and have a look."

Feng Yao stood in the corridor on the second floor, waving at Chen Dao, and when Chen Dao passed by, Feng Yao pointed to the hall downstairs and said, "Third brother, how do you feel when you look down from here?"

Chen Dao tried to look at it, and said, "I feel more comfortable, as if I'm superior to the people below?"

"You're right! That's what it means, so I plan to put a few tables here and set it up as an elegant place, and the same things for the guests sitting here will be twice as expensive as the ones below!! As you said, the space here is too big, and it would be a waste to only sell steamed buns, so in the future, this place will not only sell steamed stuffed buns, but also sell some tasteful food, corn porridge, wine, etc.!" Feng Yao said.

Chen Dao opened his eyes wide and asked, "Brother, do you mean that you can buy steamed buns and sit on the table to eat? Then there are so many customers buying steamed stuffed buns every day, how can we do it here?"

"There is also a way to do this. Buying buns is the money for buying buns. If you want to sit down and eat, you have to charge extra money, and it is charged according to the time. For example, a fee is charged every quarter of an hour. Two yuan is a bun, regardless of whether the customer buys it. There are a few, you can sit down and eat, but each seat will charge an extra penny every quarter of an hour, so that not only will you not waste the space, but you can also earn more money, and I believe many people will be willing to do it and eat it go again!"

Chen Dao froze on the spot, thinking carefully about Feng Yao's words. At this time, Yuan Ping also came up and asked in confusion, "Master! What are steamed buns? Are they also eaten?"


In the first year of Xingping ([-]), May [-]st in summer, this is a day that will always be recorded in the annals of history. On this day, Feng Yao, the future world lord, established his first intelligence base in Puyang City. This point is something Feng Yao can't think of no matter what, now Feng Yao's mind is full of ideas to make money, make money, make money!Then, let's talk about it later, anyway, if you have money, you can recruit those talents and feed them! !With these people, you can do what you want to do!This was Feng Yao's original thought.

Yuan Ping went back to his hometown in Ruyang early in the morning on the second day. After Feng Yao canceled Yuan Ping's military status, he officially registered him in Puyang City. After leaving, Feng Yao promoted Chen Ren to be the head of the handyman and took over Yuan Ping's cauldron. This was also Feng Yao's reward for stabbing Yuan Ping's arm when he was at Yuan Ping's home!
For the name of the inn, Feng Yao changed the naming convention of bun shops in the past. The previous Xinglong Baozi Shop and Shisanxiang Baozi Shop were small shops, so it is very appropriate to call them Baozi Shop. Now the two-story luxury inn is called Baozi Shop It was inappropriate, the inn was originally called Jinmen Inn, Feng Yao ordered people to take down the plaque and build a new one, named Longmen Inn.

Since Yuan Ping couldn't return home for a while, Feng Yao ordered the handyman Liu Shun and Zhao Wang to guard the inn temporarily to prevent thieves.

Just after the three-day celebration, that is, on May [-], Lu Bu ordered Hao Meng and Cheng Lian to be in charge of the construction of the West Village, and Feng Yao was stationed on the Baima Embankment with the army, and began his life as a "supervisor".


On the same day, Shouzhang County in Dongping
The county magistrate Cheng Yu listened to Li Zheng and Li Dian's narration with a solemn expression.

Jiyin prefect Fan Yi rebelled, Shanyang County fell, Shanyang prefect Li Gan was killed, Lu Bu captured Puyang, Xiahou Dun was defeated in robbing the camp, Chenliu, Dongjun, Jiyin, and Shanyang counties rebelled one after another. Dong Wuyang, the palace garrison soldier, this series of spies shocked Cheng Yu very much!

(End of this chapter)

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